Voyage Charter definition
Examples of Voyage Charter in a sentence
Charterer shall have the right to deduct from hire any amount withheld from a Voyage Freight by a sub-charterer pursuant to a cargo retention clause in a Voyage Charter Party between Charterer and that subcharterer.
In addition to matter the Pythagoreans added the notions of order, proportion and measure.
During the financial year, for all completed voyages, the number of sailing days of the fleet vessels was broadly 60% under Voyage Charter and 40% under Time Charter.
Alternatively, with respect to any area(s) excluded by war risk trading warranties under Owner's commercial war risk insurance coverage in Charterer's sole option and at no cost to the Government, Charterer may delete this sub-paragraph (h)(3) with twenty-four hours notice in which case: (1) V (e) (Voyage Charter War Risk Coverage) shall automatically be effective in such area; or (2) the Government shall offer an indemnity under Public Law 85-804.
G E Shipping charters out its owned vessels either on Voyage Charter or on Time Charter depending on the nature of charter that will provide best commercial benefit for a vessel at a given point in time.
Charter parties are of three kinds:• Voyage Charter (most common) – provides transport for a single voyage and designated cargo between two ports in consideration of an agreed fee.
Subject to Clause 6.6(e), acceptance by Charterer of the Vessel for purposes of the Voyage Charter Party shall not affect Charterer’s right to reject delivery of the Vessel pursuant to Clauses 6.3 or 6.4 or Charterer’s other rights under this Charter or Customer’s rights under the Operation and Services Agreement.
The Voyage Charter required Gujarat India to pay an increased freight if fuel costs increased.
In contrast to the Time charter-out method, in a Voyage Charter, we maintain control of the commercial operation and are responsible for managing the voyage, including vessel scheduling and routing, as well as any related costs, such as fuel, port expenses and other expenses.
The Voyage Charter Party shall terminate upon arrival of the Vessel at Charterer’s Facility.