Case record means the file of personally identifiable information, whether written or electronic in form, on an individual that is collected to carry out the purposes of the division as defined in the Act and the Social Security Act. This information remains a part of the case record and is subject to these rules even when temporarily physically removed, either in whole or in part, from the file folder in which it is normally kept.
Case record means the permanent documentation of the assessment/investigation and the provision of social services to families and children maintained as hard copy files, electronic files, or as a combination of both.
Case record means an individual or family file retained by the Department that contains all pertinent eligibility information, including electronically stored data.
Examples of Case record in a sentence
Case record interpreter flags will assist staff in making sure that they know an interpreter is needed for the next hearing on a particular case.
Case record interpreter flags will assist court employees in making sure that they know an interpreter is needed for the next hearing on a particular case.
Case record folders should be filed in fire resistant file cabinets.
Case record" means the permanent documentation of the assessment/ investigation and the provision of social services to families and children maintained as hard copy files, electronic files, or as a combination of both.
Case record reviews in particular can be disruptive of day‐to‐day operations.
More Definitions of Case record
Case record or "record" means written or electronic information relating to one resident and the resident's family, if applicable. This information includes, but is not limited to, social, medical, psychiatric, and psychological records; reports; demographic information; agreements; all correspondence relating to care of the resident; service plans with periodic revisions; aftercare plans and discharge summary; and any other information related to the resident.
Case record means any document, information, data, or other item created, collected, received, or maintained by a Court, Court agency or Clerk of Court in connection with a particular case.
Case record means a collection of information maintained by a local department, including written material, letters, documents, tapes, photographs, film or other materials regardless of physical form about a specific child protective services investigation, family or individual.
Case record means electronic or paper documents and information used to determine or redetermine an individual's eligibility for medical assistance.
Case record or "record" means written or electronic information regarding a resident and the resident's family, if applicable, maintained in accordance with written procedures.
Case record means the file and all documents in the file that are used to establish eligibility.
Case record means a minimal record that identifies the child and the service provided and documents the child’s eligibility. A case record is maintained when a case file is not required.