Unemancipated minor definition

Unemancipated minor means a minor who has not been emancipated by (i) entry into a valid
Unemancipated minor means a student under the age of eighteen on the date of the alleged
Unemancipated minor means a minor who has not been emancipated by (i) entry into a valid marriage, even though the marriage may have been terminated by dissolution; (ii) active duty with any of the Armed Forces of the United States; (iii) willingly living separate and apart from his or her parents or guardian, with the consent or acquiescence of the parents or guardian; or (iv) entry of an order of emancipation pursuant to Article 15 (§ 16.1-331 et seq.).

Examples of Unemancipated minor in a sentence

  • Unemancipated minor" means a minor who is under the care, custody, and control of her parent or parents.

  • Unemancipated minor students are those under 21 years of age who still receive parental care and support.

  • Unemancipated minor means a student under the age of 18 on the date of the alleged entitlement who is under the legal control of and is financially supported by either of his or her parents, legal guardian or other person having legal custody.

  • Unemancipated minor clients should adhere to the same income verification and process Schedule of Discounts and are eligible under the fee waiver as applicable.

More Definitions of Unemancipated minor

Unemancipated minor means a student under the age of 18 on the date of the alleged entitlement who is under the legal control of and is financially supported by either of his parents, legal guardian, or other person having legal custody.
Unemancipated minor means any minor who has never been: (1) Married; or (2) freed, by court order or otherwise, from the care, custody and control of the minor's parents.
Unemancipated minor means any person less than eighteen (18) years of age who is not or has not been married or who is under the care, custody, and control of the person’s parent or parents, guardian, or juvenile court of competent jurisdiction;
Unemancipated minor means a student under the age of 18 on the date of the alleged entitlement
Unemancipated minor means a female under the age of 18 years who has not entered into a valid marriage and is not on active duty with the armed services of the United States and has not received a declaration of emancipation under state law. For the purposes of this section, pregnancy does not emancipate a female under the age of 18 years.
Unemancipated minor or "minor" means any person under the age of 18 who has not been married or has not been emancipated pursuant to Article 35 of Chapter 7B of the General Statutes.
Unemancipated minor means any person less than eighteen