Article 19 Primjeri odredbi

Article 19. Student is entitled to raise an objection and to make proposal on the quality of the lecturing, organization and the way of performing the educational process, to the Pan-European University Senate, as well as to object on violation of any particular and general rights which originate from their status. Senate of the University is obliged to consider objections / proposals from the previous paragraph of this article and to inform the submitter of the objection / proposal about its position in a period not longer than 30 days. Student is able to raise an objection of request directly to the Xxxx of the Faculty where the student is enrolled: ⮚ on the grade he/she was given at the exam if he/she considers that the exam was not completed in accordance with the Law and the Statute of the University; ⮚ on the document which prevents him/her to enrol the subsequent year of studies, if he/she believes that it has not been made in accordance with the Law and the Statute of the University; ⮚ on the request for adjournment of the rights and obligations in the case of serious illness, performing of professional practice, infant care, pregnancy, and any other cases which are found justified. The Xxxx will make a decision on student's objection in a period of five days since the day of receiving the objection, or in a period of 10 days since the day of receiving the request. University or the organizational units of the University will act in accordance with the Law on administrative procedure, when deciding on individual rights and liabilities of the student.
Article 19. This Treaty shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of the fifth instrument of ratification with the Governments of the signatory States which are designated Depositories of this Treaty and of the instruments of ratification or accession. This Treaty is drawn up in the official languages of the High Contracting Parties, all of which are equally authoritative. There shall be an agreed common translation of the texts in the English language. Any divergent interpretation of the common text shall be settled by negotiation. IN FAITH THEREOF the High Contracting Parties have signed the Treaty and have hereto affixed their Seals. DONE at Denpasar, Bali, this twenty-fourth day of February in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six. Untuk Republik Indonesia BagiPihak Republik Indonesia Para sa Republika ng Indonesya For the Republic of Indonesia Untuk Malaysia Bagi Pihak Malaysia Para sa Malaysia For Malaysia Untuk Republik Pilipina Bagi Pihak Republik Filipina Para sa Republika ng Pilipinas Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Onn Prime Minister Xxxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx President For the Republic of the Philippines Untuk Republic Singapura Bagi Pihak Republik Singapura Para sa Republika ng Singapore Xxx Xxxx Xxx Prime Minister For the Republic of Singapore Untuk Kerayan Thailand Bagi Pihak Thailand Para Sa Kaharian Ng Thailand Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Prime Minister For the Kingdom of Thailand PROTOCOL AMENDING THE TREATY OF AMITY AND COOPERATION IN SOUTHEAST ASIA THE GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI DARUSSALAM THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA THE GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE, AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND DESIRING to further enhance cooperation with all peace-loving nations, both within and outside Southeast Asia and, in particular, neighbouring States of the Southeast Asia region; CONSIDERING Paragraph 5 of the Preamble of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, done at Denpasar, Bali, on 24 February 1976 (hereinafter referred to as the Treaty of Amity), which refers to the need for cooperation with all peace-loving nations, both within and outside Southeast Asia, in the furtherance of world peace, stability and harmony ; XXXXXX AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: "This Treaty shall be signed by the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Singapore and the Kingdom of Thailand. It shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional...
Article 19. Deposit of the Treaty; Transmittal of Copies; Registration of the Treaty Notifications
Article 19. The Council of Senior Officials shall prepare programs of activities of the Fund and reports on their implementation in the preceding year and submits them for approval to the Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The Council of Senior Officials shall prepare draft budgets of the Fund and reports on their utilization in the preceding year and submit them for approval to the Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.
Article 19. The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally authoritative. Generalna konferencija Međunarodne organizacije rada, Pošto ju je sazvao u Ženevi Administrativni savet Međunarodne kancelarije rada, i pošto se sastala na svojoj trideset i drugoj sednici 8. juna 1949, i Pošto je odlučila o usvajanju određenih predloga o klauzulama o radu i javnim ugovorima, što je šesta tačka dnevnog reda sednice, i Pošto je odlučila da ovi predlozi uzmu oblik međunarodne konvencije, Usvaja na ovaj dvadeset i deveti dan juna godine hiljadu devesto četrdeset i devete sledeću konvenciju, koja može da se citira kao Konvencija o klauzulama o radu (Javni ugovori), 1949:
Article 19. Request for Physical Examination
Article 19. The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally authoritative. Generalna konferencija Međunarodne organizacije rada, Pošto xx xx sazvao u Ženevi Administrativni savet Međunarodne kancelarije rada, i pošto se sastala na svojoj trideset i drugoj sednici 8. xxxx 1949, i Pošto je odlučila o usvajanju određenih predloga o klauzulama o radu i javnim ugovorima, što xx xxxxx xxxxx dnevnog xxxx sednice, i Pošto je odlučila da ovi predlozi uzmu oblik međunarodne konvencije, Usvaja na ovaj dvadeset i deveti xxx xxxx xxxxxx hiljadu devesto četrdeset i devete sledeću konvenciju, koja može da se citira kao Konvencija o klauzulama o radu (Javni ugovori), 1949:
Article 19. The membership in the Association ceases in case of: - resignation; - deletion from the records, in case of prolonged non-payment of membership or non-participation in the work. - Exclusion, in case of a serious violation or gross violation of the goals in other provisions of the Articles of Association.
