Borrowers must satisfy themselves that the book(s) they want to be issued in their name, is/are in good condition Clauses Exemplaires

Borrowers must satisfy themselves that the book(s) they want to be issued in their name, is/are in good condition. They shall also been responsible for keeping the books in clean and good condition while in their custody. The book(s) on return shall be examine at the counter and in case of any damage noticed, the last borrower shall be held responsible. The last borrower shall be called upon either to replace the damaged book(s) or pay the compeusation. Failure to do so will make the borrower liable to pay the cost of the books in addition to the fine that may be imposed on him/her. If the borrower, at the time of borrowing the book, points out to the Counter Assistant any damage and obtains his/her signature, he/she shall not be held responsible for the damage.

Related to Borrowers must satisfy themselves that the book(s) they want to be issued in their name, is/are in good condition

  • Obligations du locataire Le locataire est obligé :

  • ATTRIBUTION DE JURIDICTION Tout différend relatif aux CGV, y compris leur validité, leur interprétation, leur exécution ou leur résiliation, est soumis à la compétence du Tribunal de Commerce de Rennes, nonobstant pluralités de défendeurs et appel en garantie y compris pour les procédures d'urgence et les procédures conservatoires, en référé ou sur requête. A l’exception de ce qui précède, le Fournisseur se réserve le droit de soumettre le litige au tribunal du siège social de l’Acheteur.