Zone 4 definition
Examples of Zone 4 in a sentence
This parcel was placed in Zone 4 to protect important wildlife habitat and shoreline vegetation.
For each Mortgaged Property located in a Zone 3 or Zone 4 seismic zone, either: (i) a seismic report which indicated a PML of less than 20% was prepared, based on a 450- or 475-year lookback with a 10% probability of exceedance in a 50-year period, in connection with the origination of the Mortgage Loan secured by such Mortgaged Property or (ii) the improvements for the Mortgaged Property are insured against earthquake damage.
For each Mortgaged Property located in a Zone 3 or Zone 4 seismic zone, either: (i) a seismic report which indicated a PML of less than 20% was prepared, based on a 450 or 475-year look back with a 10% probability of exceedance in a 50-year period, at origination for such Mortgaged Property or (ii) the improvements for the Mortgaged Property are insured against earthquake damage.
For each Mortgaged Property located in a Zone 3 or Zone 4 seismic zone, either: (i) a seismic report which indicated a PML of less than 20% was prepared, based on a 450 or 475-year lookback with a 10% probability of exceedance in a 50-year period, in connection with the origination of the Mortgage Loan secured by such Mortgaged Property or (ii) the improvements for the Mortgaged Property are insured against earthquake damage.
To protect water quality, the Nutrient Management Regulation (M.R. 62/2008), underThe Water Protection Act, prohibits the construction or expansion of nutrient generating facilities in Nutrient Management Zone 4 (Agriculture Capability Class 6, 7 and unimproved organic soils) and Nutrient Buffer Zones.