User Classification definition

User Classification means a classification of Users based on the 1972 (or subsequent) edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual prepared by the Federal Office of Management and Budget.
User Classification means a classification of user based on the 1972 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual prepared by the Executive Office of Management and Budget.
User Classification means each established category of vehicles or persons using the Project under like conditions as set forth in Exhibit 10. User Classifications are subject to change only as provided in Section 14.2.

Examples of User Classification in a sentence

  • Developer shall be responsible for determining the applicable toll charge that corresponds to each Transaction based upon User Classification, Developer’s applicable toll schedule or dynamic pricing model, and any applicable high occupancy vehicle discount and correctly communicating such information to TxDOT.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, if Xxxxxxxxx states a toll charge for a Transponder Transaction or a Video Transaction different from the toll charge for the User Classification associated with the applicable customer account, TxDOT shall charge the toll charge as indicated by Developer.

  • Developer has irrevocably selected a User Classification system as set forth in Exhibit 10.

  • In the event TxDOT receives a Video Transaction identified in the User Classification of a Special Vehicle, and if the Special Vehicle is not an Exempt Vehicle, then TxDOT shall process such Video Transaction as it customarily processes other Video Transactions.

  • These are:- User Classification Indicator: It is a XY scattered chart with the X-Axis representing the amount of contribution and the Y-Axis representing the amount of Interaction by the users.

More Definitions of User Classification

User Classification means each classification of vehicles set out in Table 1. “Vehicle Speed” has the meaning set forth in Section 9(a).
User Classification means a classification of users based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual prepared by the United States Office of Management and Budget.
User Classification means the identification of a user as to the type of premises from which wastewater is discharged. Such classification shall be assigned by the District and shall include residential, industrial, public and commercial user.
User Classification means a classification of user based on the 1972 (or subsequent) edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual prepared by the Office of Management and Budget.
User Classification means a classification of Users based on the 1972 (or subsequent) edition of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual prepared by the Federal Office of Management and Budget or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) prepared and maintained by the United States Bureau of the Census.
User Classification means classification of nonresidential users based on anticipated BOD and suspended solids.
User Classification means appropriate groups of customers as determined by the District for the purpose of administering this Ordinance.