PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. 1. Selain dari hal-hal yang diatur pada Pasal 6 ayat (2), Penanggung dan Tertanggung masing-masing berhak setiap waktu menghentikan pertanggungan ini dengan memberitahukan alasannya. Pemberitahuan penghentian dimaksud dilakukan secara tertulis melalui surat tercatat oleh pihak yang menghendaki penghentian pertanggungan kepada pihak lainnya di alamat terakhir yang diketahui. Penanggung bebas dari segala kewajiban berdasarkan Polis ini, 5 (lima) hari kalender terhitung sejak tanggal pengiriman surat tercatatnya untuk pemberitahuan tersebut.
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. 22.1. Selain dari hal-hal yang diatur pada pasal 1 ayat 20.1.2. fails to file an objection nor request for settlement by arbitration or other legal proceeding within 6 (six) months from the time the Insurer declares in writing that the Insured does not have any rights for indemnification;
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. 22.1.Selain dari hal-hal yang diatur pada pasal 1 ayat (1.2.), Penanggung dan Tertanggung masing-masing berhak setiap waktu menghentikan pertanggungan ini dengan memberitahukan alasannya. Pemberitahuan penghentian dimaksud dilakukan secara tertulis melalui surat tercatat oleh pihak yang menghendaki penghentian pertanggungan kepada pihak lainnya di alamat terakhir yang diketahui. ARTICLE 20 FORFEITURE OF RIGHTS TO INDEMNIFICATION 20.1. The rights of the Insured to indemnification will be automatically forfeited if the Insured: 20.1.1. fails to submit claim according to provisions of article 5 paragraph (5.1.3); 20.1.2. fails to file an objection nor request for settlement by arbitration or other legal proceeding within 6 (six) months from the time the Insurer declares in writing that the Insured does not have any rights for indemnification; 20.1.3. fails to comply with obligations under this Policy; 20.2. The rights of the Insured to claim for an indemnification which is greater than that has been agreed by the Insurer will be forfeited if within 3 (three) months from the time the Insurer notifies in writing, the Insured does not submit any written objection or does not take settlement by arbitration or other legal proceeding. ARTICLE 21 CURRENCY In case of premium and or claim under this Policy is denominated in foreign currency but the payment will be settled in Rupiah currency, such payment shall be executed based on the selling rate of Bank Indonesia at the time of payment. ARTICLE 22 TERMINATION OF INSURANCE 22.1. Other than those stipulated in article 1 paragraph (1.2.), the Insurer and the Insured are respectively entitled to terminate this Insurance at any time by giving the reason. Such notification of termination shall be made in writing by registered letter by the party who wants the termination to the other party at their latest known address. The Insurer is released from all
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. 22.1. Selain dari hal-hal yang diatur pada pasal 1 ayat (1.2.), Penanggung dan Tertanggung masing- masing berhak setiap waktu menghentikan pertanggungan ini dengan memberitahukan alasannya. Pemberitahuan penghentian dimaksud dilakukan secara tertulis melalui surat tercatat oleh pihak yang menghendaki penghentian pertanggungan kepada pihak lainnya di alamat terakhir yang diketahui. Penanggung bebas dari segala kewajiban berdasarkan Polis ini, 5 (lima) hari kalender terhitung sejak tanggal pengiriman surat tercatat atas pemberitahuan tersebut. 22.2. Apabila terjadi penghentian pertanggungan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (22.1.) di atas, premi akan dikembalikan secara prorata untuk jangka waktu pertanggungan yang belum dijalani, setelah dikurangi biaya akuisisi Penanggung. Namun demikian, dalam hal penghentian pertanggungan dilakukan oleh Tertanggung di mana selama jangka waktu pertanggungan yang telah dijalani, telah terjadi klaim yang jumlahnya melebihi jumlah premi yang tercantum dalam Ikhtisar Pertanggungan, maka Tertanggung tidak berhak atas pengembalian premi untuk jangka waktu pertanggungan yang belum dijalani. 22.3. Sehubungan ketentuan dalam Pasal ini, Penanggung dan Tertanggung sepakat untuk tidak memberlakukan ketentuan Pasal 1266 dan Pasal 1267 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPerdata) dan penghentian pertanggungan dilakukan tanpa memerlukan persetujuan pengadilan Negeri. ARTICLE 21 CURRENCY In case of premium and or claim under this Policy is denominated in foreign currency but the payment will be settled in Rupiah currency, such payment shall be executed based on the selling rate of Bank Indonesia at the time of payment. ARTICLE 22 TERMINATION OF INSURANCE 22.1. Other than those stipulated in article 1 paragraph (1.2.), the Insurer and the Insured are respectively entitled to terminate this Insurance at any time by giving the reason. Such notification of termination shall be made in writing by registered letter by the party who wants the termination to the other party at their latest known address. The Insurer is released from all liabilities under this Policy within 5 (five) calendar days from the dispatch date of the notification. 22.2. Should there be any termination of insurance as stated in paragraph (22.1.) above, a refund premium shall be made on pro rata basis for the unexpired insurance period, after being deducted by the Insurer’s acquisition cost. However, in case this insurance terminated by the Insured whereas during the insur...
