Examples of Zoning authority in a sentence
Zoning authority is specifically contained in Title 11, Subtitle 2, Chapter 52, Articles 1 and 4 of the Code of Alabama, 1975, (as amended), and 1986 Cumulative Supplement.
Zoning authority is specifically contained in Title 11, Subtitle 2, Chapter 52, Articles 1 and 4 of the Code of Alabama, 1975 and 1986 Cumulative Supplement.
Zoning authority is constrained by the United States Constitution, federal laws, federal court decisions, the state constitution, state laws, and state court decisions.
Agency/Neighbor NotificationCopies of the application shall be submitted to federal (e.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), state (e.g. Departments of Fish and Game, Environmental Quality, and Water Resources), and local agencies (e.g. County Marine Deputy, Planning and Zoning authority, County Parks Department, Health District, Lake Commission, etc.) (IDAPA
This is a situation where nothing is done in the buffer at the time of the request, but if the septic system fails and cannot be fixed, then the Health Department would allow an approved repair to be located within the buffer provided a variance was first obtained from the applicable Zoning authority.