Emergency Medical Service Sample Clauses

Emergency Medical Service. 780 24.1.1 EMS-Certified personnel shall be compensated according to the following 781 schedule: 782  EMT 2.75% of top Fire Fighter Rate 783  EMT-P 4.25% of top Fire Fighter Rate 784 24.1.2 Paramedic pay and eligibility for special events will be based on compliance with 785 SOG 803.01 “Paramedic Skills Retention.” Any change to SOG 803.01 “Paramedic 786 Skills Retention” is subject to negotiation per Article 8.
Emergency Medical Service. No capital improvements are necessary at this time to provide emergency medical services.
Emergency Medical Service. The Corpus Christi Fire Department will provide emergency medical services at the same level of service now being provided to other areas of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, with similar topography, land use, and population density. • Solid Waste Collection: Solid waste collection and services will be provided at the same level of service now being provided to other areas of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, with similar topography, land use, and population density. • Operation and Maintenance of Water and Wastewater Facilities that are not Within the Service Area of Another Water or Wastewater Utility: Water and wastewater service will continue to be provided in accordance with the Corpus Christi Code of Ordinances, Corpus Christi Unified Development Code, Utility Department Policies, and engineering standards at the same level of service now being provided to other areas of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, with similar topography, land use, and population density, provided the service is not currently served by another utility through existing facilities located within or adjacent to the area. Water or wastewater facilities owned or maintained by the CITY at the time of the proposed annexation shall continue to be maintained by the CITY. Water or wastewater facilities that may be the property of another municipality or other entity shall not be maintained by the City of Corpus Christi unless the facilities are dedicated to and accepted by the City of Corpus Christi. The current water line mains at their existing locations shall be available for point of use extension based upon the current City's standard water extension policies now existing or as may be amended. On-site sewage facilities will be allowed contingent upon the property owner meeting all city, county, state and federal requirements. • Operation and Maintenance of Roads and Streets, including Street Lighting: Except as varied pursuant to the Standard Industrial District Annexation 380 Agreement(if applicable)attached to the Industrial District Agreement to which this document is attached, The City will maintain public streets, including road and street lighting, within the annexed area at the same level of service now being provided to other areas of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, with similar topography, land use, and population density. Any and all lighting of roads, streets, and alleyways that may be positioned in a right- of-way, roadway, or utility company easement shall be mai...
Emergency Medical Service. On and after January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2026 the City of Camas shall furnish Emergency Medical Services including Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Emergency Medical Transport Services to each Party within the boundaries of the parties to this Agreement. The City of Camas shall administer this contract, including employment of personnel required to perform such ALS Emergency Medical Transport Services and provide the transportation equipment; provide EMS training, Ongoing Training and Evaluation Program (OTEP) as required by Washington Department of Health; provide enhanced EMS training each year of the agreement and make Paramedic Continuing Education Program (PCEP) available in electronic format on-line ; and provide all supplies required for such emergency services. No new separate legal or administrative entity shall be created to administer the provisions of this agreement.
Emergency Medical Service. The City of Aransas Pass has a contract with Tri-County EMS Ambulance to provide emergency medical services.
Emergency Medical Service. ‌ 18.1 Emergency Medical Service is recognized as an integral part of the fire service. 18.1.1 Firefighters governed by this Agreement shall be required to operate and maintain proficiency in the use of all ambulances and their contents, up to the respective license level, within the department.
Emergency Medical Service. If emergency service involving medical action or treatment is required and the parent(s) or guardian(s) cannot be contacted, I hereby consent for the student named above to be given medical care by the doctor or hospital selected by the school. Name of
Emergency Medical Service. A. All employees render BLS medical aid and assistance to the ill and injured by job description and receive compensation for such services in their base salary. Effective July 1, 2006, employees in grades 65, 66, and other employees who possess a paramedic license and medical control from the East Hartford Fire Department Sponsor Hospital and provide such service to the Town, shall be paid a yearly stipend the first pay period in December. Effective July 1, 2022, employees hired to provide paramedic level care shall be compensated in the following manner: • $1,000 upon hire • For employees who have been granted medical control from the East Hartford Fire Department Sponsor Hospital up to the completion of year four (4) of employment: compensation will be 2.5% of the current top-step firefighter rate • For employees with at least four (4) but less than nine (9) completed years of service: compensation will be at 4.5% of the current top-step firefighter • For employees who have completed nine (9) years of service until separation from paramedic service: compensation will be 6.5% of current top step firefighter rate. As of July 1, 2022, any employee who has completed nine (9) years as a paramedic with medical control will have a one-time irrevocable choice to retain the current method of stipend calculation at .5% of top step firefighter pay for each year of paramedic service. 1. For the purposes of calculating years of service only, a licensed paramedic with medical control from the East Hartford Fire Department Sponsor Hospital who provides advanced life support for any portion of a year between their anniversary date and their next anniversary date shall have their service pro-rated for the time served. In no case will credit be less than a six (6) month period. 2. Licensed paramedics with medical control from the East Hartford Fire Department Sponsor Hospital who have completed their required years of service in accordance with Article XXII Section 2 C or D may voluntarily separate from the paramedic program. This separation is only permitted biannually on June 30 and December 31 regardless of the date the member entered the program. 3. Licensed paramedics with medical control from the East Hartford Fire Department Sponsor Hospital who have completed their required years of service may, with approval of the fire chief, voluntarily re-enter the paramedic program. This is only permitted biannually on June 30 and December 31. 4. Members voluntarily re-enter...
Emergency Medical Service. (EMS) AUTHORIZTION 1. It is the intent of the parties to insure existing suppression members (hired prior to July 1, 2003) will not be adversely impacted because of the changes or be required to participate in EMS. The parties recognize the existing procedures and policies regarding EMS response by these members effective on November 1, 2003. This language is meant to provide protection for all of the subjects for mandatory bargaining, but not intended to protect Employees from daily inconveniences, i.e. radio traffic of EMS operations. 2. The parties agree that Employees hired after July 1, 2003 shall always be responsible to maintain their required EMS licenses as a condition of hire. Further, such Employees may be required to fulfill any EMS demand, subject to the restrictions of this contract. However, the parties also agree that changing of the existing fire suppression vehicles to a fire-based EMS system has not been negotiated. Even if the entire apparatus is staffed by such Employees, it does not change the status of that vehicle to a fire-based EMS vehicle. 3. The City shall declare a date of “official implementation” of EMS services. That date shall correspond to the first week of operations of the EMS division, as identified by a fully staffed EMS vehicle being available for service, i.e. not to include the period the Employees are working the training/orientation period. 4. The parties agree to allow a year (twelve months) implementation period, beginning on the date of official implementation, where the parties will work through a Labor/Management implementation team to address issues. During this time, changes in plan implementation will likely be necessary. This period will be used to work out the details and can not be used as precedent by either party. However, under no circumstances can this principle be used to change any item that has been specifically agreed to in this contract with clear and concise language, or to change any existing past practice as it relates to fire suppression operations. 5. During the implementation period, should the Union feel that any proposed changes to accommodate EMS is a violation of the contract and/or past practices, they shall notify the Fire Chief as soon as practical that a concern is known. The parties agree to set aside the period required for formally filing the grievance as outlined in Article 12, Step 1, until thirty (30) days after the completion of the implementation period. At any time, up to...
Emergency Medical Service. Under the provisions of AR 40-3, Army medical activities will provide emergency care to contractor personnel to prevent undue suffering or loss of life from job-related injuries. Upon receipt of an invoice from the medical facility, the Contractor shall ensure the Government is reimbursed at rates prescribed by AR 40-330 for