Ownership Clausole campione

Ownership. E’ opportuno continuare a cercare il coinvolgimento delle Segreterie e dei Servizi del distretto per far sentire propria l’’esperienza delle escolinhas. E’ opportuno ricercare il coinvolgimento attivo della politica e dei dirigenti e il loro impegno a favore del sostengo alle escolinhas e della realizzazione di nuovi centri. Argomentando e dimostrando l’efficienza e l’efficacia della gestione delle escolinhas si potrebbe pervenire a suggerire all’amministrazione un piano di ampliamento del servizio prescolare in collaborazione con le forme di privato/sociale (associazioni) dove le infrastrutture sono a carico dell’amministrazione e la gestione è a carico del privato.
Ownership. 6.1 You shall own all right, title and interest in and to each Patient’s primary medical records you generate and/or keep per internal policies (“Medical Records”). Within seven (7) days of Vertex’s written request, Physician and Institution shall provide copies of data and information related to Medical Records and collected under the MAP in a totally de-identified format to Vertex. Physician and Institution hereby grant Vertex the perpetual, irrevocable right to use de-identified data and information related to Medical Records collected under the MAP, as well as any other reports or information provided by Physician or Institution under this Agreement, in the research, development and commercialization of products or as required or otherwise permitted by applicable law. Vertex shall not alter, manipulate, omit, or otherwise modify Medical Records- related data and information collected under the MAP or any other reports or information provided hereunder in any unlawful or improper manner.
Ownership. 2.2. FOREGROUND shall be owned solely by the PARTNER or jointly by the PARTNERS creating it.
Ownership. All Confidential Information is and shall remain the property of the Disclosing Party. Neither this Agreement nor any disclosure hereunder shall be deemed to vest in the Receiving Party any license or ownership rights to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information or under any Confidential Information or inventions, patents, know-how, trade secrets, trademarks or copyrights owned or controlled by the Disclosing Party or its Affiliates.
Ownership. The Purchaser acquires ownership of the Products at the time of delivery, provided that at that time the price of the Products has been paid in full, or the specific terms of payment set out in the Contract have been complied with. It is understood that, in any event, it will be the Purchaser's responsibility to check that the Products comply with the regulations in force in the country of destination.