SUSPENSION AND. When employees are to be suspended or discharged from duty, the Employer shall notify the employee in writing of the reasons for such suspension or discharge within twenty-four (24) hours of the suspension or discharge in sufficient detail that the employee may defend against it. The Employer shall notify the representative of the Union that a discharge has occurred or is to occur. When employees are required to attend a meeting where a disciplinary decision them is to be taken by the Employer, or a representative of the Employer, the employees are entitled to have a representative of the Union attend the meeting. The Employer shall notify employees of right to have a representative of the Union in attendance prior to the meeting. Inthe event of a suspension without pay of thirty (30)days or a termination the Committee shall meet to review the action and shall attempt to resolve the matter within four (4) days of the disciplinary action.
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SUSPENSION AND. No will be disciplined withoutjust and sufficient cause. When an Employee is suspended from duty with pay, pending investigation, the Employer undertakes to notify the Employee, and the Bargaining Agent, in writing, of the reason for the suspension within ten (10) calendar days. The Employer shall notify the Local Representative of the Alliance immediately that such a suspension has occurred, and the purpose of the investigation. The Employer shall notify, in writing, the Bargaining Agent, and the Employee, the results of the investigation within ten (10) calendar days, following completion of the investigation. When an Employee is required to attend a meeting, the purpose of which is to render a disciplinary decision concerning him, or her, the Employee shall have a representative of the Bargaining Agent in attendance to represent the Employee at the meeting. The Employee and the Bargaining Agent shall receive at least one (1) day’s notice of such meeting. The Employer shall not introduce as evidence in a hearing relating to disciplinary action, any document from the file of an Employee, the content of which the Employee was not aware of at the time of filing, or within a reasonable period thereafter. The Employee or the Alliance Representative will acknowledge receipt of any such document upon Management’s request. Any document or written statement related to disciplinary action, which may have been placed on the Personnel File of an Employee shall be handled in the following way: A Level I disciplinary action is a formal letter of reprimand, or a notice on file of a verbal warning, but no suspension. The record of such action will be removed from the Personnel File after twelve (12) months if no further disciplinary action occurs in that period. A Level disciplinary action is a suspension without pay for a period of up to (5) calendar days. The record of such action will be removed the Personnel File after (24) months, if no further disciplinary action occurs in that period. A Level disciplinary action is a suspension without pay for a period in excess calendar days. The record of such action will be removed from the Personnel file eight (48) months if no disciplinary action occurs in that period. A disciplinary action is dismissal. The Union will be notified when the notice of the disciplinary action is removed from the Employee’s Personnel File.
SUSPENSION AND. An employee who completed his proba- tionary period may be suspended or dis- charged for just cause and the authority of Employer. A Department or desig- nate may suspend an employee, but shall, as possible, report such action to the Administrator or Such employee the Union shall be advised promptly, in writing, by Employer discharge or suspension. to An employee’s such report shall become part of record of an employee shall not against him fol- lowing any disciplinary (including let- ters of reprimand or any adverse pro- vided twenty-four (24) months have passed and has been no similar or during twenty-four (24) month Omit An employee considered by the Union to be wrongfully or unjustly discharged or shall be entitled to a hearing under Article and be Grievance Procedure of in such cases.
SUSPENSION AND. In the event of a proposed suspension without pay of a duration of three (3)days or longer, or a proposed termination, the following procedures shall be followed. The Committee shall meet to review any proposed disciplinary action and shall attempt to resolve the matter within four (4) days of the proposed disciplinary action. The Employer the right to remove an employee from the workplace for a safety or security issue. Failing a suitable resolution by the Committee, in addition to the normal grievance and arbitration procedure in Article the employee will, at his or her option, be entitled to a "provisional arbitration" to be held within one (1) week of the meeting of the Committee, or a later date mutually agreed upon. The "Provisional Arbitrator" will be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Union. If agreement can not be reached a "Provisional Arbitrator" will be appointed as specified by the appropriate legislation. The "Provisional Arbitrator" will be heard in unless in the interest of expediency a different location is mutually agreed upon. An immediate verbal decision will be given by the "Provisional following the case presentation. This decision will be without prejudice to the ultimate arbitration under Article The "Provisional Arbitrator" will be empowered to order that the employee be reinstated to work at his or her current level of pay and benefits or to uphold the decision on an interim basis. Should the "Provisional Arbitrator" decide to reinstate an employee, and the Arbitrator in the ultimate arbitration hearing provided for in Article decide against the employee, the employee shall not be ordered nor required to pay back any amount of money.
SUSPENSION AND cancellation Suspend or cancel access licences in accordance with statutory requirements. Sections 77A, 78 and 78A of WMA Conferred function for WNSW customers – s77A(5), 78(1)(c) (except that the power to suspend or cancel under s 78(1)(c) may only be exercised on grounds that fees, charges, interest or rates imposed in respect of the licence have not been paid) Conferred for all persons – 78(1), (but only to the extent that WNSW may suspend a licence for failure to pay fees and charges imposed by WNSW), 78A(1), 78A(1A) Gives notification to DPIE Water (under section 78A) in relation to any proposed action on licences held by WAMC or the Minister for Water. Delegated function Undertakes suspension and cancellation tasks with respect to NRAR customers, in relation to unpaid fees and charges. This is in addition to suspension and cancellation actions that result from compliance activities, which NRAR undertakes with respect to all persons. WNSW DPIE NRAR
SUSPENSION AND. In the event of suspension or discharge, the employee concerned shall have the right to representation by a member of the Association during any meeting or investigation of grievance as a result of the suspension or discharge.
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SUSPENSION AND. Notice of suspension and dismissal shall be in writing and shall set forth the for the suspension or dismissal. Suspension and dismissal shall only be for cause.
SUSPENSION AND. When an employee is dismissed or suspended from duty, the Employer undertakes to notify the employee in writing of the reason for such measure. The Employer shall endeavour to give such notification at the time of dismissal or suspension.
SUSPENSION AND. This Article does not apply to probationary employees. An employee may only be disciplined or discharged for cause. When an employee is suspended from duty, the Employer undertakes to notify the employee in writing of the reason for such suspension. The Employer shall endeavour to give such notification at the time of suspension. The Employer shall notify the local representative of the Union that such suspension has occurred. When an employee is required to attend a meeting, the purpose of which is to render a disciplinary decision concerning him or her, the employee is entitled to have, at his or her request, a representativeof the Union attend the meeting. Where practicable, the employee shall receive a minimum of one day's notice of such a meeting. The Employer agrees not to introduce as evidence in a hearing relating to disciplinary action any document from the file of an employee the content of which the employee was not aware of in advance of the hearing. A copy of any document that may form the basis of disciplinary action will be given to the employee at the time of filing. At the request of the employee, any document related to disciplinary action, which may have been placed on the personnel file of an employee, shall be reviewed after three (3) years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken. Provided that no further disciplinary action has been recorded during this period, the document will be deleted.
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