Cancellation Klausul Contoh

Cancellation. (a) No contract shall be cancelled by the Buyer except with the Seller’s prior consent in writing. (b) In the event of the Seller agreeing to the Buyer cancelling all or any part of the Contract, the Seller may, without prejudice to any other rights against the Buyer which it may have, require the Buyer to pay a cancellation charge. Any cancellation charge will correspond to the type of contract being cancelled. Contracts for bespoke Goods manufactured by the Seller to the Buyer’s specifications may be subject to a cancellation charge of 100% of the price of the Contract after the Order Acknowledgement has been sent. (c) In the event that the Seller agrees to cancellation of a Contract in respect of the supply of Goods or Services (or both) which have been ordered to comply with the Buyer's special requirements, the Buyer shall be liable for all costs incurred by the Seller up to the time of cancellation of the Contract in addition to payment of a cancellation charge pursuant to Condition 16(b).
Cancellation. This Policy may be cancelled by the Insured at any time by giving a written notice to the Company. Provided that no claims have been made during the current period of insurance, the Insured is entitled to a return premium as follow: Period not exceeding : 1 week - 90% x annual premium 1 month - 75% x annual premium 2 months- 65% x annual premium 3 months- 50% x annual premium 4 months- 35% x annual premium 6 months- 25% x annual premium 9 months- 10% x annual premium Exceeding 9 months - No refund premium This Policy may be cancelled by the Company by giving fourteen (14) calendar days written notice to the Insured at the address shown in the Schedule or endorsed herein, stating when such cancellation shall become effective. Pro-rate refund of premium will be made to the Insured if the Policy is cancelled by the Company.
Cancellation. (i) The Bank or the Customer reserves the right to cancel the Customer enrollment to the Electronic Statement Facility upon prior notification to the other party. To ensure the cancellation is effective immediately, the cancellation should be done minimum 3 (three) days before the statement printing date. If the cancellation is done on the statement printing date or after the statement printing date, the cancellation will be effective on the next month billing statement. (ii) The Bank may be reinstated the Electronic Statement Facility at the Customer request and at the Bank sole and absolute discretion and the Bank reserves the right to impose a reinstatement charge.

Related to Cancellation

  • VACANT POSSESSION The Purchaser after the payment of the TPP shall at his own costs and expenses take possession of the Property without any obligation on the part the Assignee/Bank to give vacant possession. In the event of circumstances existing, which prevent entry or occupation by the Purchaser, such circumstances shall not annul the sale or entitle the Purchaser to rescind the contract or claim reduction in the price or for damages.

  • Ruang Lingkup 1. Ruang Lingkup kerja sama yang disepakati dalam PKS ini adalah: a. Peningkatan kualitas dan pengembangan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia bagi mahasiswa dan lulusan Pihak Pertama yang akan diwujudkan dalam kegiatan- kegiatan sebagai berikut: • Pengadaan program magang di kantor milik Pihak Kedua kepada mahasiswa dan lulusan Pihak Pertama yang memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh Pihak Kedua. Para Pihak dengan ini setuju bahwa magang merupakan program yang tidak mengikat Para Pihak dan tidak ada kewajiban bagi Pihak Kedua untuk memberikan penawaran dan/atau mengangkat peserta magang sebagai karyawan tetap maupun karyawan kontrak selama atau setelah masa magang; • Program kunjungan industri mahasiswa Pihak Pertama ke kantor Pihak Kedua dengan metode serta waktu yang disepakati Para Pihak; • Pengadaan seminar/pelatihan/knowledge sharing dengan tema dunia kerja atau tema yang relevan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing pihak; • Program Workshop/Kuliah Umum b. Penyediaan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas yang akan diwujudkan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan sebagai berikut: • Pengadaan proses seleksi dan rekrutmen bagi mahasiswa/lulusan dari Para Pihak; • Publikasi informasi lowongan kerja pada unit kerja Pihak Pertama pada website dan dinding publikasi Pihak Kedua; • Informasi data mahasiswa/lulusan/alumni dari Pihak Pertama yang sudah direkrut oleh Xxxxx Xxdua; • Pihak Pertama secara rutin akan memberikan kepada Pihak Kedua buku wisuda beserta daftar nama wisudawan/wisudawati lulusan terbaik dari seluruh program studi untuk setiap periode tahun kelulusan; c. Pengadaan kegiatan promosi secara bersama yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan usaha dari masing-masing Pihak.

