Examples of Vacuum distillation in a sentence
Vacuum distillation is useful for distilling high-boiling and heat-sensitive materials such as heavy distillates in petroleum oils to produce light to heavy vacuum gas oils and residuum.
Vacuum distillation is useful for distilling high- boiling and heat-sensitive materials such as heavy distillates in petroleum oils to produce light to heavy vacuum gas oils and residuum.
Vacuum distillation, catalytic cracking, thermal cracking, sweetening, blowdown systems, sulphur recovery, asphalt blowing and flaring processes have been identified as being potentially significant sources of SO2 and NMVOC from those sources included under SNAP code 040101, with a relatively smaller contribution of particulate, NOx and CO.
Vacuum distillation is another approach that can be used to circumvent an azeotrope, while also lowering the mixture’s boiling point, which often results in lower energy inputs compared with atmospheric pressure distillation.
Note 2: For the purposes of heading 27.10, either of the following processes confers origin: (a) Atmospheric distillation – A separation process in which petroleum oils are converted, in a distillation tower, into fractions according to boiling point and the vapour then condensed into different liquefied fractions; or (b) Vacuum distillation – Distillation at a pressure below atmospheric but not so low that it would be classed as molecular distillation.
Obviously, any change to the client that does not require new component behavior, will just work with old and new components alike.
The exploitation of the railways lines as also the manoeuvre and transport operations shall be carried out by the Romanian railway company Group Feroviar Român, the owner of the railwavs lines being Rompetrol Logistics S.A. The Vega Refinery is currently operating the following facilities: Vacuum distillation, Bitumen, Hexane, Rectification, Dezaromatization Unit, AFP Unit.
Used oil Distillation1StorageAnalysis Vacuum distillation Base oilsChemical treatmentDistilled oilDistilled oilFigure 14.
Vacuum distillation uses the high vapor pressure of MgCl2 and it is removed by evaporation and re-condensation for Mg and Cl2 recovery.
Vacuum distillation is useful for distilling high‑boiling and heat‑sensitive materials such as heavy distillates in petroleum oils to produce light to heavy vacuum gas oils and residuum.