Port Charges Sample Clauses
Port Charges all charges of whatsoever nature (including rates, tolls, dues, fees, and imposts of every description) in respect of an LNG Tanker entering or leaving the Loading Port or loading LNG, including wharfage fees, in-and-out fees, franchise fees, line handling charges, and charges imposed by fire boats, tugs and escort vessels, the U.S. Coast Guard, a Pilot, and any other authorised Person assisting an LNG Tanker to enter or leave the Loading Port, and further including port use fees, throughput fees and similar fees payable by users of the Loading Port (or by Project Co on behalf of such users);
Port Charges. Sprint will charge Customer a Non-Recurring Charge (“NRC”) and a monthly charge for each Services Port, including all sub-elements or configurable attributes to the Port. The Network Design Document and Port Order will specify the sub-elements or configurable attributes to the Port (e.g. Port speed, link protocol, routing protocol, VRF policy, Class of Service (for DS3/E3 and below), and where Customer requests, Multicast VPN). For monthly charges, Sprint offers both fixed rate (Monthly Recurring Charge or “MRC”) and usage-based (Burstable) Port pricing. For Burstable Port pricing, Sprint will provide Customer with a full Port at a given bandwidth and will charge Customer a variable monthly charge based on Customer’s sustained Port utilization. Sprint will determine Customer's Port utilization and charges at the end of each month. Additional information regarding Sprint’s Port utilization computation is available upon request.
Port Charges. Sprint will charge Customer a Non-Recurring Charge (“NRC”) and a fixed Monthly Recurring Charge (“MRC”) for each Port.
Port Charges. The port charges applicable to the Locations shall be as specified in Schedule 1. Except as set forth in Clause 8 of this Attachment 1, all port charges are fixed for the Initial Term. Scitor ITS shall commence its port charges 30 days after the date of acceptance of the Service at a Location and the first invoice shall be for the first 2 months charges. Notwithstanding the above, no port charges shall be charged for the San Francisco and Mexico City Locations for the first 90 days following acceptance of the Service at such Locations.
Port Charges. (a) QBT is not liable for any port or related charges in relation to the receival, storage and Outturning of Product at and from the Facility (including vessel, demurrage, port fees or DAWR fees), which are to be borne by the Client.
(b) The Client must reimburse QBT for any reasonable charges that QBT incurs under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Xxx 0000, or any other applicable act or regulation, in connection with this Agreement.
(c) The Client will be responsible for paying all costs associated with conducting the import/export inspection of Product by DAWR and/or its agent(s) as well as the cost of employing all labour connected with discharging, loading, storing, treating and transporting of Product for any such inspection.
Port Charges. After the Port Migration Period and through the end of the Amendment Term, the monthly Port Charge for each [****] Port shall be [****]. Upon Level 3’s delivery and AOL’s acceptance of the Additional Ports (which may occur during the Port Migration Period) and extending through the end of the Amendment Term, the monthly Port Charge for each Additional Port shall be [****].
Port Charges. Seller shall hold Buyer free and harmless from all port charges, harbor dues, pilotage, crew's expense, light dues, the first movement of hopper barges to and from the fleeting area, and all oxxxx xharges and dues customarily paid by a vessel at any Port of Discharge or alternate port as provided in Section 5.
Port Charges. (1) For the purpose of this clause “Port Charges” means the ships dues imposed by Port Authority by way of l ight, buoyage, anchorage, morning buoy, berthing, pilotage and other dues pursuant to section 63 of the Ports Act, as well as rates, if any, which may be levied by the Port Authority for the use of any service performed pursuant to section 66 of the Ports Act.
(2) Port Charges may be imposed by the Port Authority on the ship-owner or agent as a fixed charge per ship entering the port on behalf of the Company at a rate of up to US$0.30 per metric ton of the goods carried by such ship.
Port Charges. Annual interconnect port charge per PCM termination (excluding the cost of S.N. Demand for No. of PCMs from the ILDO as infrastructure viz land, Building, accepted by BSNL in an exchange on each air-conditioning etc for interconnect link) occasion (In Rupees) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1 to 16 PCMs N*55,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 17 to 32 PCMs 8,80,000 + (N-16)*30,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 33 to 64 PCMs 13,60,000 + (N-32)*20,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 65 to 128 PCMs 20,00,000 + (N-64)*15,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 129 to 256 PCMs 29,60,000 + (N-128)*14,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: `N' above refers to the number of `ports' provided by BSNL to ILDO within the capacity ranges under the column `No. of Ports'.
Port Charges. Sprint will charge Customer a Non-Recurring Charge (“NRC”) and a monthly charge for each Port. For monthly charges, Sprint offers both fixed rate (Monthly Recurring Charge or “MRC”) and usage-based (Burstable) Port pricing. For Burstable Port pricing, Sprint will provide Customer with a full Port at a given bandwidth and will charge Customer a variable monthly charge based on Customer’s sustained Port utilization. Sprint will determine Customer's Port utilization and charges at the end of each month. Additional information regarding Sprint’s Port utilization computation is available upon request.