Volunteer fire fighter definition
Examples of Volunteer fire fighter in a sentence
Volunteer fire- fighter means a person who is an active department member and, in that capacity, engages in fire suppression, emergency response, fire education, or fire prevention on an on-call basis.
Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys in the fund shall not revert to the general fund of the state at the end of the fiscal year, but shall remain available for expenditure by the fire service training bureau for fire fighter training in future fiscal years.2003 Acts, ch 105, §1Referred to in §321.34 100B.13 Volunteer fire fighter preparedness fund.
Volunteer fire fighter, volunteer emergency medical services personnel and reserve peace officer tax credit.
Application of these funds shall be limited to defraying the cost of training courses approved for reimbursement from the volunteer fire fighter training and equipment fund established in rule 661—259.101(17A,77GA,ch1222).This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 100B.12.[ARC 4641C, IAB 8/28/19, effective 10/2/19] 661—259.105(100B) Volunteer fire fighter preparedness fund.
He also stated that as a Dow City Volunteer fire fighter, he was called to the scene by the fire chief at approximately 5:30 a.m. Mr. Ray Ohl was informed that the entire remains of the demolished home would need to be disposed of at the Crawford County Landfill and receipts submitted to DNR FO 4.