Work force development council definition

Work force development council means the state
Work force development council or "council" means the state work force development council created in section 24-46.3-101, C.R.S.

Related to Work force development council

  • municipal spatial development framework means a municipal spatial development framework adopted by the Municipality in terms of Chapter 5 of the Municipal Systems Act;

  • site development plan means a dimensioned plan drawn to scale that indicates details of the proposed land development, including the site layout, positioning of buildings and structures, property access, building designs and landscaping;

  • Project Director means an employee of the Recipient designated by the Authorized Representative to be responsible for the overall management of the administrative and technical aspects of the executed Agreement. The Project Director is set forth in Section 2 of this Agreement.

  • Commercial Development Plan means the written commercialization plan attached as Appendix E.

  • spatial development framework means the Mhlontlo Municipal Spatial Development Framework prepared and adopted in terms of sections 20 and 21 of the Act and Chapter 2 of this By-Law;

  • Development Team means the entities and professionals assembled to develop and manage the Project, typically including the Applicant, Owner, Developer(s), Co-Developer(s) and general partner or any other related entities in which the Developer or Co-Developer has an identity of interest or a Controlling Interest.

  • Clinical Development means the conduct of clinical trials in humans to assess the dosing, safety and/or efficacy of the Product, including but not limited to Phase I Clinical Trials, Phase II Clinical Trials, Phase Ill Clinical Trials and Phase IV Clinical Trials.

  • Annual Work Plan and Budget means the work plan and budget approved by the Bank and adopted by the Borrower in accordance with the provisions of Section I.C of Schedule 2 of this Agreement, as said work plan and budget may be modified from time to time with the written agreement of the Bank.

  • Joint Development Committee or “JDC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.10.

  • Work Plan means a plan that describes each individual activity to be conducted to complete eligible activities and the associated costs of each individual activity.

  • Commercial Development means any development on private land that is not heavy industrial or residential. The category includes, but is not limited to: hospitals, laboratories and other medical facilities, educational institutions, recreational facilities, plant nurseries, car wash facilities, mini-malls and other business complexes, shopping malls, hotels, office buildings, public warehouses and other light industrial complexes.

  • experimental development means acquiring, combining, shaping and using existing scientific, technological, business and other relevant knowledge and skills with the aim of developing new or improved products, processes or services. This may also include, for example, activities aiming at the conceptual definition, planning and documentation of new products, processes or services;

  • Design-build team means an entity that consists of:

  • Project Manager means the principal employee or agent of the Recipient having administrative authority over the Project designated in Appendix B pursuant to Section VI hereof, or authorized designee as per written notification to the Director.

  • Global Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

  • Development Phase means the period before a vehicle type is type approved.

  • City’s Project Manager means the City’s employee, or his/her delegate, who is authorized in writing to deal with the Consultant on behalf of the City in connection with the Services, or to make decisions in connection with this Agreement;

  • Contractor Project Manager means the employee identified in a Statement of Work as the Contractor project manager.

  • Community Development Director means the Director of City’s Department of Community Development or his or her designee.

  • Annual Work Plan means each work plan approved by the Association under Section I.C of Schedule 2 to this Agreement for inclusion in the Project.

  • Initial Development Plan has the meaning set forth in Section 3.2(b).

  • Project Steering Committee or “PSC” means the committee referred to in Section I.B of Schedule 2 to this Agreement;

  • Design Team means Architect and its Subconsultants as set forth in the Design Services Agreement.

  • Clinical Director means an individual who meets the minimum requirements set forth in Title 9, CCR, and has at least two (2) years of full-time professional experience working in a mental health setting.

  • Academic Council means the Academic Council of the University;

  • Development Work means any work carried out in relation to the physical construction of a mine;