Nothing in this Eksempelklausuler

Nothing in this. Agreement shall require any Party to disclose confidential information, which would impede law enforcement, or other­ wise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of any economic operator.
Nothing in this. Article shall preclude the exclusion of any supplier on grounds such as bankruptcy, false declarations or conviction for serious crime such as participation in criminal organizations.
Nothing in this. Chapter shall affect the rights and obligations of the Parties under the Agree- ment of the IMF, including the use of exchange actions, which are in conformity with that Agreement, provided that a Party shall not impose restrictions on capital transa- ctions inconsistent with its obligations under this Chapter. på ikke-diskriminerende grunnlag vedta, opp- rettholde eller håndheve tiltak som er i offent- lighetens interesse, for eksempel tiltak av betydning for helse, miljø eller sikkerhet eller rimelige tiltak av forsiktighetshensyn.
Nothing in this. Protocol shall prevent the Parties from developing and implementing other relevant international agreements, including other specialized access and benefit-sharing agreements, provided that they are supportive of and do not run counter to the objectives of the Convention and this Protocol.
Nothing in this. Chapter shall require the Par- ties to disclose any information that they con- sider confidential. The Parties shall treat as confidential any information designated as such by the Party providing the information.
Nothing in this. Article shall require a Party to disclose confidential information, the disclosure of which would impede law enforce- ment, or otherwise be contrary to the public interest, or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of any juridical or natural person.
Nothing in this. Chapter shall be construed so as to prevent a Party from establishing or maintaining state enterprises, enterprises with special and exclusive rights and designated monopolies. Paragraph 1 shall also apply to the activities of public enterprises, and enter- prises to which the Parties grant special or exclusive rights, in so far as the application of these provisions does not obstruct the perfor- mance, in law or in fact, of the particular public tasks assigned to them.
Nothing in this. Chapter shall affect the rights and obligations of the Parties under the Arti- cles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund adopted at Bretton Woods on 22 July 1944 (hereinafter referred to as “IMF Articles of Agreement”), including the use of exchange actions which are in conformity with the IMF Articles of Agreement, provided that no Party shall impose restrictions on capital transac- tions inconsistently with its specific commit- ments regarding such transactions, except under Article XII of the GATS or at the request of the International Monetary Fund.
Nothing in this. Chapter shall be construed to impose any obligation with respect to govern- ment procurement, which is subject to Chap- ter 6 (Government Procurement). Incorporation of Provisions from the GATS Where a provision of this Chapter provides that a provision of the GATS is incorporated into and made part of this Agreement, the meaning of the terms used in the GATS provision shall be under- stood as follows: (a) “Member” means Party; (b) “Schedule” means a Schedule referred to in Article 3.18 (Schedules of Specific Commit- ments) and contained in Annex IX (Schedules of Specific Commitments); and (c) “specific commitment” means a specific commitment in a Schedule referred to in Article 3.18 (Schedules of Specific Commit- ments). Definitions 1. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions of Article I of the GATS are hereby incorporated into and made part of this Agree- ment: (a) “trade in services”; (b) “services”; and (c) “a service supplied in the exercise of governmental authority”. treffes av sentrale, regionale eller lokale admi- nistrative enheter og myndigheter samt av ikke-statlige organer når disse utøver myndig- het delegert til dem av sentrale, regionale eller lokale administrative enheter eller myndig- heter. 2. Når det gjelder luftfartstjenester, får dette kapittel ikke anvendelse på tiltak som berører luftfartsrettigheter, eller tiltak som berører tje- nester som er direkte forbundet med utøvelse av luftfartsrettigheter, med unntak for hva som er fastsatt i nr. 3 i GATSvedlegget om luftfarts- tjenester. Definisjonene i nr. 6 i GATS-vedleg- get om luftfartstjenester innlemmes herved i denne avtale og gjøres til en del av den. 3. Ingen bestemmelse i dette kapittel skal tolkes slik at det pålegges noen forpliktelse med hen- syn til offentlige anskaffelser, som omhandles i kapittel 6 (Offentlige anskaffelser).
Nothing in this. Chapter shall be construed to require a Party, including its procuring enti- ties, authorities, and review bodies, to release confidential information under this Chapter where disclosure: