Etc Klausul Contoh

Etc a. We always try to provide the best service forUserin accessing the Platform or using our Features, we have the right to make changes to this Policy to adapt to business developments and applicable legal provisions. Changes to this Policy from time to time will be uploaded to the Platform in orderUsercan read changes to this Policy. If changes to this Policy are material to the Platform's personal data and information, we will notify youUserbefore the changes become effective. By continuing to access the Platform, use our features and/or other services,Userdeclare that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by the changes to this Policy. b. If any provision or part of this Policy is unlawful, unenforceable or becomes invalid, then that provision or part will be deemed deleted from this Policy and We will adjust the provision to make it enforceable, with the other provisions of this Policy remaining. fully applicable. c. In the event of a change of control or change of ownership of all or part of our business, including the Platform, in connection with a merger, consolidation, acquisition, joint venture, transfer, bankruptcy, and/or other corporate action, the Personal DataUsercan/will be part of the transfer based on the corporate action.

Related to Etc

  • MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 In the event there is any discrepancy, misstatement or error appearing in translations of the particulars and the Terms and Conditions to any other language (if any), the Terms and Conditions in the English Language version shall prevail.


  • Transparansi Informasi Manajer Investasi mempunyai kewajiban mengumumkan NAB setiap hari di surat kabar dengan sirkulasi nasional serta menerbitkan laporan keuangan tahunan melalui pembaharuan prospektus.

  • TRANSLATIONS In the event of any discrepancy, misstatement, omission or error appearing in the various translations on the particulars and condition herein, the English version shall prevail. 20. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS, TITLE, INTEREST AND BENEFITS The Purchaser shall not without the written consent of the Assignee/Bank, Developer/Landowner and/or the relevant authorities be entitled to assign his rights, title, interest and benefits under the Certificate of Sale made pursuant hereto or the Principal Sale and Purchase Agreement entered between the Developer/Landowner and the original Purchaser before the property has been duly assigned or transferred to him by the Assignee/Bank. The Assignee/Bank’s decision to grant the consent or otherwise shall be in its absolute discretion and shall not be questioned.

  • QUIT RENTS ETC arrears of quits rents, assessments and maintenance charges, due and payable in respect of the property to any relevant authority or the Developer or Proprietor or relevant third parties up to the date of sale shall be paid out of the purchase money and any such sums due and payable after the date of sale shall be borne by the Purchaser. The outstanding payable by bank is after receipt of balance of purchase price.

  • KORESPONDENSI 4.1 Semua korespondensi dapat berbentuk surat, e- mail dan/atau faksimili dengan alamat tujuan para pihak yang tercantum dalam SSKK. 4.2 Semua pemberitahuan, permohonan, atau persetujuan berdasarkan Kontrak ini harus dibuat secara tertulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan dianggap telah diberitahukan jika telah disampaikan secara langsung kepada Wakil Sah Para Pihak dalam SSKK, atau jika disampaikan melalui surat tercatat dan/atau faksimili ditujukan ke alamat yang tercantum dalam SSKK.

  • PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION 7.1 By accessing ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website, the E-Bidders acknowledge and agree that ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website may collect, retain, or disclose the E-Bidder’s information or any information by the e-bidders for the effectiveness of services, and the collected, retained or disclosed information shall comply with Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and any regulations, laws or rules applicable from time to time. 7.2 ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD will process E-bidder personal data such as name, address, NRIC and contact number for registration and E-bidding purposes. E-bidders shall be responsible for the username and password of eZ2Bid and not to reveal the password to anyone. 7.3 E-bidders agree to accept all associated risks when using the service in the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website and shall not make any claim for any unauthorized access or any consequential loss or damages suffered. 7.4 E-bidders shall be responsible for the confidentiality and the use of password and not to reveal the password to anyone at any time and under any circumstances, whether intentionally or unintentionally. 7.5 E-bidders agree to comply with all the security measures related to safety of the password or generally in respect of the use of the service. 7.6 E-bidders accept the responsibility that in any event that the password is in the possession of any other person whether intentionally or unintentionally, the E-Bidders shall take precautionary steps for the disclosure, discovery, or the Bidders shall immediately notify ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD

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