Examples of Exercise Date in a sentence
Following exercise of a Share Warrant which is a Physical Delivery Warrant, all dividends on the relevant Shares to be delivered will be payable to the party that would receive such dividend according to market practice for a sale of the Shares executed on the relevant Actual Exercise Date and to be delivered in the same manner as such relevant Shares.
The number of Warrants exercisable by any Holder on the Exercise Date, as determined by the Issuer, must be equal to the Minimum Exercise Number specified in the applicable Final Terms and, if specified in the applicable Final Terms, if a number greater than the Minimum Exercise Number, must be an integral multiple of the number specified in the applicable Final Terms.
Thus, potential investors must not assume that it will be possible to sell the Securities during their term and must in any case be prepared to hold the Securities until the Valuation Date or, if applicable, the next Exercise Date to redeem the Securities in accordance with the Terms and Condi- tions (by submitting an exercise notice).
The Exercise Date will be subject to the same adjustments provided for the Redemption Valuation Date.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the relevant Issuer may, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, accept more than the Quota of Securities of a Series or Tranche for exercise on any Exercise Date.