Definizione di Account Holder

Account Holder zhall mean any authorized financial intermediary inztitution entitled to hold accountz, directly or indirectly, on behalf of itz cuztomerz with Euroclear France, and includez Euroclear Bank SA/N.V. ("Euroclear") and the depozitary bank for Clearztream Banking, société anonyme (("Clearstream"). Except az ordered by a court of competent jurizdiction or az required by law, the Holder (az defined below) of any Security zhall be deemed to be and may be treated az itz abzolute owner for all purpozez (whether or not it iz overdue and regardlezz of any notice of ownerzhip, truzt or any interezt in it, any writing on it, or itz theft or lozz) and no perzon will be liable for zo treating the Holder.
Account Holder means any authorised financial intermediary institution entitled to hold accounts, directly or indirectly, on behalf of its customers with Euroclear France, and includes Euroclear Bank SA/N.V. ("Euroclear") and the depositary bank for Clearstream Banking, société anonyme (("Clearstream"). Except as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction or as required by law, the Holder (as defined below) of any Security shall be deemed to be and may be treated as its absolute owner for all purposes (whether or not it is overdue and regardless of any notice of ownership, trust or any interest in it, any writing on it, or its theft or loss) and no person will be liable for so treating the Holder.
Account Holder. Person or entity with a Payment Account that enables them to pay and/or receive crowdfunding or donations.

Examples of Account Holder in a sentence

  • The Account Holder will be notified of LEMON WAY's acceptance by any means possible.

  • The Account Holder is hereby informed that the processing fees for outstanding payments, rejections or oppositions may be deducted by LEMON WAY but no more than €150, in accordance with article L.133-19 of the Monetary and Financial Code.

  • Invoices, which are deducted from the Payment Account at the frequency indicated in the Pricing Conditions, are payable by the Account Holder in cash.

  • When a payment Transaction is carried out, LEMON WAY or the Partner Website automatically sends a Transaction confirmation email to the Account Holder who initiated the payment Order.

  • The Account Holder and its rightful beneficiaries are hereby informed of the consequences of such an event.

  • A Payment Account is deemed inactive if: • the Payment Account has not processed any payment Transactions, excluding deductions made by LEMON WAY for fees and commissions of all kinds, for twelve (12) months, during which • the Account Holder, legal representative or person authorised by them to act on their behalf has not presented themselves to LEMON WAY, in any way, shape or form, or • within the twelve (12) months following Account Holder's death.

  • This mandate may be revoked on the initiative of the Account Holder, who will inform the authorised representative and LEMON WAY as such by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

  • In the event of the death of the Account Holder, LEMON WAY must be notified as soon as possible by the rightful beneficiaries or their authorised representative.

  • In return for providing the Account Holder with payment Services, LEMON WAY will receive remuneration, the amount and conditions of which are indicated on the Partner's Website under the "PRICING CONDITIONS" tab.

  • The Account Holder may authorise and assign full responsibility to one person to carry out payment Transactions on their Payment Account, as defined in the mandate.

More Definitions of Account Holder

Account Holder. Titolare di conto designa la persona elencata o identificata quale titolare di un conto finanziario da parte dell’istituzione finanziaria presso cui è intrattenuto il conto. Non si considera titolare del conto la persona o entità, diversa da un’istituzione finanziaria, che detiene un conto finanziario a vantaggio o per conto di un’altra persona o entità beneficiaria in qualità di agente, custode, intestatario, firmatario, consulente di investimento, o
Account Holder. Vietnam International Township Development Joint Stock Company The date of a payment made by the Buyer is the date on which the Seller issues a receipt for the payment they receive from the Buyer or the date on which the payment made by telegraphic transfer is credited in the Seller’s account. The payment schedule of the Sale Price (excluding the Maintenance Fee of Commonly Owned Areas): The Buyer shall be obliged to pay the Seller the Sale Price of the Parking Lot (including value of land use right and VAT but excluding Maintenance Fee of Commonly Owned Areas in the Apartment Building) as follows:
Account Holder. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie IBAN: XX00 X000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 Credit Institute: INTESA SANPAOLO SPA The invoices shall be submitted and sent according to the applicable law on payments to Public Administrations. Whether the payment is delayed of more than 20 days, legal interests shall accrue on the outstanding amount, pursuant to leg. decree 231/2002 as amended; such interests shall be payable from the original payment term until settlement of the amount. Whether the payment is delayed of more than 180 days, IZSVe shall be entitled to terminate this agreement, according to art. 12 below, notwithstanding the right to claim greater damages. The Client undertakes to perform the following ancillary services:
Account Holder. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie Xxxxx xxxx’Xxxxxxxxxx, 00 00000 Xxxxxxx (XX) The invoice shall be paid 60 days invoice date end of month.

Related to Account Holder

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  • Relatore Presidente di sezione Xxxxx Xxxxxxx SEZIONE DEL CONTROLLO SUGLI ENTI

  • Servizio la somministrazione di energia elettrica e dei servizi associati dal Fornitore al Cliente ai sensi del presente Contratto, secondo le caratteristiche tecniche e la tipologia del Servizio specificati nell’Offerta Economica, alle condizioni ed ai termini di cui al Con- tratto;