Urgent Decision definition

Urgent Decision means an executive decision, which, in the opinion of the decision-taker is so urgent that it cannot reasonably await the publication of the next Forward Plan before it is taken.
Urgent Decision means an executive decision the implementation of which, in the opinion of the Decision-Taker, cannot reasonably be deferred to allow for Call-In
Urgent Decision means a decision by either Partner made in relation to any decision that would otherwise be a Commissioning Decision to be made under the Partnership Arrangements where the making of such decision by that Partner falls within the statutory powers of that Partner (otherwise than as supplemented by any flexibility accessible by virtue of Section 75 NHSA 2006) and can be justified as an urgent and/or emergency decision under the CCG’s Standing Orders or Standing Financial Instructions or under the CCG’s constitution or as urgent and/or emergency decision under the Council’s constitution (as applicable).

Examples of Urgent Decision in a sentence

  • Where either Partner considers that the other Partner’s justification for making an Urgent Decision is not reasonable or not substantiated and/or if the Partners cannot agree as to the implications of any Urgent Decision on the Partnership Arrangements, then either Partner may refer any such matter to the Disputes Procedure under the Partnership Agreement.

  • Either Partner may, notwithstanding the provisions of these Terms of Reference, make any Urgent Decision (as defined below) that would otherwise be taken by the Committee, themselves.

  • Where either Partner makes an Urgent Decision it shall report such Urgent Decision to the Committee at its next meeting together with an explanation of:  what the decision was;  why it was deemed an Urgent Decision; and  any implications of such Urgent Decision on the Partnership Arrangements.

  • Either Partner may, notwithstanding the provisions of these Terms of Reference, make any Urgent Decision (as defined below) that would otherwise be taken by the Board, themselves.

  • Where either Partner makes an Urgent Decision it shall report such Urgent Decision to the Health and Care Commissioning Board at its next meeting together with an explanation of:  what the decision was;  why it was deemed an Urgent Decision; and  any implications of such Urgent Decision on the Partnership Arrangements.

More Definitions of Urgent Decision

Urgent Decision means an executive decision, which, in the opinion of the
Urgent Decision means an executive decision the implementation of which, in
Urgent Decision means a decision by either Partner made in relation to any decision that would otherwise be a Commissioning Decision to be made under the Partnership Arrangements where the making of such decision by that Partner falls within the statutory powers of that Partner (otherwise than as supplemented by any flexibility accessible by virtue of Section 75 NHSA 2006) and can be justified as an urgent and/or emergency decision under the CCG’s Standing Orders or Standing Financial Instructions or under the CCG’s constitution or as urgent and/or emergency decision under the Council’s constitution (as applicable). For the avoidance of doubt, decisions taken by individual officers of SCC or SCCG or individual SCC Members, whether taken within the venue of the Board or elsewhere, are not subject to the above rules on ‘Quorum, Decision-making, Voting and Urgent Decisions’.
Urgent Decision means a decision by either Partner made in relation to any decision that would otherwise be a Commissioning Decision to be made under the Partnership Arrangements where the making of such decision by that Partner falls within the statutory powers of that Partner (otherwise than as supplemented by any flexibility accessible by virtue of Section 75 NHSA 2006) and can be justified as an urgent and/or emergency decision under the CCG’s Standing Orders or Standing Financial Instructions or under the CCG’s constitution or as urgent and/or emergency decision under the Council’s constitution (as applicable). For the avoidance of doubt, decisions taken by individual officers of SCC or SCCG or individual SCC Members, whether taken within the venue of the Board or elsewhere, are not subject to the above rules on ‘Quorum, Decision-making, Voting and Urgent Decisions’. Responsibilities and Behaviour Members of the Board have a collective responsibility for its operation. They will participate in discussion, review evidence and provide objective expert input to the best of their knowledge and ability, and endeavour to reach a collective view. Members of the Board will behave in a manner consistent with the Core Principles outlined in Section 2 of these Terms of Reference and will adhere to the behaviours highlighted in the Xxxxx Principles, recognising that the success of the work programme will depend upon relationships and an environment of integrity, trust, collaboration and innovation. Specific reference will be paid to both organisations’ core values NHS Salford CCG:  Collaborative;  Innovative: and  Act with integrity. Salford City Council:  Pride;  Passion;  People; and  Personal Responsibility. Decision Making Authority The Board has decision making authority of up to £1m. Decisions Reserved to the Partner Organisations Whilst the need to retain some ‘reserved matters’ is recognised, it will be critical that the Board has a clear mandate and sufficient delegated authority to take forward its work without requiring separate approvals at each stage of a process. Whilst the Board will act as an overarching responsible body for integrated care (in line with relevant statutory responsibilities), it will work alongside the Adults’ Commissioning Committee, the Children’s Commission Committee, the Primary Care Commissioning Committee and the Health and Wellbeing Board, recognising the latter’s role in setting city wide strategy and promoting integrated care and p...
Urgent Decision means a decision by either Partner made in relation to any decision that would otherwise be a Commissioning Decision to be made under the Partnership Arrangements where the making of such decision by that Partner falls within the statutory powers of that Partner (otherwise than as supplemented by any flexibility accessible by virtue of Section 75 NHSA 2006) and can be justified as an urgent and/or emergency decision under the CCG’s Standing Orders or Standing Financial Instructions or under the CCG’s constitution or as urgent and/or emergency decision under the Council’s constitution (as applicable) Variation: means any written variation to this Agreement in line with Clause 30. Working Day: means 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on any day except Saturday, Sunday, a public or bank holiday in England.
Urgent Decision means an executive decision, which, in the opinion of the decision-taker is so urgent that it cannot reasonably await the publication of the next Forward Plan before it is taken; “Value for Money” means the optimum combination of whole-life cost and quality (or fitness for purpose) to meet statutory duties, which includes consideration of social value. “Very Urgent Decision” means an executive decision, which in the opinion of the decision-taker is so urgent that it cannot reasonably await the giving of five clear days' notice to the Chair of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee before it is taken; “Ward” means an administrative division of Thurrock served by one or more Councillors.
Urgent Decision means an executive decision the implementation of