Violence and harassment definition

Violence and harassment means a range of unacceptable behaviours, practices or threats, whether a single occurrence or repeated, that aim at, result in or are likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm, and includes gender-based violence and harassment directed against a person in the workplace;
Violence and harassment means violence or abuse, and includes physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence, as well as coercive control, carried out by an employer, employee or officers. This can include sending, delivering, or causing the delivering of letters, telegrams, packages, facsimiles, electronic mail or other objects to the complainant (s) or a related affected person(s) or leaving any such objects where they will be found by, given to, or brought to the attention of the complainant or a related person; or amounts to harassment of the complainant(s).
Violence and harassment means forms of conduct, acts, practices or threats, which aim, lead or may to lead to physical, psychological, sexual or financial harm, whether they occur once or repeatedly. This includes, but is not limited to, forms of conduct which have the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of the person and creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment, regardless of whether they constitute a form of discrimination.

Examples of Violence and harassment in a sentence

  • Violence and harassment can be based on a prohibited ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code or on other grounds.

  • Violence and harassment in any form are organizational issues that must be addressed.

  • Violence and harassment, as well as the criminalization of libel, inhibited freedom of the press, and the government frequently influenced the press, in part through its large advertising budgets.

  • Violence and harassment can be based on prohibited grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code or on other grounds.

  • Violence and harassment may include a continuum of inappropriate or unacceptable behaviours and may escalate over time.

  • Sexual Violence and harassment can occur between peers of any age and sex.

  • Violence and harassment against LGBT people are endemic in Guyanese society and jeopardize their security and ability to freely express their identity.

  • Violence and harassment in the workplace can have devastating effects on the quality of life of our employees and on the productivity of the organization.

  • Violence and harassment behaviors are prohibited in all its forms and against any person in the project.

  • Violence and Harassment: Violence and harassment against journalists continued, according to human rights organizations.

More Definitions of Violence and harassment

Violence and harassment in employment means any physical or verbal conduct that is intended to denigrate or show hostility and aversion to an individual because of his or her (or a family member's) personal affiliation with a gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, religion, age group, or because of a disability, and which is intended to, may cause, or is likely to cause physical, psychological, sexual, or economic harm, and includes gender-based violence and harassment.
Violence and harassment means those forms of conduct, acts, practices or threats thereof, which are intended to cause, result in or are likely to result in physical, psychological, economic or sexual harm, whether occurring in isolation or repeatedly.
Violence and harassment means any form of conduct, acts, practices or threats thereof, intended to cause, resulting in or likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm, whether occurring in isolation or repeatedly,
Violence and harassment means behaviors, acts, practices or threats that are intended to cause, lead to or are likely to lead to any form of harm (physical, psychological, economic or sexual) to the victim and are either isolated or repeated.
Violence and harassment means those forms of conduct, acts, practices or threats thereof, which are intended, lead or are likely to lead to physical, psychological, sexual or financial harm, whether manifested as an isolated incident or repeatedly. The above term includes but is not limited to, forms of conduct whose purpose or effect is to violate human dignity and create an intimidating, hostile or aggressive environment, regardless of whether they constitute a form of discrimination.

Related to Violence and harassment

  • Harassment means a pattern of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct relating to another person's constitutionally or statutorily protected status that causes, or reasonably should be expected to cause, substantial interference with the other's performance in the school environment; and

  • Sexual violence means any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.

  • Violence means the unjustified infliction of physical force by a student with the intent to cause injury to another student or damage to the property of another student.

  • Workplace Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome”. Ref: Occupational Health and

  • Sexual harassment means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

  • Title IX Sexual Harassment means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

  • Violent felony means any offense that, if committed by an adult, would constitute a felony and:

  • Threat of violence means an unjustified expression of intention to inflict injury or damage that is made by a student and directed to another student.

  • Discrimination or harassment means discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ancestry, national origin, or disability.

  • Harasses means a pattern or course of conduct directed toward another individual that includes, but is not limited to, repeated or continuing unconsented contact, that would cause a reasonable person to suffer emotional distress, and that actually causes emotional distress to the victim. Harassment shall include harassing or obscene phone calls as prohibited by Section 1172 of this title and conduct prohibited by Section 850 of this title. Harassment does not include constitutionally protected activity or conduct that serves a legitimate purpose;

  • Workplace violence means any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted during the course of his or her employment, and includes but is not limited to all forms of harassment, bullying, intimidation and intrusive behaviours of a physical or emotional nature.

  • Personal harassment means any improper behaviour by a person employed by the Employer that is directed at and offensive to another person employed by the Employer which the first person knew or ought reasonably to have known would be unwelcome. Personal harassment comprises objectionable conduct, comment, act or display that demeans, belittles or causes personal humiliation or embarrassment to the recipient.

  • Retaliation means any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment directed against a student who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying.

  • Violent offense means a violent offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030;

  • Violent criminal activity means any criminal activity that has as one of its elements the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force substantial enough to cause, or be reasonably likely to cause, serious bodily injury or property damage.

  • Intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct means, but is not limited to, conduct that does the following:

  • Nonviolent offense means an offense which is not a violent

  • Crime of violence means any of the following offenses under federal, state, or local law: murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, aggravated assault, forcible sex offenses (including where consent to the conduct is not given or is not legally valid, such as where consent to the conduct is involuntary, incompetent, or coerced), statutory rape, sexual abuse of a minor, robbery, arson, extortion, extortionate extension of credit, burglary of a dwelling, or any other offense under federal, state, or local law that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against the person of another.

  • Violent crime means a forcible felony, as defined in Iowa Code section 702.11, and includes any other felony or aggravated misdemeanor which involved the actual or threatened infliction of physical or emotional injury on one or more persons.

  • Sexual assault has the same meaning as in RCW 70.125.030.

  • Victims rights agency" means a public agency, or part thereof,

  • Sexual orientation means actual or perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality.

  • Serious assault means an act that constitutes a felony violation of chapter XI of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81 to 750.90h, or that constitutes an assault and infliction of serious or aggravated injury under section 81a of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81a.

  • Sexual abuse means actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions.

  • Sexually violent offense means a violation of G.S. 14-27.2 (first degree

  • Sexual excitement means the condition of human male or female genitals when in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal.