Valid Claim Form definition

Valid Claim Form means a Claim Form that:
Valid Claim Form means a Claim Form that: a. is filled out truthfully and completely by a Settlement Class Member or a person authorized by law to act on behalf of a Settlement Class Member in accordance with the directions and requirements for submitting a Claim Form;
Valid Claim Form means a timely-submitted Claim Form that satisfies the criteria set forth at Section 10.2 of this Agreement.

Examples of Valid Claim Form in a sentence

  • To be eligible for payment under this Settlement, a Settlement Class Member or his or her Legally Authorized Representative must timely submit a Valid Claim Form and must not have submitted a request for exclusion.

More Definitions of Valid Claim Form

Valid Claim Form means a timely Claim Form submitted by a Class Member who has not requested exclusion from the Settlement (or submitted on behalf of such Class Member by that Class Member's Legally Authorized Representative), that is filled out on paper, and which can also be obtained via the Settlement website established by the Claims Administrator, that includes the Class Member's printed name and the signature of the Class Member or his or her Legally Authorized Representative, and that affirms under oath, that the answers to each of the following questions pursuant to the instructions on the Claim Form are true and correct, as set forth in Exhibit “A” hereto.
Valid Claim Form means a Claim Form submitted by a Settlement Class Member that includes an Approved Claim.
Valid Claim Form means a Claim Form submitted by a Settlement Class Member that (a) is submitted in accordance with the directions on the Claim Form and the provisions of the Settlement Agreement; (b) is substantially completed with sufficient information for the Settlement Administrator to evaluate the validity of the claim and executed by a Settlement Class Member on the initial submission; (c) is signed physically or by e-signature by a Settlement Class Member or person with authority to sign for and bind a Settlement Class Member, subject to penalty of perjury; (d) is returned via mail and post-marked by the Claims Deadline or received by mail or on-line submission by 11:59
Valid Claim Form means a Claim Form completed and timely submitted by a Settlement Class Member and approved as described in Section XI.
Valid Claim Form means a timely and complete Claim Form as set forth in Section 7.4.
Valid Claim Form means a timely Claim Form submitted by a Class Member 12 who has not requested exclusion from the Settlement, on paper or via the Settlement website 13 established by the Claims Administrator, signed (electronically or on the paper form) by the Class 14 Member, stating that the Class Member “affirm[s] that the responses I have provided above are 15 true and correct, to the best of my knowledge” and where all questions on the claim form have 16 been answered with a “Yes,” “No,” or “I don’t remember,” as set forth in Exhibit “A” hereto.
Valid Claim Form means a Damages Class Claim Form submitted by an Authorized Person that the Settlement Administrator determines to have met each of the following requirements: it (1) contains all of the information requested to be filled in by an Authorized Person, and the information provided is legible; (2) is signed by the Authorized Person, under the penalty of perjury; (3) is submitted on or before the Claims Deadline (except as otherwise provided herein); and, (4) unless the putative Damages Class member makes a Feinberg Election as to that Damages Claim, is accompanied by Corroborating Medical Evidence, at least some of which must be evidence from a licensed provider of medical services (unless such requirement is waived by the Special Master, in consultation with Class Counsel, as discussed herein).