UK Notes definition
Examples of UK Notes in a sentence
M: `I see you've achieved a great deal with your report into child domestic service.
In all cases falling outside the exemptions described above, interest on the UK Notes may fall to be paid under deduction of United Kingdom income tax at the basic rate (currently 20%) subject to such relief as may be available following a direction from HMRC pursuant to the provisions of any applicable double taxation treaty, or to any other exemption which may apply.
Whilst the UK Notes are and continue to be quoted Eurobonds, payments of interest on the UK Notes may be made without withholding or deduction for or on account of United Kingdom income tax.
The Notes issued by the Issuer which carry a right to interest ("UK Notes") will constitute "quoted Eurobonds" provided they are and continue to be listed on a recognised stock exchange.
Long-term debt includes bank loans, the 2007 Notes, the 2008 Notes, the UK Notes and the 2009 Notes.
The Receipt Holder shall hold the UK Notes Right for and on behalf of the Existing Noteholders.
Jersey Midco II shall purchase the UK Notes Right from the Receipt Holder (acting for and on behalf of the Existing Noteholders).
The foregoing optional redemption of the Notes shall include both U.S. Notes and U.K. Notes on a pro rata basis based on the aggregate principal amount of the Notes outstanding at the time of redemption, unless a Change of Control of MSXI Limited has occurred.
Our analysis uses UK TTWAs as our statistical unit, which aim to reflect the geographic re- gion where the population would generally commute to a larger town, city or conurbationFigure 2: Monthly online job postings in the UK Notes: Raw unsmoothed total monthly postings data.
We would argue that the persistent under-representation of women – and the lack of diversity more generally – needs to be given the same kind of attention as was given to women in STEM, given the role of economists in policy-making.Table 2: Female Representation in the US and the UK across academic subjects UK Notes: US data covers the Chairman’s group of 43 universities and is taken from Lundberg and Stearns (2019).