Sierra Leone definition

Sierra Leone means the territory more particularly described in the First Schedule;
Sierra Leone means the territory of the Republic of Sierra Leone and includes the sea, seabed and subsoil, the Continental Shelf, the exclusive economic zone and all other areas within the jurisdiction;
Sierra Leone. OR “Slovenia” OR “Sri Lanka” OR “Ceylon” OR “Solomon Islands” OR “Somalia” OR “Sudan” OR “Suriname” OR “Surinam” OR “Swaziland” OR “Syria” OR “Tajikistan” OR “Tadzhikistan” OR “Tadjikistan” OR “Tadzhik” OR “Tanzania” OR “Thailand” OR “Togo” OR “Togolese Republic” OR “Tonga” OR “Trinidad” OR “Tobago” OR “Tunisia” OR “Turkey” OR “Turkmenistan” OR “Turkmen” OR “Uganda” OR “Ukraine” OR “Uruguay” OR “USSR” OR “Soviet Union” OR “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” OR “Uzbekistan” OR “Uzbek” OR “Vanuatu” OR “New Hebrides” OR “Venezuela” OR “Vietnam” OR “Viet Nam” OR “West Bank” OR “Yemen” OR “Yugoslavia” OR “Zambia” OR “Zimbabwe” OR “Rhodesia” OR “Western Sahara” OR “Kuwait” OR “United Arab Emirates” OR “Qatar” OR “Nauru” OR “Tuvalu” OR “Bahamas” OR “South Africa” OR “Countr*, Developing” OR “Least Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Least Developed” OR “Developed Countr*, Least” OR “Less-Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Less-Developed” OR “Less Developed Countr*” OR “Under-Developed Nation*” OR “Nation*, Under- Developed” OR “Under Developed Nation*” OR “Third-World Countr*” OR “Countr*, Third-World” OR “Third World Countr*” OR “Third-World Nation*” OR “Nation*, Third-World” OR “Third World Nation*” OR “Under-Developed Countr*” OR “Countr*, Under-Developed” OR “Under Developed Countr*” OR “Developing Nation*” OR “Nation*, Developing” OR “Less-Developed Nation*” OR “Less Developed Nation*” OR “Nation*, Less-Developed” Table 3. Quality Assessment for Included Systematic Reviews Based on AMSTAR Criteria First author, date Overall Scores 1. a priori 2. duplicate selection 3. lit. search 4. status of pub. 5. list of studies 6. study details 7. quality assessed 8. quality used 9. combine findings (M-A only) 10. pub. bias (M-A only) 11. conflict of interest Xxxx, 2012 7/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxxx, 2013 6/9 (7/11) Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y CA N Xxxx, 2014 5/9 (6/11) Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y CA N Xxxxxxxx, 2008 1/9 Y CA N N N N N N N/A N/A N Xxxxx, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N Xxxxxxx, 2015 3/9 N Y Y Y N N N N N/A N/A N Hall, 2014 6/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxxxxxx, 0000 2/9 Y N N N N Y N N N/A N/A N Kimani, 0000 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X N Xxxxxxxxxxxx, 2013 0/0 X X X X X X X X X/X X/X X Xx, 0000 7/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxx, 0000 2/9 Y N N Y N N N N N/A N/A N Maman, 2000 2/9 Y N N N N Y N N N/A N/A N Xxxxxxx, 2015 6/9 (8/11) X X X X X X X X X X X Xxxxxx, 0000 4/9 Y N Y Y N Y N N N/A N/A N Mmari, 2013 1/9 Y N N N N N N N N/A N/A N Mpinga, 0000 0/0 X X X X X ...

Examples of Sierra Leone in a sentence

  • West Africa Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cabo Verde, Chad, Xxxx d'Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.

  • The financial statements are presented in Leones, which is the functional and reporting currency of the Government of Sierra Leone.

  • Lang holds approximately 33% of the issued and outstanding shares of Casierra Diamond Corporation, incorporated in British Columbia and its wholly-owned subsidiary company, Casierra Development Fund Inc., also incorporated in British Columbia, which hold an interest in two prospecting licence areas for diamonds and other minerals and metals in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

  • Submissions to the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC Report Appendix 2, p.

  • The President of the Special Court shall submit an annual report on the operation and activities of the Court to the Secretary-General and to the Government of Sierra Leone.

  • The work of Peace Corps Contractor does not limit itself to the role: active support of the Peace Corps mission is paramount to the job because contractors are representatives of Peace Corps in Sierra Leone.

