Environmental and social responsibility Primjeri odredbi

Environmental and social responsibility. 11.6.1 Implementation of environmental and social measures In order to promote sustainable development, the Parties agree that it is necessary to promote compliance with internationally recognised environmental and labour standards, including fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (“ILO”) and the international environmental laws and regulations applicable in the Borrower’s jurisdiction. For such purpose, the Borrower shall: with respect to its business activities: (a) comply with international standards for the protection of the environment and labour laws, particularly the fundamental conventions of the ILO and the international environmental conventions, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the country in which the Project is being implemented. with respect to the Project: (b) include in the procurement contracts, and, as the case may be, in the bidding documents, a clause whereby the contracting parties agree, and agree to procure that their sub-contractors (if any) agree, to comply with such standards in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the country where the Project is being implemented. The Lender will be entitled to request that the Borrower deliver a report on environmental and social conditions of implementation of the Project; (c) put in place appropriate mitigation measures specific to the Project as defined within the context of the environmental and social risk management policy of the Project and described in the ESCP referred to in the IBRD Loan Agreement ; (d) require that the Contractors appointed for implementation of the Project, apply the mitigation measures set out in paragraph (c) above and procure that their subcontractors (if any) comply with all such measures and take all appropriate steps in the event of a failure to put in place such mitigation measures; and (e) provide the Lender through the Co Financier with annual follow-up reports in relation to the ESCP. 11.6.2 Environmental and social (ES) complaints-management (a) The Borrower (i) confirms that it has received a copy of the ES Complaints-Management Mechanism’s Rules of Procedure and has acknowledged its terms, in particular with respect to actions that may be taken by the Lender in the event that a third party lodges a complaint, and (ii) acknowledges that these ES Complaints-Management Mechanism’s Rules of Procedure have, as between the Borrower and the Lender, the same contractually binding effect as thi...
Environmental and social responsibility. 11.5.1 Implementation of environmental and social measures In order to promote sustainable development, the Parties agree that it is necessary to promote compliance with internationally recognised environmental and labour standards, including fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (“ILO”) and the international environmental laws and regulations applicable in the Borrower’s jurisdiction. For such purpose, the Borrower shall, with respect to its business activities in the context of the Operation: - Comply with international standards for the protection of the environment and labour laws, particularly the fundamental conventions of the ILO and the international environmental conventions, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Serbia ; - Put in place appropriate mitigation measures specific to the Operation as defined within the context of the environmental and social risk management policy of the Operation as described in the ESCP attached as Schedule 3D (Environmental and Social Commitment Plan). The Lender reserves its right to exclude projects and budget items that do not comply with its own applicable regulations, in particular its Exclusion List as attached in Schedule 9 (List of Exclusions), from the Expenditure Framework at any point during Operation implementation. 11.5.2 Environmental and social grievance management (a) The Borrower (i) confirms that it has received a copy of the ES Grievance Management Procedures and has acknowledged its terms, in particular with respect to actions that may be taken by the Lender in the event that a third party lodges a grievance, and (ii) acknowledges that the ES Grievance Management Procedures have, as between the Borrower and the Lender, the same contractually binding effect as this Agreement. (b) The Borrower expressly authorises the Lender to disclose to the Experts (as defined in the ES Grievance Management Procedures) and to parties involved in the compliance audit and/or dispute resolution procedure, the Operation documents concerning environmental and social matters necessary for processing the environmental and social Grievance (as defined in the ES Grievance Management Procedures), including, without limitation, those listed in Schedule 7 (Non-exhaustive list of environmental and social documents which the Borrower permits to be disclosed in connection with ES Grievance management procedures).
