Examples of Wildlife Attractant in a sentence
These include the Airport ’s share of the Fire Station 3 remodel, the purchase of two pieces of Snow Removal Equipment, and a required Wildlife Attractant and Stormwater Environmental Assessment.
MAJOR ISSUES: Wildlife Attractant, with Hemet/Ryan and French Valley Airport Master Plans and CLUPs RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the ALUC notify the County of these concerns and inconsistencies and CONTINUE the proposal until the next meeting of April 17, 2003 in order to complete the review, obtain any text revisions from the County and EIR proposal going to the Board of Supervisors.
Wildlife Attractant RemovalReflects CIP Approved by the Board September 2022 CC.
Wildlife Attractant - For purposes of this ALUP, the term wildlife attractant is defined as any existing or future activity or land use identified in Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular 150/5200-33B as potentially attracting or sustaining hazardous wildlife populations and thereby increasing the likelihood of wildlife strikes by aircraft departing or approaching to land at the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport.
The Clear Lake Road UGB Expansion Area is entirely within this 10,000 foot radius.FAA AC 150/5200-33N, Hazardous Wildlife Attractant on or near Airports, recommends airports used by jet aircraft (as opposed to piston) have a 10,000 foot separation between current and new development of wildlife attractants such as water impoundments.
Without a Wildlife Attractant Bylaw, there are limited consequences for residents that continually leave attractants accessible to wildlife outside of City limits.
FOR GOAA – 2 MUD LAKI – OvIRvıIw PROJICT ARIA A $291,450 LUMP SUM PROJICT TOTAL - Wildlife Attractant and Nuisance Control - Wild Fire Risk Mitigation - Emergency and Maintenance Access Repair - Conservation Easement Compliance These work items support the reduction of wildlife attractant and nuisance species, the reduction of mild fire fuel loads, the support of emergency and maintenance access on premises, and ensure compliance with easement restrictions and regulations.
I note that several of those categories of waste stream (as below), are identified in Mr Shaw’s Australian National Airports Safeguarding Framework ( NASF) Wildlife Attractant Risk and Actions Table44, as being related to activities identified as High Wildlife Attraction Risk and ‘Incompatible’ within a 3km radius to aerodromes (Area A) and ‘Mitigate’ with an 8km radius (Area B).
The SLRD Wildlife Attractant Bylaw (Attachment 4) requires, but is not limited to: • a person must not store any solid waste that is an Attractant in such a manner that it is accessible to Wildlife.
For information on how you can ensure your building project is bear aware, please review the Wildlife Attractant Bylaw No. 2718, 2020 and www.bearaware.bc.ca.