Payments and Physical Delivery Clausole campione

Payments and Physical Delivery. (A) Payments Subject as provided below, the Issuer or, failing which, the Guarantor, if any, shall pay or cause to be paid the Cash Settlement Amount (if any) for each Certificate by credit or transfer to the Holder’s account with the relevant Clearing System or the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be, (in the case of English Law Certificates) or with the relevant Account Holder (in the case of French Law Certificates) for value on the Redemption Date less any Expenses, such payment to be made in accordance with the rules of such Clearing System or the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be or Account Holder. Where the Certificates pay interest, subject as provided below, the Issuer, failing which, the Guarantor, if any, shall pay or cause to be paid the Interest Amount for each Certificate in respect of each Interest Payment Date by credit or transfer to the Holder’s account with the relevant Clearing System or in the case of Private Placement Definitive Certificates, the office of the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be, for value on the relevant Interest Payment Date, such payment to be made in accordance with the rules of such Clearing System or the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be. The Issuer or the Guarantor will be discharged by payment to, or to the order of, the relevant Clearing System or the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be, or, as the case may be, the relevant Account Holder, in respect of the amount so paid. Each of the persons shown in the records of the relevant Clearing System or the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be, (in the case of English Law Certificates) or whose name appears in the account of the relevant Account Holder (in the case of French Law Certificates) as the holder of a particular amount of the Certificates must look solely to the relevant Clearing System or the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be, or, as the case may be, the relevant Account Holder for his share of each such payment so made to, or to the order of, such Clearing System or the Definitive Certificate Agent, as the case may be or Account Holder. In the case of Private Placement Definitive Certificates only, if a Holder has given wire transfer instructions to the Issuer and Definitive Certificate Agent, the Company will make all payments in accordance with those instructions. Payments will be subject in all cases to any fiscal or other laws and regulations applicable t...
Payments and Physical Delivery