NADLEŽNOST SUDA Primjeri odredbi

NADLEŽNOST SUDA. U slučaju spora u vezi i povodom Okvirnog ugovora, Banka i Korisnik će isti pokušati da reše sporazumno. U suprotnom, nadležnost xxxx xx utvrđuje u skladu sa propisima.
NADLEŽNOST SUDA. 19.1. Ugovara se nadležnost stvarno nadležnog suda u Zagrebu.
NADLEŽNOST SUDA. Za sporove iz ovih Općih uvjeta nadležan je stvarno nadležni sud Republike Hrvatske u Zagrebu. Ako ne bude drukčije dogovoreno, između ugovornih strana vrijede isključivo pravila hrvatskog prava, pa i onda ako se narudžba izvršava u inozemstvu. Isključena je uporaba Konvencije Ujedinjenih naroda o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe (CISG). Ovi Opći uvjeti sastavljeni su i sklapaju se na engleskom i na hrvatskom jeziku. U slučaju nesuglasja, verzija na hrvatskom jeziku će biti odlučna za tumačenje. BE-terna shall assume no liability for proper and accurate functioning of Localization in terms of accuracy of accounting and tax records produced, and other reports, as well as potential loss of data caused by or linked to Localization use. The User undertakes to individually ensure all necessary steps to verify accuracy and completness of accounting and tax records produced, other reports produced by Localization use, as well as to make backup (safety) copy of all relevant financial data and reports. BE-terna assumes solely responsibility for ordinary and immediate property damage caused to the User intentionally or by gross negligence. BE-terna shall not be held responsible for property damaged caused by ordinary negligence, profit loss, non pecuniary damage, or any type of indirect damage. Total liability of BE-terna towards the User for any and all damages pursuant to this General Terms shall be limited to the amount of fee for Localization use and update which the User has settled pursuant to item 6 of this General Terms in last twelve months. 9. Application of BE-terna's General Terms of Business In part not defined otherwise by this General Terms and in parallel to this General Terms, BE-terna's General Terms of Business shall be fully applicable to the User agreement. In event of discrepancies between BE- terna's General Terms of Business and this General Terms with respect of Localization, the last mentioned shall prevail. 10. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with this General Terms shall exclusively and finally be settled by the competent court in Zagreb. Unless otherwise agreed, even if contractual obligations are fulfilled abroad, this General Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia. Application of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is explicitly excluded. This Letter of Intent is drawn up ...
NADLEŽNOST SUDA. Ugovaratelj/Putnik i Agencija će sve nesuglasnosti nastojati riješiti sporazumno, prema propisanoj proceduri, a ako to ne bude moguće ugovara se nadležnost suda u Zagrebu, s primjenom hrvatskog prava u postupku, uz izuzeće odredbi o sukobu zakona koje bi upućivale na primjenu stranog prava.
NADLEŽNOST SUDA. Za sporove iz ovih Općih uvjeta nadležan je stvarno nadležni sud Republike Hrvatske u Zagrebu. Ako ne bude drukčije dogovoreno, između ugovornih strana vrijede isključivo pravila hrvatskog prava, pa i onda ako se narudžba izvršava u inozemstvu. Isključena je uporaba Konvencije Ujedinjenih naroda o ugovorima o međunarodnoj prodaji robe (CISG). Ovi Opći uvjeti sastavljeni su i sklapaju se na engleskom i na hrvatskom jeziku. U slučaju nesuglasja, verzija na hrvatskom jeziku će biti odlučna za tumačenje. as well as to make backup (safety) copy of all relevant financial data and reports. BE-terna assumes solely responsibility for ordinary and immediate property damage caused to the User intentionally or by gross negligence. BE-terna shall not be held responsible for property damaged caused by ordinary negligence, profit loss, non pecuniary damage, or any type of indirect damage. Total liability of BE-terna towards the User for any and all damages pursuant to this General Terms shall be limited to the amount of fee for Localization use and update which the User has settled pursuant to item 6 of this General Terms in last twelve months. 9. Application of BE-terna's General Terms of Business In part not defined otherwise by this General Terms and in parallel to this General Terms, BE-terna's General Terms of Business shall be fully applicable to the User agreement. In event of discrepancies between BE- terna's General Terms of Business and this General Terms with respect of Localization, the last mentioned shall prevail. 10. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with this General Terms shall exclusively and finally be settled by the competent court in Zagreb. Unless otherwise agreed, even if contractual obligations are fulfilled abroad, this General Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Croatia. Application of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is explicitly excluded. This Letter of Intent is drawn up and entered into in the English and Croatian language. In event of dispute, the Croatian language version shall prevail.
NADLEŽNOST SUDA. U slučaju spora u vezi i povodom Okvirnog ugovora, Banka i Korisnik će isti pokušati da reše sporazumno. U suprotnom, nadležnost xxxx xx utvrđuje u skladu sa propisima. Za sve što nije regulisano Okvirnim ugovorom primenjuju se odredbe zakona koji uređuju oblast platnih usluga, obligacionih odnosa, finansijskih usluga, međubankarskih naknada i platnih transakcija na osnovu platnih kartica, kao i drugi zakoni i propisi Republike Srbije. Odredbe ovih Opštih uslova stupaju na snagu danom usvajanja xx xxxxxx Upravnog odbora a primenjuju se počev od 30.04.2021. Danom primene ovih Opštih uslova prestaju xx xxxx opšti uslovi koji su usvojeni na sednici Upravnog odbora br. 7/19 od 25.01.2019. godine a koji su u primeni od 26.04.2019. i to: - Opšti uslovi poslovanja za platne račune i obavljanje platnih usluga za fizička lica; - Opšti uslovi poslovanja za izdavanje i korišćenje debitnih kartica za fizička lica.
NADLEŽNOST SUDA. Sva sporna pitanja nastala iz poslovnog odnosa, Banka i Klijent će pokušati da reše sporazumno, a u slučaju da to nije moguće spor će se rešavati pred stvarno i mesno nadležnim sudom određenim u skladu sa propisima.