Rights of use Clausole campione

Rights of use. 25.1. The Supplier hereby grants the Customer the following non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide and perpetual rights:
Rights of use. EN_Transporeon_Platform_User_Agreement_GTC_V3.0
Rights of use. 6.1. The Customer is entitled to the exclusive, irrevocable, contentwise, territorially and temporally unlimited, transferable, sub-licensable usage right to the contractual service provided, and which has been paid for by the agreed fee. The rights of use also include, in particular, the right to full or partial publication, reproduction, distribution, communication to the public (incl. making publicly available), redesign, as well as adaption of the service, including their further utilisation for (subsequent) contracts with third parties. The Customer’s right of use even persists in cases of termination or cancellation. The Customer is granted said rights of use also for unknown types of exploitation or use.
Rights of use. (a) Service Provider grants to Customer a right to access and use Platform strictly for the purpose and duration of this Agreement. Service Provider may introduce new releases, versions, updates and upgrades of Platform from time to time. In this case, the preceding sentence shall apply accordingly. EN_Transporeon_Platform_User_Agreement_GTC_2.0
Rights of use. 4.1 For the purposes of implementing the Joint Project and for term of the Joint Project the Partners grant each other a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sub licensable complimentary right of use over the Work Results (including inventions) that have arisen during the realization of the Joint Project for the term and purpose of this Agreement. A right of use extending beyond the term of the Joint Project, or that is granted for other purposes, requires a separate written agreement and will be granted at customary market terms and conditions.