Section N Sample Clauses
Section N. Longevity
Section N. The Nursery School, Inc. will provide for the child from two through six years of age, regardless of race, sex, creed, color, and disability, in an environment suitable to the child's needs so that he or she may develop to the optimum in physical health, social and emotional adjustment, and mental and creative abilities.
Section N. All employees who work more than three (3) hours, but less than 5 a day shall receive two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods. No rest period shall be scheduled until the employee has worked at least one (1) hour, however the Employer will make every effort to schedule the rest period as near to the middle of the work period as possible.
Section N. Calendar 39 The District shall establish the calendar for the upcoming school year no later than the end of January. 40 The Superintendent and Association will meet to review the upcoming school year’s calendar 41 constraints prior to drafting options. The school year calendar shall conform to the following 42 principles:
Section N. No anonymous materials of a derogatory nature shall be placed in an administrator's file, except as required by law.
Section N. STANDARD CONTRACT PROVISIONS, is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: UCLA is a public entity and, as such, agrees to comply with Attachment A – Standard Provisions for City Contracts (Rev. 9/22)[v.1], only when those provisions are relevant to UCLA’s performance of the agreement and when they do not conflict with or exceed UCLA’s own rules and regulations or any of the local, state, and federal rules and regulations to which UCLA is bound. To the extent there is a conflict on any subject matter between the Agreement and the Standard Provisions for City Contracts, the language in the Agreement shall govern.
Section N. The Employer shall provide two (2) unpaid released days in whole or half-day segments for the annual conduct of business at Union conferences as deemed appropriate by the Union President. Employees, where possible, may make up any time missed by making arrangements with the Superintendent or designee.
Section N. For those crewmembers who have lost the ability to hold a medical certificate, the Company shall provide, at an active crewmember rate, health coverage for the first two (2) years. Coverage, at the active crewmember rate, shall be available for years three (3) through five
Section N. Teacher Attendance To qualify for the teacher attendance, bonus a teacher may not take any "dock days" or sick leave days. For the purpose of this Section, sick leave does not include the donation of sick leave days to the sick leave bank. If a dock day is taken after a teacher receives an attendance bonus, he/she shall not be eligible for any further attendance bonus for the remainder of the year. Additionally, a teacher may not use more than three (3) personal leave days. Zero Sick Leave Days Used Bonus Paid From first work day through November 30th $175 December 15th From December 1st through February 28th $175 March 15th From March 1st through last work day $175 June 30th From first work day through last work day $275 June 30th Total Possible Bonus $800
Section N. Section N shall be amended in the manner depicted in the July 28 Proposal.