Examples of Video record in a sentence
Note: Video record with the Application must be set to the same shared directory path.
Video record Schedule mode(1) “Every day” Enable/Disable every day application.(2) “Week day” Enable/Disable week day application.(3)“Selected day” Enable/Disable selected day application.
Video record when conditions allow ease in sharing to remote attendees.• If a meeting must be in-person limit the number of attendees and do not exceed any occupancy limits set by the State of Connecticut.
Video record lesson segments with the same student and same piece.
Video record poster sessions and post on your class web site.• Circle back to your timeline preview as a posttest.
MOVED AND SECONDED: To table item # 213-23 to a further date (Fournier & Lawrence) VOTE: (7-Ayes)(0-Nays)(0-Abstain) (Video record time 0:33:50 - 0:34:55) BE IT ORDERED: That a Public Hearing be set for December 19, 2023 at the Freeport Town Council meeting starting at 6 pm in Town Council Chambers, 30 Main Street regarding a Consent Agreement between the Town of Freeport and Cleveland Kapala Revocable Trust for property located at 28 Cunningham Rd (Tax Assessor Map 5A, Lot 32A).
Video record all sessions and place video on DVD in suitable format for City of Winnipeg’s use.
Video record traced local drive accesses as a 720P video on the air broadcast was recorded.
Video record time 05:21-10:09) Cheryl Robertson acknowledged the passing of Dennis “Red” Gendron (Head Coach of theUMaine Hockey Team).
Video record time 08:04-08:42) Mr. Perry stated staff recommends removing Order 21-99 from the consent agenda and taking it up under New Business with a proposed amendment.