Definizione di Research Title

Research Title. “Innovative technological solutions for a High Schools Campus” SELECTION CALL TO GRANT TEMPORARY RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS FOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES UOR DABC HAVING REGARD to the Law of 9.5.1989, n. 168, and in particular Article 6, according to which the Universities are allowed to issue autonomous regulations; HAVING REGARD to Law 24.12.1993, n. 537, "Corrective actions of public finance"; HAVING REGARD to the Decree of the President of the Republic of 28.12.2000, n. 445 - Consolidated laws and regulations on administrative documentation and subsequent amendments and additions; HAVING REGARD to Legislative Decree n. 196 of 2003, "Code concerning the protection of personal data" and later amendments; HAVING REGARD to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data; HAVING REGARD the Legislative Decree n. 198 of 11 April 2006 "Code on equal opportunities between man and woman, by virtue of Article 6 of Law No. 246 of 28 November 2005", and later amendments; HAVING REGARD to the Law of 30.12.2010, n. 240, and in particular Article 22; HAVING REGARD to Directorial Decree 29.7.2011, n. 336 "Determination of the call sectors grouped into call macro-sectors pursuant to Article 15 of Law 240/2010" and later amendments; HAVING REGARD to Rector's Decree n. 41/AG of 17 May 2005, by which is issued the Regulation on the contribution for participation both in reserved internal examinations and in public entrance examinations organised by Politecnico di Milano; HAVING REGARD to the Statute of Politecnico di Milano adopted by Rectoral Decree n. 623/AG on 23/2/2012, published on the O.J. of 2/3/2012, n. 52; HAVING REGARD to Rectoral decree n. 667/AG of 28.02.2011 by which has been issued the Regulations for granting of temporary research fellowships for research activities on internally funded programmes, as amended by Rectoral Decrees No. 2471 of 02.10.2012, 3455 of 13.10.2014, 4674 of 19.12.2014, 2013 of HAVING REGARD to the resolution of the Department of Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering by which it is approved the call proposal for a public selection for the assignment of n° 1 temporary research fellowship to carry out the research activity, on a fixed-term basis, within the programme called "Innovative technological solutions for a High Schools Campus"; PROVIDED the financial availability,
Research Title. Identification and characterization of secondary materials to move forward in the circular economy process in road constructions Progetto di ricerca e Programma del finanziamento (Research project, financing fund) Programma di ricerca: Creazione e rafforzamento di “ecosistemi dell’innovazione”, costruzione di “leader territoriali di R &S – Spoke 5) Fondi MUR Missione 4 Componente 2, investimento 1.5 – PNRR
Research Title. Study of bone microenvironment in multiple myeloma patients Progetto di ricerca e Programma del finanziamento (Research project, financing fund) PNRR – M4C2 – I1.1 – Bando PRIN 2022 - Settore ERC LS7 - Titolo progetto: RandoMMness: the heterogenous spatial distribution of Multiple Myeloma unveiled by liquid biopsy (2022KMXK3W) - CUP D53D23013600006 - finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU. progetto contabile: GIUL_N_22_PRIN_2022KMXK3W_002_01 Durata: 12 mesi - importo annuale lordo (comprensivo oneri) 1° fascia - € 23.891,00 Duration of the contract: 12 months. Annual gross salary (taxes included) 1° level - € 23.891,00 Obiettivi della ricerca: L'attività di ricerca si basa sullo studio delle cellule del microambiente osseo nei pazienti affetti da mieloma multiplo per identificare i meccanismi fisopatologici e biomerkers di malattia e progressione. L'attività di ricerca prevede l'applicazione di metodiche di biologia cellulare, molecolare e di caratterizzazione immunofenotipica. Research objectives: The research activity invols the study and characterization of the bone microenvironment cells in patients with multiple myeloma too identify new pathophysiological mechanisms and biomarkers of the disease. The research activity includs the use of cell biology, molecular biology and flow cytometry methodologies.

Examples of Research Title in a sentence

  • Research Title Environmental footprint, projects: LIFE 16 ENV/IT/000225 and CLIMATE KIC MZCF, MEREZZATE +, DDMI.

