Tribal License definition
Examples of Tribal License in a sentence
In addition to the Tribal License required by this section, Tribal citizens are also required to obtain and submit complete harvest reports for the harvest of the species of fish listed below with a cross-bow, spear, club, hands, dip net, trot line or bow fishing equipment.
The measurements are intended to be representative of the THC content in a Lot of Hemp crop acreage as identified by the Producer’s Tribal License.
Any person engaged in hunting, fishing , or trapping, or while transporting any wildlife shall be required upon demand of any Conservation Officer, or other authorized officer, to exhibit the required Tribal License, Permit, or proper Identification, and any device or apparatus in his/her possession used for hunting, fishing, or trapping; or any wildlife in his/her possession.
Any Tribal citizen sixteen (16) years of age or older who fishes or attempts to take any fish, reptiles or amphibians while having under his/her control or in his/her immediate possession any pole, reel, tip-up hand line, trap, club, seine, net or spear, shall have in his or her possession a valid and current Tribal License.
The fact that an applicant for a Tribal license possesses a license issued by the state shall not provide the applicant with an entitlement to a Tribal License.
Any person who wishes to handle Hemp and any Key Participant in that activity within the exterior boundaries of the Tribe’s Reservation must possess a valid Tribal License to do so.
Tribal citizens or members of other federally recognized tribes must possess a valid Tribal License in order to gather vegetation, natural growth or minerals; provided however, that no license will be required to gather fruit, fungi and nuts, and provided further, that no license will be required to harvest vegetation or natural growth for religious or ceremonial purposes or for consumption by Tribal citizens.
Persons who are not members of the Hannahville Indian Community that are granted a Tribal License by the Tribal Council.
In addition to the Tribal License required by this section, Tribal members are also required to obtain and submit complete harvest reports for the harvest of the species of fish listed below with a spear or bow fishing equipment.
Any Tribal citizen born after January 01, 1988 who applies for a Tribal License to hunt any Gaachiinhi-Eweesi’ek (small game), M’didaa- E’weesi’ek (big game), migratory bird, or fur bearer shall either produce a previous license to hunt or trap from a Tribe or other lawful issuing agent within the state of Michigan or have successfully passed a recognized Hunter Safety Course.