Examples of Trustee Company in a sentence
Such investment shall be made subject to the guidelines which may be prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Asset Management Company and Trustee Company.
The Trustee Company would be required to adopt / follow any regulatory changes by SEBI / RBI etc and /or all circulars / guidelines received from AMFI from time to time if and from the date as applicable.
The performance will be placed before the Investment Committee as well as the Board of Directors of the AMC and the Trustee Company in each of their meetings.
The Trustee Company in such a case would be obliged to modify / alter any provisions / terms of the SID during / after the launch of the scheme by following the prescribed procedures in this regard.
Performance of the Scheme vis-à-vis the Benchmark and peers will be periodically discussed and reviewed by the Investment Committee of the AMC and Board of Directors of the AMC and Trustee Company in their respective meetings.