Zoning authority definition

Zoning authority means any city or county zoning authority in whose jurisdictional area a proposed facility site or portion thereof is located.
Zoning authority means any county or municipal zoning board or other authority which exercises authority to zone the land which a landowner seeks to register under this subchapter.
Zoning authority means the Town of Brookhaven, the Town of Islip, the Village of Saltaire, the Village of Ocean Beach and/or any other legally incorporated village or political sub- division hereafter created and the offi- cials authorized by local ordinance to make rulings and determinations on zoning in said towns and villages.[56 FR 42790, Aug. 29, 1991, as amended at 62FR 30235, June 3, 1997] § 28.3 Boundaries: The Community De- velopment District; The Dune Dis- trict; The Seashore District.(a) Generally. The boundaries of the Seashore are described in the Act, as amended, and are delineated on the of- ficial boundary maps OGP-OOO2, dated June 1964, and amended by OGP-OOO4, dated May 1978. The maps are available for inspection at the Seashore head- quarters. There are three districts: The Community Development District, the Seashore District, and the Dune Dis- trict.(b) The Community Development Dis- trict. (1) The seventeen communities which comprise the Community Devel- opment District are set out below with their respective west/east boundaries.

Examples of Zoning authority in a sentence

  • Zoning authority is specifically contained in Title 11, Subtitle 2, Chapter 52, Articles 1 and 4 of the Code of Alabama, 1975, (as amended), and 1986 Cumulative Supplement.

  • Zoning authority is specifically contained in Title 11, Subtitle 2, Chapter 52, Articles 1 and 4 of the Code of Alabama, 1975 and 1986 Cumulative Supplement.

  • Zoning authority is constrained by the United States Constitution, federal laws, federal court decisions, the state constitution, state laws, and state court decisions.

  • Agency/Neighbor NotificationCopies of the application shall be submitted to federal (e.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), state (e.g. Departments of Fish and Game, Environmental Quality, and Water Resources), and local agencies (e.g. County Marine Deputy, Planning and Zoning authority, County Parks Department, Health District, Lake Commission, etc.) (IDAPA

  • This is a situation where nothing is done in the buffer at the time of the request, but if the septic system fails and cannot be fixed, then the Health Department would allow an approved repair to be located within the buffer provided a variance was first obtained from the applicable Zoning authority.

More Definitions of Zoning authority

Zoning authority means the Town of Brookhaven, the Town of Islip, the National Park Service, Interior § 28.3 Village of Saltaire, the Village of Ocean Beach and/or any other legally incorporated village or political sub- division hereafter created and the offi- cials authorized by local ordinance to make rulings and determinations on zoning in said towns and villages.[56 FR 42790, Aug. 29, 1991, as amended at 62FR 30235, June 3, 1997]
Zoning authority means either the City Zoning Administrator, the Executive Director of the San Francisco Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, or an alternate designee from the agency or department responsible for the approvals and entitlements of a project in the District. If there is any doubt as to the responsible party, the Administrator shall coordinate with the City Zoning Administrator to determine the appropriate party to serve as the Zoning Authority for purposes of this RMA.
Zoning authority means any city or county zoning authority in whose jurisdictional area a proposed facility site or portion thereof is located.ITEM 2. Amend paragraph 24.3(1)“a” as follows:
Zoning authority with respect to any action means the Director of the Department of Community Development of the City of Carmel, Indiana or, where he lacks the capacity to take action, or fails to take such action, the governmental body or bodies, administrative or judicial, in which authority is vested under applicable law to hear appeals, or review action, or the failure to act.
Zoning authority means the rights, powers and obligations with respect to zoning granted to cities, towns and boroughs pursuant to chapter 124 of the general statutes.
Zoning authority means any city, county, or airport zoning authority in whose jurisdictional area a proposed facility site or portion thereof is located.199—28.3 (476A) Preapplication activities and comment meeting. 28.3(1) Preapplication activities. Applicant must provide all potential participating landowners with a copy of the Acquisition Negotiation Statement of Rights found in 61 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 34 prior to seeking to obtain land rights. All written communications with potential participating landowners from which the applicant seeks to obtain land rights must reference 61 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 34.28.3(2) Postapplication comment meeting. Not less than 30 days after filing of an application for renewable energy facility or storage facility, the board shall hold a comment meeting in the county of the proposed site for the renewable energy facility or storage facility. In the event the proposed site is in more than one county, such meeting shall be in the county containing the greatest portion of the proposed renewable energy facility or storage facility site. Comments may be made part of the record.28.3(3) Meeting venue. The applicant shall be responsible for all negotiations and compensation for a suitable venue to be used for the comment meeting, including but not limited to a building or venue which is in substantial compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design, including both the Title III regulations at 28 CFR Part 36, Subpart D, and the 2004 Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines at 36 CFR Part 1191, Appendices B and D (as amended through the effective date of amendment), where such a building or venue is reasonably available. 28.3(4) Location. The location of the meeting shall be reasonably accessible to all persons who may be affected by the granting of the certificate.28.3(5) Board approval. The applicant shall file a letter with the board requesting board approval of the date and time of the comment meeting with the application. The letter shall be filed in the board’s electronic filing system. Board approval shall be issued for the proposed comment meeting date, time, and location within ten days of filing.
Zoning authority with respect to any action means the Marion County Board of Zoning or, where it lacks the capacity to take action, or fails to take such action, the governmental body or bodies, administrative or judicial, in which authority is vested under applicable law to hear appeals, or review action, or the failure to act..