Subject. Selection call to grant temporary research fellowships for research activities Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Ambiente Costruito Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Titolo del Programma di Ricerca:
Subject. Selection call to grant temporary research fellowships for research activities Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Ambiente Costruito Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Titolo del Programma di Ricerca: Research Title: Codice Procedura / Procedure Code: 2018/ASSEGNI_DABC26 Scadenza / Deadline 23/11/2018 30.04.2015, 3398 of 29.07.2016 and 8268 of 20.12.2017 and further modified with Rectoral Decree n. 6605/AFNI of 27.09.2018; A public selection is hereby organized to grant n° 1 temporary research fellowship to grant research activity, on a fixed-term basis:
Subject. Selection call to grant temporary research fellowships for research activities Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Ambiente Costruito Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Titolo del Programma di Ricerca: “Sviluppo interfaccia UX applicativo AAAseed2 Research Title “ UX Interface software development AAAseed” Codice Procedura /Procedure Code 2024_ASSEGNI_DABC_1 Scadenza/ Deadline 23/02/2024 30.04.2015, 3398 of 29.07.2016, 8268 of 20.12.2017 and n. 6605 of 27.09.2018, 3983 of 29.05.2019 and further amended by Rectoral Decree no. 9232 of 23/12/2020; A public selection is hereby organized to grant n° 1 temporary research fellowship to grant research activity, on a fixed-term basis:
Examples of Subject in a sentence
Subject numbers and procedure date must be included on the invoice.
Conditional Procedures (Payment triggered with invoice) The following conditional procedure costs will be reimbursed on a pass-through basis upon receipt of an invoice in the amount indicated in the table below .Subject number and procedure dates must be included on the invoice for payment to be issued.
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Subject. Selection call to grant temporary research fellowships for research activities Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Ambiente Costruito Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Titolo del Programma di Ricerca:" SARCOS - Studio di solette composte acciaio- calcestruzzo con aggregati riciclati” Research Title “SARCOS - study of Steel And Recycled Concrete Slab” Codice Procedura /Procedure Code 2023_ASSEGNI_DABC_53 Scadenza/ Deadline 23/01/2024 30.04.2015, 3398 of 29.07.2016, 8268 of 20.12.2017 and n. 6605 of 27.09.2018, 3983 of 29.05.2019 and further amended by Rectoral Decree no. 9232 of 23/12/2020; A public selection is hereby organized to grant n° 1 temporary research fellowship to grant research activity, on a fixed-term basis:
Subject entity identified in a certificate as the holder of the private key associated with the public key given in the Certificate”)
Subject. Research grants - computerized interview. Statement of technical feasibility.
Subject. Research Fellowship - computerized interview. Appointed Supervisor. Il sottoscritto --(nome e cognome)---- nato a ---(luogo e data)----, e residente in __indirizzo_______, in qualità di Rappresentante Legale – delegato del Rappresentante Legale dell'Istituto / Università / Ambasciata _________________, The undersigned - (name )---- --- born in (place and date )----, and resident in __ address _______, acting as legal representative - deputy of the legal representative / University / Embassy APPOINTMENT il sig. /dott. /Prof. (nome e cognome) nato a (luogo) il (data), e residente in ____(indirizzo)______, Garante per il colloquio telematico del sig. (nome e cognome del candidato ) ai fini della selezione per l’attribuzione dell’assegno di ricerca bandito dall’Università degli studi di Xxxxxxxx – SSD ___________________________ (_________________) con D.R. n. ______ del ______________, per il conferimento di Assegni di Ricerca dell’Università degli studi di Camerino. Mr. / dr. / Prof. (name) born in (place) on (date), and residing at ____( address )______, Guarantor for the on-line interview of Mr. (name of candidate) for the attribution of research grant launched by the University of Camerino - SSD ___________________________ (_________________) with DR No ______ Of ______________, for the provision of Research Grants of the University of Camerino. Firma Signature Data Date Timbro Stamp Allegato “6” Annex "6" Dichiarazione di fattibilità tecnica del colloquio telematico Statement of technical feasibility of the computerized interview Al Rettore dell’Università di Camerino Piazza Cavour n. 19/f 62032 C A M E R I N O The Rector of the University of Camerino Xxxxxx Xxxxxx x. 00 / X 62032nd C A M E R I N O
Subject. Selection call to grant temporary research fellowships for research activities Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Ambiente Costruito Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Titolo del Programma di Ricerca: “Programmazione algoritmica per l'integrazione di fabbricazione digitale e realtà aumentata”
Subject. Selection call to grant temporary research fellowships for research activities Dipartimento di Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, Ambiente Costruito Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Titolo del Programma di Ricerca:" HBIM per la documentazione dei rilievi dei manufatti antropici nei cantieri della Metropolitana di Napoli” Research Title “HBIM for the documentation of the surveys of anthropic artefacts on the construction sites of the Naples Metro” Codice Procedura /Procedure Code 2024_ASSEGNI_PMN_2 Scadenza/ Deadline 13/05/2024 30.04.2015, 3398 of 29.07.2016, 8268 of 20.12.2017 and n. 6605 of 27.09.2018, 3983 of 29.05.2019 and further amended by Rectoral Decree no. 9232 of 23/12/2020; A public selection is hereby organized to grant n° 1 temporary research fellowship to grant research activity, on a fixed-term basis:
Subject. Insurance cover for travel cancellation guarantees in the event of covid19 illness despite pandemic status.