Definitions Mallilausekkeet

Definitions. Ellei termejä ole määritelty muualla tässä Sopimuksessa, isolla alkukirjaimella kirjoitetut Sopimuksessa käytetyt termit määritellään alla.
Definitions. 2.1 Credit agreement refers to a credit card agreement, credit card terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions for payment cards and the price list.
Definitions. 10.2.1 Wastes, for the purpose of this sec- tion, means solid bulk cargoes containing or contaminated with one or more constituents which are subject to the provisions of this Code applicable to cargoes of classes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 6.1, 8 or 9 for which no direct use is envisaged but which are carried for dumping, incineration or other methods of disposal.
Definitions. 2.1 For the purpose of this part, unless expressly provided otherwise: .1 Convention means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended. .2 Regulation means a regulation of the Convention. .3 Chapter means a chapter of the Con- vention.
Definitions. Article 1
Definitions. 1.1 Unless varied by agreement between the parties, the following definitions shall apply: Buyer Facilities: the Buyer’s premises as agreed between the parties. Conditions: the terms and conditions contained within this document. Confidential Information: any and all information of a confidential nature relating to the Seller including without limitation Intellectual Property rights (whether owned or under licence to the Seller), know-how, business information including without limitation technical, customer or personal data, specifications, or trade secrets of the Seller including without limitation, manufacturing processes.