ARBITRATION Klausul Contoh

ARBITRATION. 66.1 if any dispute or difference shall arise between the Council and the Contractor out of or in connection with the contract, then parties shall refer such matter, dispute or difference to the officer named in Appendix for a decision. 66.2 The officer named in Appendix’s decision shall be in writing and shall subject to clause 66.4 hereof, be binding on the Parties until the completion of the Works and shall forthwith be given effect to by the Contractor who shall proceed with the Works with all due diligence whether or not notice of dissatisfaction is given by him.
ARBITRATION. 66.1 If any dispute or difference shall arise between Xxxxx Xxxxxx and the Contractor out of or in connection with the contract, then parties shall refer such matter, dispute or difference to the officer named in Appendix for a decision. UNTUK KEGUNAAN TENDER DBKL SAHAJA 66.2 The officer named in Appendix's decision shall be in writing and shall subject to clause 66.4 hereof, be binding on the Parties until the completion of the Works and shall forthwith be given effect to by the Contractor who shall proceed with the Works with all due diligence whether or not notice of dissatisfaction is given by him. 66.3 If the Parties- (a) fails to receive a decision from the officer named in the Appendix within forty-five (45) days after being requested to do so; or (b) is dissatisfied with any decision of the officer named in the Appendix, then such dispute or difference shall be referred to arbitration within forty-five (45) days to an arbitrator to be agreed between the Parties and failing such agreement, to be appointed by the Director of the Regional Centre for arbitration in Kuala Lumpur on the application of either Party hereto. Such arbitration shall be heard at the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration and shall be conducted in accordance with the rules for arbitration of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration using the facilities and the system available at the Centre. 66.4 Such reference, except on any difference or dispute under clause 51 hereof shall not be commenced until after the completion or alleged completion of the Works or determination or alleged determination of the Contractor's employment under this Contract, or abandonment of the Works, unless with the written consent of Xxxxx Xxxxxx and the Contractor. 66.5 In the event that such consent has been obtained in accordance with clause 66.4, the reference of any matter, dispute or difference to arbitration pursuant to this clause and/or the continuance of any arbitration proceedings consequent thereto shall in no way operate as a waiver of the obligations of the parties to perform their respective obligations under this Contract. 66.6 In any arbitration proceedings conducted pursuant to clause 66.3, the Parties may make any counter claim in relation to any dispute or difference arising from the Contract. 66.7 Upon every or any such reference the costs of such incidental to the reference and award shall be in the discretion of the Arbitrator who may determine the amount thereof, or...
ARBITRATION. Except for the right of either party to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction or other equitable relief available under applicable law to preserve the status quo or prevent irreparable harm pending the selection and confirmation of a panel of arbitrators, and for the right of SAP to bring suit on an open account for any payments due SAP hereunder, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in Indonesia, in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the ICC, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Arbitration shall be conducted in the English language by a panel of three (3) members, one member selected by SAP, one member selected by Licensee and the third member, who shall be chairman, selected by agreement between the other (2) members. The chairman shall be a solicitor, and the other arbitrators shall have a background or training in computer law, computer science, or marketing of computer industry products. The arbitrators shall have the authority to grant injunctive relief in a form substantially similar to that which would otherwise be granted by a court of law. The parties agree that the arbitration proceedings and the outcome shall be kept strictly confidential and that obligations under this Section 12.9 shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.


  • Informasi Penagihan Dan Kepemilikan Metrik Biaya



  • PENDAPAT AKUNTAN TENTANG LAPORAN KEUANGAN (halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan)

  • IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI DAN PELAPORAN KEUANGAN PENTING (lanjutan) Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) Biaya transaksi adalah biaya-biaya yang dapat diatribusikan secara langsung pada perolehan atau penerbitan aset keuangan atau liabilitas keuangan, dimana biaya tersebut adalah biaya yang tidak akan terjadi apabila entitas tidak memperoleh atau menerbitkan instrumen keuangan. Biaya transaksi tersebut diamortisasi sepanjang umur instrumen menggunakan metode suku bunga efektif. Metode suku bunga efektif adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung biaya perolehan diamortisasi dari aset keuangan atau liabilitas keuangan dan metode untuk mengalokasikan pendapatan bunga atau beban bunga selama periode yang relevan, menggunakan suku bunga yang secara tepat mendiskontokan estimasi pembayaran atau penerimaan kas di masa depan selama perkiraan umur instrumen keuangan atau, jika lebih tepat, digunakan periode yang lebih singkat untuk memperoleh nilai tercatat neto dari instrumen keuangan. Pada saat menghitung suku bunga efektif, Reksa Dana mengestimasi arus kas dengan mempertimbangkan seluruh persyaratan kontraktual dalam instrumen keuangan tersebut, tanpa mempertimbangkan kerugian kredit di masa depan, namun termasuk seluruh komisi dan bentuk lain yang dibayarkan atau diterima, yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari suku bunga efektif. Biaya perolehan diamortisasi dari aset keuangan atau liabilitas keuangan adalah jumlah aset keuangan atau liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada saat pengakuan awal dikurangi pembayaran pokok, ditambah atau dikurangi dengan amortisasi kumulatif yang dihitung dari selisih antara nilai awal dan nilai jatuh temponya, dan dikurangi penurunan nilai atau nilai yang tidak dapat ditagih. Pengklasifikasian instrumen keuangan dilakukan berdasarkan tujuan perolehan instrumen tersebut dan mempertimbangkan apakah instrumen tersebut memiliki kuotasi harga di pasar aktif. Pada saat pengakuan awal, Xxxxx Xxxx mengklasifikasikan instrumen keuangan dalam kategori berikut: aset keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi, pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang, investasi dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo, aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual, liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi, dan liabilitas keuangan lain-lain; dan melakukan evaluasi kembali atas kategori-kategori tersebut pada setiap tanggal pelaporan, apabila diperlukan dan tidak melanggar ketentuan yang disyaratkan. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019 dan 2018, Reksa Dana hanya memiliki aset keuangan dalam kategori aset keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi dan pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang, serta liabilitas keuangan dalam kategori liabilitas keuangan lain-lain.

  • Persyaratan Dan Tata Cara Penjualan Kembali Pelunasan Unit Penyertaan 15.1. PENJUALAN KEMBALI UNIT PENYERTAAN


  • Persyaratan Dan Tata Cara Pengalihan Investasi Pemegang Unit Penyertaan dapat mengalihkan sebagian atau seluruh investasinya dalam Unit Penyertaan SCHRODER GLOBAL SHARIA EQUITY FUND (USD) ke Reksa Dana lain yang memiliki fasilitas pengalihan investasi yang dikelola oleh Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx.

  • Persyaratan Dan Tata Cara Penjualan Kembali Unit Penyertaan 15.1. PENJUALAN KEMBALI UNIT PENYERTAAN

  • PENDAHULUAN 1 1.1 Latar Belakang 1