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. 1. Selain dari hal-hal yang diatur pada Pasal 6 ayat
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. 22.1. Selain dari hal-hal yang diatur pada pasal 1 ayat (1.2.), Penanggung dan Tertanggung masing-masing berhak setiap waktu menghentikan pertanggungan ini dengan memberitahukan alasannya. Pemberitahuan penghentian dimaksud dilakukan secara tertulis melalui surat tercatat oleh pihak yang menghendaki penghentian pertanggungan kepada pihak lainnya di alamat terakhir yang diketahui. Penanggung bebas dari segala kewajiban berdasarkan Polis ini, 5 (lima) hari kalender terhitung sejak tanggal pengiriman surat tercatat atas pemberitahuan tersebut. ARTICLE 18 INDEMNIFICATION The Insurer is obliged to settle the payment of indemnity within 30 (thirty) calendar days after a written agreement between the Insurer and the Insured has been reached or after the confirmation on the amount of the indemnity. ARTICLE 19 REINSTATEMENT OF THE SUM INSURED After the occurrence of loss of or damage to property and or interest insured, the Sum Insured will be reduced by the amount of such loss or damage. After the reinstatement of the damage, the Insured may request reinstatement of the Sum Insured by paying additional premium on prorate basis for the unexpired period of insurance. However, the Insurer has the rights to decline such request. ARTICLE 20 FORFEITURE OF RIGHTS TO INDEMNIFICATION 20.1.The rights of the Insured to indemnification will be automatically forfeited if the Insured: 20.1.1. fails to submit claim according to provisions of article 5 paragraph (5.1.3); 20.1.2. fails to file an objection nor request for settlement by arbitration or other legal proceeding within 6 (six) months from the time the Insurer declares in writing that the Insured does not have any rights for indemnification; 20.1.3. fails to comply with obligations under this Policy; 20.2.The rights of the Insured to claim for an indemnification which is greater than that has been agreed by the Insurer will be forfeited if within 3 (three) months from the time the Insurer notifies in writing, the Insured does not submit any written objection or does not take settlement by arbitration or other legal proceeding. ARTICLE 21 CURRENCY In case of premium and or claim under this Policy is denominated in foreign currency but the payment will be settled in Rupiah currency, such payment shall be executed based on the selling rate of Bank Indonesia at the time of payment. ARTICLE 22 TERMINATION OF INSURANCE 22.1.Other than those stipulated in article 1 paragraph (1.2.), the Insurer and the Insured are respectively ...
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. Article 19 Termination of Insurance 1. Pertanggungan akan berakhir dalam hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. This insurance will terminate upon the occurrence of the following:
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. Pertanggungan akan berakhir dalam hal-hal sebagai berikut : Pertanggungan berakhir dengan sendirinya sesudah berakhirnya jangka waktu pertanggungan menurut Polis ini.
PENGHENTIAN PERTANGGUNGAN. 1. Selain dari hal-hal yang diatur pada Pasal 6 ayat (2) dalam Polis ini, Penanggung dan Tertanggung masing-masing berhak setiap waktu menghentikan pertanggungan ini dengan memberitahukan alasannya. Pemberitahuan penghentian dimaksud dilakukan secara tertulis