  • Other African country include: Congo, Eritrea, Mali, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda.

  • Gbao, Case No. SCSL-04-15-ES, President, 26 October 2009.President (...) Subsequent to that, the Registrar met with the prisoners on several occasions, after their respective appeals were completed, to inform them that they might not be able to stay in Sierra Leone to serve their sentences and that the Registrar was in the process of negotiating with several States which would be willing and able to receive the convicted persons for service of sentences.

  • Article 3(4) of the Agreement between the United Nations and the French Republic on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia; and Article 8 of the Agreement between the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Government of Sweden on the Enforcement of Sentences of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

  • It notes, in this respect, that independent monitoring ‘is former Yugoslavia and the Government of Finland on the Enforcement of Sentences of the International Tribunal; and Article 6 of the Amended Agreement between the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Government of the Republic of Rwanda on the Enforcement of Sentences of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

More Definitions of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone. History.” Sierra Leone : History | The Commonwealth. Accessed March 29, 2020. xxxxx:// leone/history. In order for West Africans to have repealed western dominance and dismantle colonialism, it was necessary to produce a knowledge based on African philosophy that included “community-centered [sic] ways of knowing, the storytelling framework, [and] language as a bank of knowledge.”119 Oral storytelling fulfills all three elements because it was a communal custom and a participatory experience that was centered within the society. The oral storytelling framework has been utilized in these West African nations as an oral tradition since the beginning of time which has continued into contemporary written short stories.120 Lastly, language is a bank of knowledge within oral storytelling because oral traditions included the cultural heritage, morals and history. Despite the fact that Europeans renamed the various parts of the land, the West African identity was reclaimed through native storytelling and sustained throughout. Within decolonization efforts, oral stories from Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, were shared throughout the region which inherently performed trans rhetorical resistance by nourishing emotions across West Africa and cultivating relationships across the region to form movements in decolonization. Thus, the argument of oral storytelling serving as a means of living resistance and a psychological coping method is still applicable to the period of decolonization and ultimate independence. The conversation of oral storytelling does not end with my analysis of oral storytelling in colonial West African nations. For multiple years, oral storytelling has been overlooked by scholarship and often rejected or mocked as not being “rigorous enough.” However, West African oral stories have proven to be culturally literate mechanisms that give us the privilege to analyze, read, and listen to these stories without limitations while placing us in the imaginative 119 Chilisa, Bagele, and Xxxxx Xxxxxx. Research methods for adult educators in Africa. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, 0000: 49. 120 Edosomwan and Xxxxxxxx, 96. state of possibilities in the oral story. Scholarship should begin and continue to examine connections between oral stories conducted in the United States, the Caribbean and Europe as an essential defense of strength for the African diaspora and symbolic representation of the continuation of African histo...
Sierra Leone. History.” Sierra Leone : History | The Commonwealth. Accessed March 29, 2020. xxxxx://
Sierra Leone. OR "Slovenia" OR "Sri Lanka" OR "Ceylon" OR "Solomon Islands" OR "Somalia" OR "Sudan" OR "Suriname" OR "Surinam" OR "Swaziland" OR "Syria" OR "Tajikistan" OR "Tadzhikistan" OR "Tadjikistan" OR "Tadzhik" OR "Tanzania" OR "Thailand" OR "Togo" OR "Togolese Republic" OR "Tonga" OR "Trinidad" OR "Tobago" OR "Tunisia" OR "Turkey" OR "Turkmenistan" OR "Turkmen" OR "Uganda" OR "Ukraine" OR "Uruguay" OR "USSR" OR "Soviet Union" OR "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" OR "Uzbekistan" OR "Uzbek" OR "Vanuatu" OR "New Hebrides" OR "Venezuela" OR "Vietnam" OR "Viet Nam" OR "West Bank" OR "Yemen" OR "Yugoslavia" OR "Zambia" OR "Zimbabwe" OR "Rhodesia" OR "Western Sahara" OR "Kuwait" OR "United Arab Emirates" OR "Qatar" OR "Nauru" OR "Tuvalu" OR "Bahamas" OR "South Africa" [All Fields])
Sierra Leone has the meaning provided in the Preamble. Stakeholder Engagement Plan or SEP means a plan designed to guide consultations and communications with stakeholders of a project throughout the life of the project for the purpose of engaging with stakeholders in a culturally appropriate manner, as detailed further in IFC Performance Standard No. 1.
Sierra Leone means the Republic of Sierra Leone.

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