Article 19. Officials of the Organisation agreed under Article 17 shall be exempt from taxation on the salaries and emoluments paid to them by the Organisation in their capacity as such officials. Any Member State may, however, conclude an arrangement with the Council acting on behalf of the Organisation whereby such Member State will employ and assign to the Organisation all of its nationals (except, if such Member State so desires, any not ordinarily resident within its territory) who are to serve on the international staff of the Organisation and pay the salaries and emoluments of such persons from its own funds at a scale fixed by it. The salaries and emoluments so paid may be taxed by such Member State but shall be exempt from taxation by any other Member State. If such an arrangement is entered into by any Member State and is subsequently modified or terminated, Member States shall no longer be bound under the first sentence of this Article to exempt from taxation the salaries and emoluments paid to their nationals. In addition to the immunities and privileges specified in Articles 18 and 19, the Executive Secretary of the Organisation, the Co-ordinator of North Atlantic Defence Production, and such other permanent officials of similar rank as may be agreed between the Chairman of the Council Deputies and the Governments of Member States, shall be accorded the privileges and immunities normally accorded to diplomatic personnel of comparable rank.
Article 19. Student is entitled to raise an objection and to make proposal on the quality of the lecturing, organization and the educational performances, to the University Senate, as well as to object on violation of any particular and general rights which originate from nastavnog procesa, na organizaciju i način izvođenja nastave, te na povredu bilo kojih specifičnih i opštih prava koja proizilaze iz njihovog statusa. Senat Univerziteta xxxxx xx da razmotri prigovore, odnosno prijedloge iz stava 1. ovog člana i pismeno obavijesti podnosioca prigovora o svom stavu u roku koji ne može biti duži od 30 xxxx. Student može podnijeti prigovor odn. podnesak neposredno rektoru Panevropskog univerziteta: ⮚ na ocjenu dobijenu na ispitu ako smatra da ispit nije obavljen u skladu sa Zakonom i Statutom univerziteta; ⮚ na akt kojim mu nije dozvoljen upis u narednu godinu studija, ako smatra da isti nije donijet u skladu sa Zakonom i Statutom univerziteta. ⮚ zahtjev za mirovanje prava i obaveza u slučaju teže bolesti, upućivanja na stručnu praksu, njege djeteta do godinu xxxx, održavanja trudnoće i u drugim slučajevima u kojima se ocjeni opravdanost. Rektor donosi rješenje po prigovoru studenta u roku od pet xxxx od xxxx prijema prigovora odn. donosi rješenje o podnesku u roku od 10 xxxx od xxxx prijema podneska. Univerzitet odnosno organizacione jedinice Univerziteta postupaju po Zakonu o upravnom postupku kada rješavaju o pojedinačnim pravima i obavezama studenata. Student odgovara za povredu obaveze u skladu sa Pravilnikom o disciplinskoj odgovornosti studenata kojim se pružaju pravični i nepristrasni mehanizmi rješavanja disciplinskih pitanja, definišu lakše i teže povrede obaveza studenata, disciplinski organi i propisuje disciplinski postupak. Za lakše povrede obaveza studenata izriče se disciplinska mjera "opomena" ili "ukor", a za teže povrede izriče se disciplinska mjera "strogog ukora" ili "isključenja" sa Panevropskog univerziteta. Godišnja nastava se organizuje u dva semestra ili u najviše osam nastavnih blokova koji pojedinačno nisu veći od 6 sedmica. Nastavna xxxxxx xx određena metrikom studija koja zadovoljava uslove definisane Statutom univerziteta. Univerzitet će radno opterećenje studenata i obračun odgovarajućih ECTS bodova pojedinih predmetnih jedinica vršiti na osnovu sljedećih parametara metrike studija: • Ukupan fond xxxx xxxx školske godine sati • Ukupno xxxx xxxx po jednom ECTS sati • Trajanje nastavnog bloka .................................≤ 6 sedmica • T...