Examples of Trust Completion Date in a sentence
LFSL agrees to act as a trustee for each Scheme Creditor in relation to the Trust Assets only in accordance with the terms of this Scheme and acknowledges that with effect from the Effective Time, it shall at all times hold the Trust Assets on trust for the Scheme Creditors for distribution in accordance with the terms of this Scheme until the Trust Completion Date.
If the Residential Home is not ready to be occupied on the Trust Completion Date so established, the Seller may extend the Trust Completion Date once, by providing a minimum of seven (7) days' written notice to the Buyer prior to the Trust Completion Date provided for in the Trust Completion Date Notice.
If there are no registered charge holders other than the subtenant and Lakeridge, the Trust Completion Date will be set out in the Modernization Agreement as a fixed date agreed to by Lakeridge and the subtenant.
The Buyer will have vacant possession of the Property at 12 noon on: [check one of the following] the Final Completion Date; the Trust Completion Date on the terms and conditions set out in a tenancy agreement dated , yr.
The Buyer covenants and agrees to complete the Transaction on the terms and conditions herein contained notwithstanding that the Deficiencies may be rectified subsequent to the Trust Completion Date or the Final Completion Date.
The Seller will use commercial reasonable efforts to rectify the Deficiencies within 30 days of the Trust Completion Date or if any such Deficiencies cannot be rectified within such 30-day period, to promptly begin to rectify the Deficiencies and diligently proceed to rectify the Deficiencies.
The Seller estimates that the Trust Completion Date will occur on or about .
The Buyer will have vacant possession of the Residential Home at 12:00 noon on the day following the Trust Completion Date (the “Possession Date”).
The Seller represents that the Sublease and the Residential Home will be free and clear of all liens, charges, encumbrances and judgments on the Trust Completion Date, except for any encumbrances related to any Seller’s financing arranged in connection with the construction of the Residential Home, which the Seller will discharge within a reasonable period of time after the receipt of the balance of the Final Total Purchase Price pursuant to this Agreement.
The Seller will make reasonable efforts to obtain, at the Seller's cost, from a title insurance provider a home ownership protection policy and, if applicable, a lender policy (collectively, "Title Insurance") for the assignment of the Sublease in favour of the Buyer and the Buyer's lender, if applicable, and provide evidence of such Title Insurance to the Buyer on the Trust Completion Date.