Voyage Charter definition

Voyage Charter means a contract of carriage in which the charterer pays for the use of a ship's cargo capacity for one, or sometimes more than one, voyage. Under this type of charter, the shipowner pays all the operating costs of the ship (including bunkers, canal and port changes, pilotage, towage and ship's agency) while payment for cargo handling charges are subject of agreement between the parties. Freight is generally paid per unit of cargo, such as a tonne, based on an agreed quantity, or as a lump sum irrespective of the quantity loaded.
Voyage Charter means a charter for the carriage of a specific cargo from a load port to a discharge port at an agreed upon freight rate expressed on a U.S. dollar-per-ton basis.
Voyage Charter means a contract between the entity who has the right to exploit the earning capacity of the vessel (a bareboat, time or voyage charterer) and a voyage charterer, to carry a particular cargo on a particular ship on a particular voyage for an agreed freight calculated per unit of cargo carried and earned on loading. The voyage charterer also undertakes to pay liquidated damages for detention (demurrage) if loading and/or discharging takes longer than the time agreed (the lay days). The owner retains all the technical operation and commercial operation and management responsibilities (for maintaining and insuring the vessel, employing the crew, and all the costs of the voyage, including bunkers and port charges), and the voyage charterer is responsible for providing the cargo, freight and demurrage. The costs and the risks of loading/unloading also may be assigned to the voyage charterer by specifying in terms and conditions.

Examples of Voyage Charter in a sentence

  • Charterer shall have the right to deduct from hire any amount withheld from a Voyage Freight by a sub-charterer pursuant to a cargo retention clause in a Voyage Charter Party between Charterer and that subcharterer.

  • In addition to matter the Pythagoreans added the notions of order, proportion and measure.

  • During the financial year, for all completed voyages, the number of sailing days of the fleet vessels was broadly 60% under Voyage Charter and 40% under Time Charter.

  • Alternatively, with respect to any area(s) excluded by war risk trading warranties under Owner's commercial war risk insurance coverage in Charterer's sole option and at no cost to the Government, Charterer may delete this sub-paragraph (h)(3) with twenty-four hours notice in which case: (1) V (e) (Voyage Charter War Risk Coverage) shall automatically be effective in such area; or (2) the Government shall offer an indemnity under Public Law 85-804.

  • G E Shipping charters out its owned vessels either on Voyage Charter or on Time Charter depending on the nature of charter that will provide best commercial benefit for a vessel at a given point in time.

  • Charter parties are of three kinds:• Voyage Charter (most common) – provides transport for a single voyage and designated cargo between two ports in consideration of an agreed fee.

  • Subject to Clause 6.6(e), acceptance by Charterer of the Vessel for purposes of the Voyage Charter Party shall not affect Charterer’s right to reject delivery of the Vessel pursuant to Clauses 6.3 or 6.4 or Charterer’s other rights under this Charter or Customer’s rights under the Operation and Services Agreement.

  • The Voyage Charter required Gujarat India to pay an increased freight if fuel costs increased.

  • In contrast to the Time charter-out method, in a Voyage Charter, we maintain control of the commercial operation and are responsible for managing the voyage, including vessel scheduling and routing, as well as any related costs, such as fuel, port expenses and other expenses.

  • The Voyage Charter Party shall terminate upon arrival of the Vessel at Charterer’s Facility.

More Definitions of Voyage Charter

Voyage Charter has the meaning given to it in Section 1.2 and is further described in Section 1.6.
Voyage Charter. When the vessel is chartered for a particular voyage is called the voyage charter.

Related to Voyage Charter

  • Time Charter means the hire of a Vessel by which the charterer obtains possession and control of the Vessel for an agreed period of time or an agreed voyage.

  • CFA Charter means the charter earned through the Chartered Financial Analyst program prepared and administered by the CFA Institute and so named on the day this Instrument comes into force, and every program that preceded that program, or succeeded that program, that does not have a significantly reduced scope and content when compared to the scope and content of the first-mentioned program;

  • Bareboat Charter means the bareboat charter agreement to be executed by the Effective Date by the Borrower as owner and the Charterer as bareboat charterer.

  • Air charter service means an air carrier operation which requires the customer to

  • Charter Agreement means an agreement made in accordance with Section 53G-5-303 that authorizes the operation of a charter school.

  • Charter contract or "contract" means a fixed-term, renewable contract

  • Company Charter means the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company, as amended.

  • voyage means a voyage from the port of departure to the next following port of call whether or not it is the ultimate destination of the vessel.62

  • Charter means the Corporation’s certificate or articles of incorporation, articles of association, or similar organizational document.

  • Company Charter Documents means the Company’s certificate of incorporation and bylaws, each as amended to the date of this Agreement.

  • the Charter means the Charter or Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Ireland bearing date the 10th day of May 1783 and granted by his late Majesty King George the Third;

  • Charter school means a school established pursuant to P.L.1995, c.426 (C.18A:36A-1 et seq.). "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.

  • Charter service means, but does not include demand response service to individuals:

  • Parent Charter means the Certificate of Incorporation of Parent, as from time to time amended.

  • Charterer means a person, firm, corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity who contracts for the transportation of passengers and baggage, or goods and/or property from a specified origin to a specified destination, for a particular itinerary, agreed upon in advance.

  • Restated Charter means the Restated Charter of the Corporation, as may be amended from time to time.

  • Shipbuilding Contract means each of the Vessel A Shipbuilding Contract and the Vessel B Shipbuilding Contract and in the plural means both of them;

  • Charter Documents means, with respect to any Person, the certificate or articles of incorporation or organization, memoranda of association, by-laws or operating agreement, and other organizational or governing documents of such Person.

  • Company Bylaws means the bylaws of the Company, as amended.

  • Charter Document means as to any Person, its partnership agreement, certificate of incorporation, certificate of formation, operating agreement, membership agreement or similar constitutive document or agreement or its by-laws.

  • O&M Contract means the operation and maintenance contract that may be entered into between the Concessionaire and the O&M Contractor for performance of all or any of the O&M obligations;

  • IMO means the International Maritime Organization;

  • Common Billing Agreement means an agreement between the Appointee and any other person under which that person has undertaken to pay, on terms agreed between them, charges for water supply or sewerage services, or both, in respect of two or more Houses which have a common Supply Pipe and which, in any case where that agreement relates to one of those services only, are also subject to a similar agreement for common billing between that person and the undertaker providing the other service;

  • Public charter school means a public school that:

  • sub-contract means the primary contractor’s assigning, leasing, making out work to, or employing, another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract;

  • Community Charter means the Community Charter, S.B.C. 2003, c. 26, as may be amended or replaced from time to time;