DEFINITION Klausul Contoh

DEFINITION. 21.1 All headings used herein shall be for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of these conditions of sale, the Memorandum or the Proclamation of Sale.
DEFINITION. Unless the context requires otherwise, or unless otherwise specified or specified herein, capitalized terms dalam huruf besar yang digunakan dalam Perjanjian ini memiliki arti sebagai berikut:
DEFINITION. Unless the context otherwise requires, this Contract or an item or entry in the Appendices specifically otherwise provides, the following words and phrases in this Contract and the Appendices shall have the meaning given below or ascribed in the clauses or Appendix item to which reference is made:
DEFINITION. 1.1 In this Agreement:
DEFINITION. (i) Selling Agent is Citibank, N.A, Indonesia which is appointed to perform the offer and sale of Mutual Fund to the Investor(s).
DEFINITION. Cleaning of bridges and culverts shall be defined as simple cleaning operation, removal of foreign material such as trash, dirt, drift, debris or vegetation by hand or simple tools. The area concerned include the bridge carriageway, graffiti and markings, waterway, weep holes, culvert openings.
DEFINITION d. Cleaning of drains shall be defined as the collection, transportation and disposal of debris, silt, stone aggregates, boulders, wastes and thrash, timber and fallen branches and leaves and all other materials which will reduce the efficiency of all types of drains.