WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. 1. Seller warrants the title to all gas delivered hereunder and the right to sell the same and that such gas shall be free and clear from all liens and adverse claims.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. The Buyer warrants for itself, its successors and assigns, that it will at the time of delivery to Seller for transportation have good and merchantable title to all gas so delivered free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and claims whatsoever. Buyer will indemnify Seller and save it harmless from all suits, actions, debts, accounts, damages, costs, losses and expenses arising from or out of adverse claims of any or all persons to said gas, including claims for any royalties, taxes, license fees or charges applicable to such gas or to the delivery thereof to Seller for transportation.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. Seller warrantsthefitle to allgas deliveredhereunderandthe righttosellthe sameandthat suchgas shallbe free andclearfromallliensandadverseclaims.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. Seller in any Transaction warrants that title to Gas to be Scheduled by Seller is free from all production burdens, liens and adverse claims and warrants its right to sell the same. Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Buyer against all Claims to or against the title of said Gas. In the event any Claim is asserted to said Gas, Buyer, in addition to other remedies, may suspend its obligation to pay for said Gas up to the amount of such Claim.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. Sellerwarrants !he uue to all gas delivered hereunder and the right lo sell Iha same and that such gas shall be free and clear from all liens and adverse claims. ArtlcleXlll FORCE MAJEURE
1. In the event of either party hereto being rendered unable wholly or In part by force ma)xxxx to carry out its obligations under this contract, other than lo make payments due hereunder, it is agreed !hat on such party giving noUce and full particulars of such force majeure In writing or by telegraph to the other party es soon as possible after the . oo:urrence of Ille cause relied on, the11 lhe obligations of the party giving such notice, so far as they are affected by such force majeure, shall be suspended during !he continuoos of any lnablnly so caused but for no longer period and such cause shall as far as possible be remedied with all reasonable dispatch. The lerm "force mejeure' as employed herein shall mean acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other lndusbial disturbances, acts of publie enemy, wars, blockades, Insurrections, nots, epidemics, landslides, lighlnlng, earthquakes, fires, storms, Hoods, washouts, arrests, and reslraints of government and people, civil disturbances, explosions, breakage or accidents to machine!)' or lines or pipe, freezlng of xxxxx orllnes or pipe, partial or entire failure of source of supply, and any other causes whether of !he kind herein enumerated or otherwise, not within the control of !he party clatming suspension and which by the exercise of dir diligenca such party is unable to prevenl or overcome; such tenns shall likewise Include (a) In !hose Instances where either party hereto Is required to obtain xxx\'itudes, rights-Of-way grants, pennits, or licenses; and (b) In those Instances where either party herelo Is required lo furnish materials and supplies to secure grants or permission from any governmental agency lo enable such party to fulfill ils obllgaUons hereunder, the Inability of such party to acquire at reasonable cost and afterlhe exercise of reasonable diligence such materials and supplies, pennils and permissions.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. 1. Seller warrants the tiUe to all gas delivered hereunder and the right to sell the same and that such gas shall be free and clear from all liens and adverse claims.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. 1. Seller hereby warrants title to the Gas sold and delivered hereunder and the right of Seller to sell the same; and the Seller warrants that all such Gas is owned by Seller, or that Seller has the right to market said Gas free from all liens and adverse claims, including liens to secure payments of production taxes, severance taxes, and other taxes. Seller agrees to indemnify Buyer/Processor and save it harmless from all suits, actions, debts, accounts, damages, costs, losses and expenses arising from or out of adverse claims of any and all persons, firms, or corporations to said Gas or to royalties, overriding royalties, taxes, license fees, or charges thereon, which are applicable before the title to the Gas passes to Buyer/Processor. Buyer/Processor, at any time thereafter, when it shall appear to Buyer/Process or by reason of receipt of written notice of claim or dispute that the ownership or title to all or part of the Leases, or the Gas produced therefrom, may be in a party or parties other than Seller or upon learning of any other claims, liens, taxes, royalties, fees, expenses or other adverse claims, may retain as security for the performance of Seller's obligations with respect thereto, the entire purchase price of the Gas until Buyer/Processor has been satisfied as to the amount of such claim or ownership claimed, and thereafter up to the amount of such ownership interest or claim until it has been finally determined and satisfied or until Seller shall have furnished a bond to Buyer/Processor in an amount and with sureties satisfactory to Buyer/Processor, conditioned upon the protection of Buyer/Processor with respect to such ownership or claim.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. The Buyer warrants for itself, its successors and assigns, that it will at the time of delivery to Seller for transportation have good and merchantable title to all gas so delivered free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and claims whatsoever. Buyer will inde11111ifj Seller and save it hru1l11ess from all suits, actions, debts, accounts, damages, costs, losses and expenses arising from or out of adverse claims of any or all persons to said gas, including claims for any royalties, taxes, license fees or charges applicable to such gas or to the delivery thereof to Seller for transportation.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. Sellerwarrants the t!Ue to all gas delivered hereunder and the right to sell the same and that such gas shall be free and clear from all liens and adverse claims.
WARRANTY OF TITLE TO GAS. 1. SeJlerwarrants the title to all gas delivered hereunder and the right to sell the same and that such gas shall be free and clear from all liens and adverse claims.