MANAGEMENT Mallilausekkeet

MANAGEMENT. 1. Joint Programme Management Group (JPMG) Chairman: Members:
MANAGEMENT. 3.1. The Parties hereby establish the fol- lowing Authorities, or their equivalents in the event of reorganization, for this Agreement: Defence Command Finland C4 Division Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) Director, C4ISR capability Force Systems Architecture Department Italian National Armaments Directorate 4th Department Armament Programs Undersecretary of State for Armaments and Modernization National Armaments Director (NAD) Director General de Armamento y Material (National Armaments Director, NAD) Deputy NAD for Research and Technology Försvarets materielverk (FMV): Head of Radio Office Command, Control and Communications Systems Procurement Command Director, International Programs Joint Program Executive Office (Joint Tacti- cal Radio System)
MANAGEMENT. 3.1. The Parties hereby establish the fol- lowing Authorities for this Agreement (or their equivalents in the event of reorganiza- tion): Finland: Director General, Resource Policy Department, Ministry of Defence United States: Director, International Coop- eration Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
MANAGEMENT. 4.1. The Annex Participants shall exercise responsibility for the execution of cooperation under this Annex. For this purpose, each Annex Participant shall appoint a Point of Contact (PoC).


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