Examples of WPD Group in a sentence
The WPD Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of PPL WPD Ltd whose registered number is 09172857 and whose registered office is Avonbank, Feeder Road, Bristol, BS2 0TB.
However, another WPD Group company, Western Power Distribution Holdings Limited, has accepted responsibility for liabilities for WPUPS and reimburses all contributions made by the Company.
TIR1 is part of F-box protein family and forms SCF protein complex (SKP1-Cullin-F-box), implying that regulationof protein stability is a crucial part of auxin signaling (Gardozo and Pageno 2004).
At 31 March 2018, the WPD Group held collateral in relation to trade receivables in the form of cash £2.8m (2017: £3.5m), letters of credit £74.5m (2017: £77.2m), and parent company guarantees£48.7m (2017: £32.5m).
Box Accounts give a true and fair view of the consolidated assets, liabilities, financial position and state of affairs of the WPD Group Companies as at the Locked Box Date and the consolidated profits and losses of the WPD Group Companies for the period in respect of which they were prepared ending on the Locked Box Date.
The WPD Group has been wholly-owned by PPL since 6 September 2002.Each of the four Issuers is regulated by the Great Britain Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem).Key StrengthsThe Issuers believe they have possession of key operational and credit strengths outlined below.
All four companies are indirectly wholly owned subsidiaries of Western Power Distribution Limited, (registered number 09223384) (WPD, together with WPD Distribution Network Holdings Ltd (registered number 08857746), WPDE, WPDW, WPD South West and WPD South Wales, the WPD Group).
When the WPD Group is an intermediate lessor, it accounts for the head lease and the sub-lease as two separate contracts.
The accident rate for the WPD Group for 2020/21 is0.68 (2019/20: 0.75), outperforming the RIIO-ED1 target of 1.61.
However, their emoluments include those for services to the WPD Group as a whole, which principally comprises WPD South West and WPD South Wales.