Other provisions mintaszakaszok

Other provisions. 3.1 By signing this agreement, the scholarship holder approves that
Other provisions. By signing this Scholarship agreement, the scholarship holder approves that his/her name can be published and he/she specifically approves that Tempus Public Foundation handles his/her personal data required for maintaining the scholarship holder status during the necessary period and to the required extent and – maintaining a purpose limitation – forward them to the host institution and to the ministry responsible for education, in regard to the provisions of the relevant legal background and in order to hold the scholarship holder status, Tempus Public Foundation matches his/her personal data (study details) with the host institution, especially the details of his/her student status, academic records and achievements, and the result of his/her reallocation. Any questions not regulated by this Scholarship agreement shall be governed by Act 5/2013 on the Civil Code, by ANHE, the Decree, the Operational Regulations of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme, the rules and regulations of the host institution and the Hungarian law. The Scholarship holder accepts by signing this Scholarship Agreement, that Tempus Public Foundation is handling the personal data provided in this Agreement based on attached Privacy Statement – for data management in connection with the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme. This Scholarship agreement shall come into effect with the signature of both Parties from the date of the establishment of the student status specified in point 2.3. General Terms and Conditions (GC)
Other provisions. 5.1 By signing this agreement, the scholarship holder approves that a) his/her name can be published and s/he specifically approves that Tempus Public Foundation handles his/her personal data required for maintaining the scholarship holder status during the necessary period and to the required extent and – maintaining a purpose limitation – forward them to the host institution and to the ministry responsible for education, in regard to the provisions of Act 112/2011 on Information Self-determination and Freedom of Information and b) in order to hold the scholarship holder status, Tempus Public Foundation matches his/her personal data (study details) with the host institution, especially the details of his/her student status, academic records and achievements, and the result of his/her reallocation. 5.2 Any questions not regulated by this agreement shall be governed by Act 5/2013 on the Civil Code, by ANHE, the Decree, the Operational Regulations of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme, the rules and regulations of the host institution and the Hungarian law. 5.3 This agreement shall come into effect with the signature of both Parties from the date of the establishment of the student status specified in point 2.3.
Other provisions. 1. If any part of these General Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable such determination shall not invalidate any other provision of these General Terms and Conditions; however, the contracting parties shall attempt, through negotiations in good faith, to replace any part of these General Terms and Conditions so held to be invalid or unenforceable. The failure of the Parties to reach an agreement on a replacement provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining part of these General Terms and Conditions. The same applies in case of a gap.
Other provisions. 1. Should any one or more of these provisions be invalid, the parties shall agree on a replacement provision(s) that comes as closely as possible to the commercial meaning and purpose of the invalid provision(s). The same shall apply in case of a gap.
Other provisions. 7.1 The Parties hereto undertake to send their data changing during the term of the Agreement in writing to the other Party within 8 days from the date of such change. Furthermore, the Parties hereto agree that any modification of this Agreement shall be valid only if made in writing on a physical paper and duly signed by the representatives of them. The Parties hereto agree that provisions of points 2.5. and 4.3 hereto are exempt from this requirement.
Other provisions. 16.1. End-User Statement: The Buyer confirms hereby that the product and technology being delivered under this contract, as well as the direct product of this technology, are intended for civil industrial use only, and must not be used, directly or indirectly, for the production of chemical or biological weapons, or precursor chemicals for such weapons, or, directly or indirectly, for any kind of nuclear Sberbank CZ, a.s. Xxxxxxxxx 0 Xxxx-Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx IBAN (EUR): XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Cégjegyzék szám: 00-00-000000 Adószám: 12606438-2-13 EU VAT no.: HU12606438 vagy e fegyverek vegyi segédeszközeként, vagy közvetve, illetve közvetlenül bármilyen nukleáris fegyverek végfelhasználására.
Other provisions. 3.1. The processing of the personal data given by the scholarship holder during the application procedure for the scholarship and the personal data included in this agreement is based on the legal basis defined in Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) and c) of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation 2018/679 EU) with the aim of the preparation and completion of the agreement as well as the fulfilment of the legal obligation to which the controller is subject.
Other provisions. 6.1 The legal relationship affected by the provisions of the GTC is managed by the provisions of the following legal acts:

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