Environmental and social responsibility. 11.5.1 Implementation of environmental and social measures In order to promote sustainable development, the Parties agree that it is necessary to promote compliance with internationally recognised environmental and labour standards, including fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (“ILO”) and the international environmental laws and regulations applicable in the Borrower’s jurisdiction. For such purpose, the Borrower shall, with respect to its business activities in the context of the Operation: - Comply with international standards for the protection of the environment and labour laws, particularly the fundamental conventions of the ILO and the international environmental conventions, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Serbia ; - Put in place appropriate mitigation measures specific to the Operation as defined within the context of the environmental and social risk management policy of the Operation as described in the ESCP attached as Schedule 3D (Environmental and Social Commitment Plan). The Lender reserves its right to exclude projects and budget items that do not comply with its own applicable regulations, in particular its Exclusion List as attached in Schedule 9 (List of Exclusions), from the Expenditure Framework at any point during Operation implementation. 11.5.2 Environmental and social grievance management (a) The Borrower (i) confirms that it has received a copy of the ES Grievance Management Procedures and has acknowledged its terms, in particular with respect to actions that may be taken by the Lender in the event that a third party lodges a grievance, and
Environmental and social responsibility. 11.4.1 Implementation of environmental and social measures In order to promote sustainable development, the Parties agree that it is necessary to promote compliance with internationally recognised environmental and labour standards, including fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (“ILO”) and the international environmental laws and regulations applicable in the Borrower’s jurisdiction. 11.4.2 Environmental and social grievance management (a) The Borrower (i) confirms that it has received a copy of the ES Grievance Management Procedures and has acknowledged its terms, in particular with respect to actions that may be taken by the Lender in the event that a third party lodges a grievance, and (ii) acknowledges that the ES Grievance Management Procedures have, as between the Borrower and the Lender, the same contractually binding effect as this Agreement. (b) The Borrower expressly authorises the Lender to disclose to the Experts (as defined in the ES Grievance Management Procedures) and to parties involved in the compliance audit and/or dispute resolution procedure, the Program documents concerning environmental and social matters necessary for processing the environmental and social Grievance (as defined in the ES Grievance Management Procedures), including, without limitation, those listed in Schedule 7 (Non-exhaustive list of environmental and social documents which the Borrower permits to be disclosed in connection with ES Grievance management procedures).
Environmental and social responsibility. 11.6.1 Implementation of environmental and social measures In order to promote sustainable development, the Parties agree that it is necessary to promote compliance with internationally recognised environmental and labour standards, including fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (“ILO”) and the international environmental laws and regulations applicable in the Borrower’s jurisdiction. For such purpose, the Borrower shall: with respect to its business activities: (a) comply with international standards for the protection of the environment and labour laws, particularly the fundamental conventions of the ILO and the international environmental conventions, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the country in which the Project is being implemented. with respect to the Project: (b) include in the procurement contracts, and, as the case may be, in the bidding documents, a clause whereby the contracting parties agree, and agree to procure that their sub-contractors (if any) agree, to comply with such standards in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the country where the Project is being implemented. The Lender will be entitled to request that the Borrower deliver a report on environmental and social conditions of implementation of the Project; (c) put in place appropriate mitigation measures specific to the Project as defined within the context of the environmental and social risk management policy of the Project and described in the ESCP referred to in the IBRD Loan Agreement;

