Examples of Type of Interest Rate in a sentence
The interest rate swap contracts executed as of March 31, 2017 are as follows: Type of Interest Rate Swap Subsequent to March 31, 2017, we entered into two additional interest rate swap agreements.
These contracts convert the floating interest rate on a portion of our debt to a fixed rate, plus a borrowing spread.The following tables summarize the total interest rate swap contracts executed as of June 30, 2018: Type of Interest Rate Swap During the second quarter 2018, we adopted the new standard for accounting for hedges that is designed to simplify the application of hedge accounting and increase transparency as to the scope and results of hedging programs.
These States / Union Territories are Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Sikkim, Mizoram, Nagaland and Lakshadweep.rural population with income upto 2 lakhs Type of Interest Rate - Refinance under RHF will be extended at interest rates which shall remain fixed for the entire tenure without reset.
Table 5.5. Gross Debt by Type of Interest Rate and Currency of Denomination [specify institutional coverage]Note: Specify where valuation or classification differs from the prin- ciples described in Chapters 2 and 3 of this Guide.be classified as fixedrate debt, and when it switches to a variable rate it is classified as variablerate debt.
These contracts convert the floating interest rate on a portion of our debt to a fixed rate, plus a borrowing spread.The following table summarizes the total interest rate swap contracts executed as of December 31, 2020: Type of Interest Rate SwapNotional AmountEffective DateTermination DateFixed Interest Rate or Rate Range Floating to Fixed .
PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE NOTES Principal Amount: $400,000,000 Type of Interest Rate: [ ] Fixed [X] Floating Price to Public: 100% If Fixed Rate Notes: Not applicable.
The transformed exercises are characterized by a repeatedly, but varying treat- ment of the learning content.
Type of Interest Rate: [X] Fixed Rate [ ] Floating Rate Fixed Rate Notes:Interest Rate: 4.000%Floating Rate Notes: Not applicable.