Settlement Clausole campione

Settlement. Settlement pursuant to Conditions 4.1 and 4.2.1(c) of the Settlement Amount, after deduction of any Expenses which the relevant Issuer is authorised to deduct, shall be made by the relevant Issuer or the Programme Agent (on its behalf) on the Settlement Date to the Holder's account in the Relevant Settlement System as specified in the Exercise Notice.
Settlement. My/Our* cash account to be credited with payment, directly or indirectly, by the Issuer of the Settlement Amount for each Warrant exercised is as follows:
Settlement. (1) Cash Settled Warrants If the Warrants are Cash Settled Warrants other than VPC Warrants or Italian Dematerialised Warrants, the Issuer shall on the Settlement Date pay or cause to be paid the Cash Settlement Amount (if any) for each duly exercised Warrant or Unit, as the case may be, to the Holder's account specified in the relevant Exercise Notice for value on the Settlement Date less any Exercise Expenses. If the Warrants are VPC Warrants, payment of the Cash Settlement Amount (if any) will be made to the persons registered as Holders in the register maintained by VPC on the fifth Business Day immediately prior to the Settlement Date (the "Record Date"). The VPC Warrant Agent will pay the Cash Settlement Amount through VPC to each Holder appearing in the VPC Register on the Record Date on the Settlement Date. If the Warrants are Italian Dematerialised Warrants, the Issuer shall on the Settlement Date pay or cause to be paid the Cash Settlement Amount (if any) for each duly exercised Warrant or Unit, as the case may be, by credit or transfer to the Holder's account at Monte Titoli for value on the Settlement Date less any Exercise Expenses. The Issuer or the Guarantor will be discharged by payment to, or to the order of, Monte Titoli in respect of the amount so paid. Each of the persons shown in the records of Monte Titoli as the holder of a particular amount of the Warrants must look solely to Monte Titoli for his share of each such payment so made to, or to the order of, Monte Titoli.
Settlement. My/Our* cazh account to be credited with payment, directly or indirectly, by the Izzuer of the Settlement Amount for each Warrant exercized iz az followz:
Settlement. (i) Cash Settled Warrants The Issuer shall on the Settlement Date pay or cause to be paid the Cash Settlement Amount (if any) for each duly exercised Warrant or Unit, as the case may be, to the Holder's account specified in the relevant Exercise Notice for value on the Settlement Date less any Exercise Expenses.
Settlement. L’affidabilità e l’efficienza dei sistemi di custodia dei Prodotti Finanziari e delle procedure di regolamento e di compensazione delle operazioni concluse su mercati organizzati in paesi emergenti sono spesso meno sviluppate rispetto agli altri paesi. Più elevata risulta la possibilità di incorrere in errori, trascuratezze o anche vere e proprie frodi, le cui conseguenze possono arrivare anche a negare al Cliente la titolarità degli strumenti finanziari da quest’ultimo acquistati. L’instabilità economica che può caratterizzare i paesi emergenti arriva ad avere riflessi negativi anche sulla capacità delle società emittenti Prodotti Finanziari di adempiere alle proprie obbligazioni nei confronti dei clienti (pagamento dei dividendi, estinzione di prestiti obbligazionari, ecc.). Alcuni paesi sono al momento inadempienti rispetto alle proprie obbligazioni di debito pubblico. Simili rischi risultano poi accresciuti laddove il mercato sia caratterizzato dall’esistenza di un numero ristretto di società emittenti: in tal caso i crediti che possono vantare i clienti vanno soggetti ad un rischio più elevato. La legislazione fiscale dei paesi emergenti tende ad essere soggetta a repentine e considerevoli innovazioni, e le modalità di esazione dei tributi non sempre risultano efficienti e definite come quelle adottate dai paesi più sviluppati. All’operatività sui mercati dei paesi emergenti possono risultare difficilmente applicabili le normative adottate dal paese d’origine del Cliente per evitare la doppia imposizione fiscale. Benché in alcuni paesi emergenti il sistema legislativo abbia raggiunto (o stia per raggiungere) un grado di sviluppo sufficientemente sofisticato in termini di completezza ed affidabilità, molti dei suddetti paesi presentano un sistema legale lacunoso. L’esecutorietà dei diritti acquisiti dai clienti in tali paesi può risultare precaria ed incerta.
Settlement. 7.1. Settlement obligations under this Agreement will be fulfilled by PPRO LU. 7.2. PPRO shall only be responsible for th e fulfilment of its settlement obligations relating to Transaction Amounts, if all of the following prerequisites are met: 7.2.1. the acceptance of a Transaction was made in accordance with this Agreement and with the “PPRO Payment Methods – Specific Terms of Use”; 7.2.2. the financial institution of the Customer has not reversed or otherwise withheld the payment; 7.2.3. PPRO has received the corr esponding Transaction Amounts from the Issuing Bank or from the Payment Scheme; 7.2.4. the Contractual Partner has received authorisation from PPRO to utilise the respective Payment Method with respect its Customers; 7.2.5. there has been no suspension of service pursua nt to the terms of Clause 10. 7.3. The Settlement Period shall be weekly from Saturday 00:00h to Friday 24:00h UTC or, at the option of PPRO, on a calendar monthly basis. 7.4. PPRO shall collect and aggregate all incoming funds from Payment Schemes and/or Issuing Banks on the basis of the Merchant Contract ID. PPRO shall hold such incoming funds in accordance with the Regulatory Requirements. 7.5. Subject to the Minimum Settlement Amount being achieved, PPRO shall remit funds due to the Contractual Partner within two (2) TARGET2 bank days following the day that PPRO delivers the corresponding Clearing Statement to the Contractual Partner. The amount of the funds remitted to the Contractual Partner shall be equal to the incoming funds as stated in the corresponding Clearing Statement which may include outstanding Fees deducted by PPRO in accordance with this Agreement or Holdbacks deducted in accordance with Clause 8.1 (when applicable). 7.6. The Contractual Partner shall examine the Clearing Statements issued to it and promptly notify PPRO in writing of anything which it regards as an error or irregularity to which it proposes to object. In any event, no later than eight (8) weeks following receipt of the respective Clearing Statement, if no objection has been received, the Clear ing Statement shall be deemed free of error and irregularity and duly approved. If an objection has been received the Clearing Statement shall be deemed approved with regard to such parts of it to which no objection is made. 7. REGOLAMENTO 7.1. Gli obblighi di regolamento ai sensi del presente Accordo saranno adempiuti da PPRO LU. 7.2. PPRO sarà responsabile per l'adempimento dei suoi obblighi di regol...
Settlement. (A) Cash Settled Certificates Subject as provided in this Condition 16, the Issuer shall pay or cause to be paid the relevant amount(s) (if any) for each Certificate by credit or transfer to the Securityholder's account with Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, for value on the Settlement Date, less any Expenses not already paid, such payment to be made in accordance with the rules of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be. The Issuer's obligations will be discharged by payment to, or to the order of, Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg (as the case may be) of the amount so paid. Each of the persons shown in the records of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg as the holder of a particular amount of the Certificates must look solely to Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, for his share of each such payment. Payments will be subject in all cases to (i) any fiscal or other laws and regulations applicable thereto in any jurisdiction, and (ii) any withholding or deduction required pursuant to an agreement described in Section 1471(b) of the Code or otherwise imposed pursuant to FATCA.
Settlement. (a) Cash Settled Warrants