DEFINITION Klausul Contoh

DEFINITION. 21.1 All headings used herein shall be for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of these conditions of sale, the Memorandum or the Proclamation of Sale. 21.2 All references to the singular shall include the plural and all references to the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender.
DEFINITION. All headings used herein shall be for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of these conditions of sale, the Memorandum or the Proclamation of Sale.
DEFINITION. Unless the context requires otherwise, or unless otherwise specified or specified herein, capitalized terms dalam huruf besar yang digunakan dalam Perjanjian ini memiliki arti sebagai berikut:
DEFINITION. Unless the context otherwise requires, this Contract or an item or entry in the Appendices specifically otherwise provides, the following words and phrases in this Contract and the Appendices shall have the meaning given below or ascribed in the clauses or Appendix item to which reference is made: (a) Contract" means this contract and the appendices attached hereto;
DEFINITION. 1.1 In this Agreement:
DEFINITION. (i) Selling Agent is Citibank, N.A, Indonesia which is appointed to perform the offer and sale of Mutual Fund to the Investor(s). (ii) Custodian bank is a commercial bank that has been approved by Bapepam/Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) to acts as a Custodian, which provides service of safekeeping the securities (including collective custody of securities owned jointly by more than one party whose interests are represented by Custodian Bank) and other assets related to securities as well as other services including receiving dividends, interest, and other rights, settlement of securities transaction and represents the account holder who becomes its customer. (iii) Customer Investment Plan (CIP) is a way to invest in Mutual Fund through regular deduction from Investor’s saving account. (iv) First-In-First-Out is an order system in processing the Mutual Fund transaction, in which application form received first will be processed first and then next application based on receiving order. (v) Mutual Fund Transaction Form is a form used by Investor and/or Mutual Fund Unit Holders to purchase and/or switch Participation Unit and/or apply Customer Investment Plan (CIP) which must be filled out completely and signed and submitted by the prospective customer to the Investment Manager or through the Mutual Fund Sales Agent appointed by the Investment Manager in accordance with prevailing procedures in the Mutual Fund Prospectus. (vi) Investment Redemption Form for Mutual Funds and Termination of Customer Investment Plan is a form used by the Mutual Fund Unit Holders to redeem their Participation Unit and/or to terminate Customer Investment Plan (CIP) which must be filled out completely and signed and submitted by the Mutual Fund Unit Holders to the Investment Manager or through the Mutual Fund Sales Agent appointed by the Investment Manager in accordance with prevailing procedures in the Mutual Fund Prospectus. (vii) Bourse Day is the day where securities are traded in Indonesia Stock Exchange which is from Monday to Friday, unless the day is national holiday or set as national holiday by Indonesia Stock Exchange. (viii) Investor(s) is individual or entity who owns one or more Participation Units and also a Citibank customers. (ix) Joint investor is Participation Unit Holder two Investor(s) or more where Main Investor has the right to exercise owned Participation Unit. (x) Main Investor is Participation Unit Holder Investor who has full authority for onw...
DEFINITION. 1. Every term that starts with a capital letter but is not defined in this KP BizChannel@CIMB, will have the meaning as defined in the KPUPR and KPUPRS. 2. Setiap istilah di bawah ini, kecuali secara tegas ditentukan lain mempunyai definisi sebagai berikut:
DEFINITION. 1. Members of the Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners are Directors or Commissioners of the Company as regulated in the Law on Limited Liability Companies, the Financial Services Authority Regulations and the Company's Articles of Association.
DEFINITION. Cleaning of bridges and culverts shall be defined as simple cleaning operation, removal of foreign material such as trash, dirt, drift, debris or vegetation by hand or simple tools. The area concerned include the bridge carriageway, graffiti and markings, waterway, weep holes, culvert openings.
DEFINITION. Cleaning of drains shall be defined as the collection, transportation and disposal of debris, silt, stone aggregates, boulders, wastes and thrash, timber and fallen branches and leaves and all other materials which will reduce the efficiency of all types of drains.