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  • Preraspodjela radnog vremena (1) Ako narav posla to zahtijeva, puno ili nepuno radno vrijeme može se preraspodijeliti tako da tijekom razdoblja koje ne može biti duže od dvanaest neprekidnih mjeseci, u jednom razdoblju traje duže, a u drugom razdoblju kraće od punog ili nepunog radnog vremena, na način da prosječno radno vrijeme tijekom trajanja preraspodjele ne smije biti duže od punog ili nepunog radnog vremena. (2) Ako je radno vrijeme preraspodijeljeno, ono tijekom razdoblja u kojem traje duže od punog radnog vremena uključujući i prekovremeni rad, ne smije biti duže od 48 sati tjedno. (3) Iznimno od odredbe st. 2. ovog članka, preraspodijeljeno radno vrijeme tijekom razdoblja u kojem traje duže od punog ili nepunog radnog vremena može trajati duže od 48 sati tjedno, ali ne duže od 56 sati tjedno, odnosno 60 sati tjedno ako Poslodavac posluje sezonski, pod uvjetom da radnik dostavi Poslodavcu pisanu izjavu o dobrovoljnom pristanku na takav rad. (4) Preraspodijeljeno radno vrijeme ne smatra se prekovremenim radom. (5) Dodaci plaći odrađeni u preraspodijeljenom radnom vremenu isplaćuju se u plaći za mjesec u kojem su ostvareni. (6) Poslodavac mora pisanim putem obavijestiti radnika o preraspodijeljenom radnom vremenu tjedan dana unaprijed. Obavijest treba sadržavati točnu naznaku razdoblja i ukupnog trajanja rada dužeg od punog radnog vremena, kao i razdoblje preraspodjele u kojem će radnik raditi kraće od punog radnog vremena. (7) Preraspodijeljeno radno vrijeme u razdoblju u kojem traje duže od punog ili nepunog radnog vremena može trajati najduže šest mjeseci. (8) Preraspodijeljeno radno vrijeme svodi se na puno radno vrijeme po isteku maksimalno šestomjesečnog korištenja. (9) Rad, po pisanom nalogu Poslodavca, duži od radnog vremena koje je po odredbama ovog Kolektivnog ugovora utvrđeno kao preraspodijeljeno radno vrijeme, smatra se prekovremenim radom. (10) Preraspodjela radnog vremena ne može se uvesti zbog nedostatka broja izvršitelja na otvorenim sistematiziranim radnim mjestima. (11) Radni sati odrađeni u preraspodijeljenom radnom vremenu posebno se evidentiraju radi svođenja preraspodijeljenog radnog vremena na puno radno vrijeme. (12) Preraspodjela radnog vremena ne može se odrediti radnicima sa smanjenom radnom sposobnošću uz preostalu radnu sposobnost, radnicima sa smanjenom radnom sposobnošću uz djelomični gubitak radne sposobnosti ili radnicima kod kojih postoji neposredna opasnost od nastanka smanjenja radne sposobnosti, trudnicama, roditelju s djetetom do tri godine starosti, samohranom roditelju s djetetom do šest godina starosti i radniku koji radi u nepunom radnom vremenu, bez dostavljanja Poslodavcu pisane izjave o dobrovoljnom pristanku na takav rad, osim u slučaju više sile.

  • PRELAZNE I ZAVRŠNE ODREDBE Član 277 1) Pravilnik o načinu i postupku registrovanja ugovora o radu za obavljanje poslova van prostorija poslodavca i poslova kućnog pomoćnog osoblja ("Službeni glasnik RS", broj 1/2002); 2) Pravilnik o uslovima, postupku i načinu ostvarivanja prava na odsustvo sa rada radi posebne nege deteta ("Službeni glasnik RS", broj 1/2002); 3) Pravilnik o načinu izdavanja i sadržaju potvrde o nastupanju privremene sprečenosti za rad zaposlenog u smislu propisa o zdravstvenom osiguranju ("Službeni glasnik RS", broj 1/2002); 4) Pravilnik o radnoj knjižici ("Službeni glasnik RS", broj 17/97); 5) Pravilnik o upisu sindikalnih organizacija u registar ("Službeni glasnik RS", br. 6/97, 33/97, 49/2000, 18/2001 i 64/2004); 6) Pravilnik o registraciji kolektivnih ugovora ("Službeni glasnik RS", broj 22/97). Poslodavac je dužan da sa zaposlenima koji su zasnovali radni odnos do dana stupanja na snagu ovog zakona, a nemaju zaključen ugovor o radu, zaključi ugovor o uređivanju međusobnih prava, obaveza i odgovornosti, koji sadrži elemente iz člana 33. stav 1. ovog zakona, osim iz tač. 4) - 8). Ugovorom iz stava 1. ovog člana ne zasniva se radni odnos.

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