NEGOTIATION Pavyzdžių Nuostatos

NEGOTIATION. 8.1. Invitation to negotiate The Procurement Commission has a right to invite all suppliers meeting minimal requirements specified herein to negotiation, if the Contracting authority is not satisfied with the tenders received.
NEGOTIATION. Negotiations will not take place.
NEGOTIATION. 8.1. If the Buyer is not satisfied with the provided tenders, under decision of the Committee, all Providers, meeting the set in these competition conditions minimal requirements, can be called for negotiation.
NEGOTIATION. 16.1If the Buyer is not satisfied with the provided tenders, under decision of the Commission, all Providers, meeting the set in these competition conditions minimal requirements, can be called for negotiation40 . 16.2Negotiation is made with all providers, whose tenders were not rejected. All providers are given the same information during the negotiation. Results of negotiation are documented in a protocol, individually written for each provider. 16.3Negotiation can be performed on all features of the purchased goods, including price, quality, commercial conditions and social, environment protection and innovative aspects. Minimal requirements, applied to the purchase object, tenders of the providers, evaluation criteria of these tenders and essential purchase contract conditions are not negotiated41. 16.4The Commission, having evaluated tenders of the providers, will notify all providers, whose tenders were not rejected, in writing about the time, when they have to come to negotiation.42 16.5During negotiation, the Commission does not reveal to the third parties any information received from the provider without his consent. Negotiation is performed with each provider individually, negotiation is documented in protocols. Negotiation protocol is signed by the Commission and authorized representative of the provider, with whom negotiation was held. In case the provider or authorized by him representative did not come to negotiation, the Commission makes a protocol including information about the absence of the provider, signed by all members of the commission. 16.6Final tenders of the negotiation are considered signed by the parties negotiation protocols and initial offers, to the extent they were not changed during negotiation. Final tenders are evaluated in the predetermined in these purchase conditions procedure. 16.7After the negotiation is finished and final tenders are evaluated, final sequence of competition tenders is approved. In case the provider was absent from the negotiation, initial tender of the provider who is absent is evaluated when making the final sequence of competition tenders. 17.1The Commission, having analyzed and evaluated the submitted tenders, determines sequence of tenders. Tenders in this sequence are arranged in the price increase order. If several
NEGOTIATION. 31 The Buyer must evaluate the risk, if the Provider, whose tender includes abnormally low price, will be able to fulfill adequately the urchase contract and ensure that conditions for distortion of competition are not established. The indicated in the tender too low price of goods, services or works is the indicated in the tender of the Provider price, which, in the opinion of the Buyer, can be insatisfactory for proper implemenation of public purchase–sell contract.


  • SUTARTIES DALYKAS 1.1. Nuomotojas įsipareigoja perduoti Nuomininkui valstybės materialųjį turtą (toliau – Turtas) ________________________________________________________________________ (nuomojamo turto pavadinimas, adresas, kadastro ar inventorizacijos Nr., statinio plotas, tūris, ______________________________________________________________________________ turto likutinė vertė ir kt.) naudoti ir laikinai valdyti už nuomos mokestį (toliau – nuompinigiai), o Nuomininkas įsipareigoja priimti Turtą ir už jį mokėti nuompinigius.

  • Sutarties kaina ir mokėjimo sąlygos 2.1. Sutarties kaina:

  • DRAUDŽIAMIEJI ĮVYKIAI 6.1. Draudžiamuoju įvykiu yra:

  • Pagrindinės sutarties dalykas 2.1. Pagrindine sutartimi Tiekėjas ḭsipareigoja Užsakovui tiekti Pagrindinės sutarties priede nurodytas Prekes, o Užsakovas ḭsipareigoja priimti tinkamai pristatytas Prekes ir sumokėti už jas Pagrindinėje sutartyje nustatytomis sąlygomis ir tvarka.

  • NEDRAUDŽIAMIEJI ĮVYKIAI 37.1. Liga kilusi dėl bet kokio įvykio pagal Bendrą nedraudžiamųjų įvykių sąrašą Taisyklių 60 punkte.

  • SUTARTIES ŠALYS Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės administracija (toliau – Savivaldybės administracija), atstovaujama Savivaldybės administracijos direktoriaus ______________________, ir (toliau – Projekto vykdytojas), atstovaujama ___________________________________________ veikiančio (-s) pagal _______________________________________________________________ įstatus, vadovaudamiesi Kultūros ir meno projektų finansavimo Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės biudžeto lėšomis tvarkos aprašo, patvirtinto Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės tarybos 2017 m. liepos 27 d. sprendimu Nr.T2-187 „Dėl kultūros ir meno projektų finansavimo Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės biudžeto lėšomis tvarkos nustatymo“, nuostatomis ir Savivaldybės administracijos direktoriaus 20____m. __________d. įsakymu „Dėl____________________________________________________________________________,_______,(įsakymo dėl programos projektų finansavimo pavadinimas) sudarė šią sutartį.

  • Pirkimo sutarties dalykas 2.1. Pirkimo sutartimi Tiekėjas ḭsipareigoja Užsakovui tiekti Pirkimo sutarties priede nurodytas Prekes, o Užsakovas ḭsipareigoja priimti tinkamai pristatytas Prekes ir sumokėti už jas Pirkimo sutartyje nustatytomis sąlygomis ir tvarka.

  • Draudimo sutarčiai taikoma teisė 9.1. Draudimo sutarčiai taikoma Lietuvos Respublikos teisė, jeigu draudimo sutartyje nenumatyta kitaip.

  • KITOS SUTARTIES SĄLYGOS 9.1. Sutarties Šalys garantuoja, kad turi visus šios Sutarties sudarymui ir vykdymui reikalingus ir tinkamai įformintus įgalinimus ir leidimus, įskaitant, bet neapsiribojant, bet kokius Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės ar jos įgaliotų institucijų išduodamus leidimus ar licencijas, ar bet kokius kitokius šios Sutarties sudarymui ir vykdymui reikalingus dokumentus.

  • Draudžiamieji jvykiai 3.1. Draudžiamieji jvykiai yra: