Vulnerable students definition

Vulnerable students means students who are in fos- ter care, involved in the juvenile justice system, receiving special education services under chapter 28A.155 RCW, recent immigrants, homeless, emotionally traumatized, or are facing behavioral health issues, and students deemed at-risk of school failure as identified by a dropout early warning data system or other assessment. [2010 c 243 § 2.]
Vulnerable students means students who are in foster care,
Vulnerable students means those from low-income families, those who have disabilities, and those who are English language learners.

Examples of Vulnerable students in a sentence

  • The Option may be granted only to and exercised only by you during your lifetime, except in the case of a permanent disability involving mental incapacity.

  • The Project will focus on recruiting women as well as Socially Vulnerable students.

  • The exceptions are: • Vulnerable students, such as disabled students and lone parents; • Part-time students; • Couples where one partner is not a student.

  • Vulnerable students may not need to be working towards a recognised educational qualification in order to receive an EMA.

  • A major challenge in higher education is women’s self-selection into non-STEM concentrations (e.g., women were 27 percent of enrollees in engineering in 2009) and the low share of language minority and Socially Vulnerable students pursuing higher education.

  • One criterion for selecting the three qualified international universities was their demonstrated experience in recruiting and retaining female and Socially Vulnerable students into STEM programs.

  • In the first instance, we will stay open for:Vulnerable students identified by DSL and Deputy Headteacher: Student Achievement Children of critical workersYear 10 and 11 studentsAny other students due to take external exams this academic yearIf further restrictions are recommended, we will stay open for Vulnerable students & Children of critical workers.

  • Using a transparent school selection process, the Government and MCC identified well-utilized schools in poor physical condition that served a high share of Socially Vulnerable students; these schools will be targeted for rehabilitation under this Activity over the course of the Compact Term.

  • Vulnerable students may include, but are not limited to:● Students with SEND.● Students who are adopted.● Students suffering from a health problem.● Students with caring responsibilities.

  • In the first instance, we will stay open for:Vulnerable students identified by DSL and Deputy Headteacher: Student Achievement Children of critical workers Year 10 and 11 students Any other students due to take external exams this academic yearIf further restrictions are recommended, we will stay open for Vulnerable students & Children of critical workers.

More Definitions of Vulnerable students

Vulnerable students means any or all the targeted poor students who are eligible for support under Part 1 of the Project, as further detailed in the Project Operations Manual.
Vulnerable students means children enrolled in schools who are likely to be in adverse socioeconomic conditions based on certain criteria identified by the school’s administration.
Vulnerable students means students who are:

Related to Vulnerable students

  • Vulnerable adult means any person 18 years of age or older who: (1) is a resident or inpatient of a facility; (2) receives services required to be licensed under Minnesota Statutes chapter 245A, except as excluded under Minnesota Statutes section 626.5572, Subd. 21(a)(2); (3) receives services from a licensed home care provider or person or organization that offers, provides, or arranges for personal care assistance services under the medical assistance program; or (4) regardless of residence or whether any type of service is received, possesses a physical or mental infirmity or other physical, mental, or emotional dysfunction that impairs the individual’s ability to provide adequately for the individual’s own care without assistance or supervision and, because of the dysfunction or infirmity and need for care or services, has an impaired ability to protect the individual’s self from maltreatment.

  • Naturopathic physician means a person licensed to practice naturopathic medicine by the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine.

  • Research Results means any technical result acquired based on the Collaborative Research, including, but not limited to, any invention, idea, design, copyrightable work and know-how which relates to the purpose of the Collaborative Research.

  • Students means students, their parents, guardians or other legal representatives.