More Definitions of Research Title

Research Title. ARTCAST4D: unleashing creativity! Horizon Europe grant agreement No 101061163"
Research Title. Automatic photogrammetric survey of complex spaces and architectures Codice Procedura / Procedure Code: 2020/ASSEGNI_DABC16 Scadenza / Deadline 31/08/2020 30.04.2015, 3398 of 29.07.2016, 8268 of 20.12.2017 and n. 6605 of 27.09.2018 and further modified with Rectoral Decree n. 3983/AFNI of 29.05.2019; A public selection is hereby organized to grant n° 1 temporary research fellowship to grant research activity, on a fixed-term basis:
Research Title. Performance assessment of existing buildings subjected to initial damage and deterioration Progetto di ricerca e Programma del finanziamento (Research project, financing fund) PNRR – M4C2 – I1.1 – Bando PRIN 2022 - Settore ERC PE8 - Titolo progetto: “FAIL-SAFE: near-real-time perFormance Assessment of exIsting buiLdings Subjected to initiAl Failure through multi-scalE simulation and structural health monitoring - (2022JFXE95) - CUP D53D23003610006 - finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU. progetto contabile: BELL_B_22_PRIN_FAIL-SAFE_01 Durata: 18 mesi - importo annuale lordo (comprensivo oneri) 1° fascia - € 23.891,00 Duration of the contract: 18 months. Annual gross salary (taxes included) 1° level - € 23.891,00 Obiettivi della ricerca: Valutazioni evolutive nel tempo delle prestazioni di strutture esistenti in cemento armato soggette a pre-danneggiamento o degrado. Stato dell’arte e analisi con approcci numerici del comportamento strutturale. Definizione delle principali grandezze atte a definire soglie di allarme misurabili tramite monitoraggio. Research objectives: Evolutive performance assessment of existing reinforced concrete structures subjected to pre-damage or deterioration. Data collection and numerical approaches for the analysis of the structural behaviour. Identification of data and alarm values of monitored parameters.
Research Title. Quantum variational algorithms for quantum many-body scar states
Research Title. Sustainable spatial systems: investigating the role of autonomous driving at the large scale Progetto di ricerca e Programma del finanziamento (Research project, financing fund) Programma di ricerca e innovazione: “Ecosystem for Sustainable Transition in Xxxxxx-Romagna” - codice ECS00000033, PNRR - Missione 4 – Componente 2 – Avviso MUR 3277 del 30/12/2021, Investimento 1.5 – Creazione e rafforzamento di “ecosistemi dell’innovazione”, costruzione di “leader territoriali di R&S” - finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU, progetto contabile Area Ricerca PNRR_ECS_2022_PERSONALE_NUOVO, CUP D93C22000460001, Spoke 4 Durata: annuale, rinnovabile - importo annuale lordo (comprensivo oneri) 1° fascia - € 23.891,00 Duration of the contract: one year, renewable. Annual gross salary (taxes included) 1° level - € 23.891,00 Obiettivi della ricerca: Il candidato sarà chiamato ad indagare le dinamiche di trasformazione dei sistemi di collegamento per la mobilità sostenibile integrata alla scala territoriale utilizzando la metodologia del Progetto Urbano Strategico per un insieme collegato di aree di intervento. L’obiettivo sarà quello di esplorare le potenzialità dell’introduzione delle variabili apportate dalla diffusione dei veicoli a guida autonoma in uno o più casi studio con l'obiettivo di delineare una strategia di azione, coordinata con le politiche urbane vigenti, per rendere la città più attraente, competitiva e sostenibile. Research objectives: The candidate will be asked upon to investigate the transformation dynamics of connection systems for integrated sustainable mobility at the territorial scale using the Strategic Urban Project methodology for a connected set of intervention areas. The objective will be to explore the potential of introducing the variables brought about by the diffusion of autonomous driving vehicles in one or more case studies with the aim of outlining a strategy of action, coordinated with existing urban policies, to make the city more attractive, competitive and sustainable.
Research Title. “Antiseismic dampers with adaptive behavior "
Research Title. “Building Information management and modeling (BIM) for assets digital transition"