  • TENANCIES AND RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS The Property is believed to be taken to be correctly described and is sold subject to all express and implied conditions, restrictions-in-interest, caveats, leases, tenancies, easements, liabilities, encumbrances, all public and private rights of way, support, drainage and light and all other rights, if any, subsisting thereon or there over without the obligation to define the same respectively and the Purchaser is deemed to have full knowledge thereof.

  • MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 In the event there is any discrepancy, misstatement or error appearing in translations of the particulars and the Terms and Conditions to any other language (if any), the Terms and Conditions in the English Language version shall prevail.

  • SALE BEING SET ASIDE OR CONSENT NOT BEING OBTAINED 16.1 In the event of the sale being set aside for any reason whatsoever by the Assignee or by an Order of Court or consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities (other than for reasons attributable to any act of default or omission by the Purchaser) on the expiry of the time period prescribed for completion, then the Assignee is absolutely entitled to terminate the sale by giving the Purchaser written notice thereof, in which case: (a) if in the meanwhile the Purchaser has entered into possession of the property, then the Purchaser is liable at his own costs to reinstate the property to the original condition as at the auction sale, and thereafter peaceably to yield up vacant possession of the property to the Assignee within 7 days upon service of the notice terminating the sale; and (b) the costs/expenses reasonably incurred by the Assignee in connection with the sale, as well as the costs to reinstate damage (if any) to the property caused by the Purchaser in possession thereof shall be deducted and set-off against the Deposit or TPP and thereafter the residue (if any) shall be refunded to the Purchaser free of interest. For this purpose a certificate signed by any officer of the Assignee certifying the amount of such expenses or costs shall be deemed final/conclusive and binding upon the Purchaser. 16.2 In the event of consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities due to the act of default or omission by the Purchaser, the Assignee/Bank shall be entitled to forfeit the Bidding Deposit and the Purchaser Deposit paid pursuant to Clauses 3 and

  • Risiko Pasar Nilai unit penyertaan Reksa Dana dapat berfluktuasi sejalan dengan berubahnya kondisi pasar pada tingkat bunga, ekuitas dan kredit. Penurunan nilai aset bersih dari Reksa Dana dapat disebabkan oleh hal-hal sebagai berikut: - Perubahan tingkat suku bunga pasar yang dapat mengakibatkan fluktuasi tingkat pengembalian pada efek bersifat utang; - Perubahan harga dari efek bersifat utang yang dapat mengakibatkan fluktuasi tingkat pengembalian pada efek bersifat utang; dan - Setiap penurunan peringkat efek.

  • Portofolio Efek Portofolio efek terdiri dari instrumen pasar uang dan efek utang.

  • Risiko Pelunasan Lebih Awal Dalam hal terjadinya perubahan yang material dalam peraturan di bidang perpajakan dan/atau perubahan yang material dalam interpretasi peraturan perpajakan oleh pejabat pajak dan/atau terdapat perubahan politik dan hukum yang berlaku, perubahan ekonomi yang ekstrim yang berdasarkan pertimbangan Manajer Investasi dapat merugikan Pemegang Unit Penyertaan BATAVIA PROTEKSI MAXIMA 21 secara signifikan dan/atau adanya permintaan tertulis dari seluruh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan untuk melakukan Pelunasan Lebih Awal, maka Manajer Investasi dapat melakukan Pelunasan Lebih Awal atas seluruh Unit Penyertaan yang telah diterbitkan dan masih dimiliki oleh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan, yang mana harga Pelunasan Lebih Awal tersebut dapat lebih rendah dari tingkat proteksi Pokok Investasi untuk setiap Unit Penyertaan.

  • Risiko Tingkat Suku Bunga Nilai Aktiva Bersih Reksa Dana dapat berubah sesuai dengan perubahan tingkat suku bunga Rupiah. Jika terjadi kenaikan tingkat suku bunga yang drastis, maka Nilai Aktiva Bersih Reksa Dana dapat turun menjadi lebih rendah dari Nilai Aktiva Bersih Awal sehubungan dengan turunnya nilai pasar dari obligasi.

  • Risiko Kredit Efek Bersifat Utang yang diterbitkan oleh Emiten mempunyai risiko kredit, yaitu risiko yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan membayar dari Emiten yang menerbitkan Efek Bersifat Utang. Hal mana dapat berdampak pada harga saham Emiten tersebut.