Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;
Tabarru’ means donation for the purpose of solidarity and cooperation among the Takaful Participants and to be used to help all Takaful Participants in times of misfortune. In the context of the Company, Tabarru’ will be allocated into the Participants’ Risk Fund.
IMRO means the Irish Music Rights Organisation CLG.
LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;
Hostel means a place of residence for the students of the University, or its colleges, institutions and study centers, established or recognized to be as such by the University;
POPIA means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013;
TMDL means the total maximum daily load limitation of a parameter, representing the estimated assimilative capacity for a water body before other designated uses are adversely affected. Mathematically, it is the sum of wasteload allocations for point sources, load allocations for non-point and natural background sources, and a margin of safety.
SOQ means Statement of Qualifications.
POPI means the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013;
Fellowship means a fellowship in a professional medical college recognized by the Board after consultation with the Medical Advisory Committee.
AASHTO means the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Catechumen means a member of the catechumenate of a Catholic Church. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of reception into the order of catechumens.
WADA means the World Anti-Doping Agency.
OJEU means the Official Journal of the European Union.
SANAS means the South African National Accreditation System;
SOL means the value (such as MW, MVAR, Amperes, Frequency, or Volts) that satisfies the most limiting of the prescribed operating criteria for a specified system configuration to ensure operation within acceptable reliability criteria.
SUVA means Specific Ultraviolet Absorption at 254 nanometers (nm), an indicator of the humic content of a water. It is calculated by dividing a sample’s ultraviolet absorption at a wavelength of 254 nm (UV254) (in m-1) by its concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (in mg/L).
SAQA means the South African Qualifications Authority;
LHIN Cluster has the meaning ascribed to it in the Accountability Agreement and is a grouping of LHINs for the purpose of advancing Digital Health initiatives through regional coordination aligned with the MOHLTC’s provincial priorities.
Quadriplegia means total Paralysis of both upper and lower limbs. “Hemiplegia” means total Paralysis of the upper and lower limbs on one side of the body. “Uniplegia” means total Paralysis of one lower limb or one upper limb. “Paraplegia” means total Paralysis of both lower limbs or both upper limbs. “Paralysis” means total loss of use. A Doctor must determine the loss of use to be complete and not reversible at the time the claim is submitted.
EUMA means the “SAP Delivered Support Agreement” which sets out the terms and conditions under which SAP provides support to End Users and which will be provided by SAP on a deal by deal basis.
SONIAi means the SONIA Reference Rate for:
NFT means any blockchain-tracked, non-fungible token.
South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Tax Free Trust ("Tax Free Trust") on behalf of its series Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Insured Tax Free Income Fund ("Insured Tax Free Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Tax Free High Income Fund ("Tax Free High Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital California Insured Tax Free Fund ("California Insured Tax Free Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Municipal Income Fund ("Municipal Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund (Intermediate Term Municipal Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Florida Insured Tax Free Income Fund ("Florida Insured Tax Free Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital New Jersey Tax Free Income Fund ("New Jersey Tax Free Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital New York Tax Free Income Fund ("New York Tax Free Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital California Tax Free Income Fund ("California Tax Free Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Michigan Tax Free Income Fund ("Michigan Tax Free Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Missouri Tax Free Income Fund ("Missouri Tax Free Income Fund") Van Xxxxxx Xxxrican Capital Ohio Tax Free Income Fund ("Ohio Tax Free Income Fund")
Yeas Nays" Action: Passed Failed The following individual appeared and commented on the topic noted below: (Include the title of any documents presented to the Board.)